Status: In the works :]

This Could Be Love

Fifi: Mirror in the Bathroom


2:23 am

I can’t sleep. My life seems to be so dreamlike lately. I feel like I’m watching everything play out, but I’m not exactly experiencing it. It’s like a two-way mirror I guess; I can see in, watch it all progress, but I’m not actually there. Is anyone who reads this blog going through the same thing? If so comment by telling me about your take on high school. I like getting the insight of others.

I’m in what everyone would call the popular clique/crowd/group of assholes (you get the idea). God I fucking hate that label. And pretty much everyone who see’s us every day is spot on about the stereotypes of the majority: we’re all either douche bags or sluts. And I agree, even concerning me. I want to change that, but how? When you are a senior in high school, and have become one with the mold you formed from middle school, how the hell can you get out of the hierarchy of this prison?

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Also, all of the chapter titles are supposed to be what the character is listening to as they are writing that blog post :)