Status: work in progress

Haven't I Been Here Before?

Chapter Five

Friday: the best day of the week. Everything that was good and lovely happened on Fridays. The weekend starting, a paycheck, sunshine, what more could a girl ask for? Today I was truly excited to go to work. Even Chris and her constant nagging wasn’t going to get to me today. Oh, she would try, no doubt, but I wasn’t giving in. The past two days I wanted to knock her socks off, despite the fact she was bigger than me. Today I planned to kill her with kindness.


“Hello, everyone!” I said cheerfully as I walked threw the door. Apparently no one else was feeling the love because all I got were awkward stares.

“Hey?” Kali said. She looked almost annoyed with it too. I rolled my eyes, not bothered by whatever was eating her. I put on my apron and started setting up for the breakfast crowd. I had quickly gotten into the swing of things around here and was no longer forgetting orders or breaking plates, thank goodness. Michael would’ve had Kali fire me if that had continued on, no doubt about it.

“Friday’s one of the busiest,” Chris told me in passing, “so I won’t be able to pick up your slack today.” I scoffed at the nasty remark. Whatever, I thought. She was such an evil bitch. Who knew waitressing was so cutthroat?


It was packed. I had sweat rolling down my forehead, and those morning jollies? They were long gone. Until this job I hadn’t realized how much I am not a people person. It was like my first day all over again! Everything was a whirlwind of people and every time I looked I was falling behind in some way. A dirty table this way, people needing to order here, and someone needing a refill there. It was driving me insane, and I couldn’t even be angry with Chris anymore for her remark earlier, because she really didn’t have any time to help me out. Not that she should need any, but still.

“Ms?” a woman at a table called next to me. I turned to her. “Can you get me some more water please?”

“Yes, of course,” I said, not forgetting my happy-happy smile. I took the glass from her and stared toward the kitchen.

“Is there a Laney Allen here?” a man in a uniform asked threw the mess.

“Here!” I called; wandering threw the mass of people and chairs.

“These are for you ma’am,” he said, handing me a bouquet of flowers.

“Are you sure?” I asked, confused. Why the hell was he giving me flowers? Did I even know the man?

“If you are in fact Laney Allen, then yes, they are,” he told me matter of fact.

“Do I know you? Why are you giving me flowers?”

“Uhm, well, someone ordered them for you.”

Oh gosh, I was dense. He was a freaking deliveryman! “Thank you,” I told him. And he turned to leave. The flowers really were beautiful.

I remember the glass in my hand and hurried back toward the kitchen. Once there I set the flowers down and got the poor woman her water.

“Who are those for?” Kali asked.

“Me,” I told her simply. I really needed to hurry with this water. I was probably extremely behind on tables. Chris was going to kill me.

“Oh. Who are they from?” she asked.

“I don’t know.” And before she could ask another question I was out the door.


After the lunch and breakfast crowd had left we finally got some breathing time. I couldn’t wait to get of my poor feet.

“I found out who those flowers are from, Laney,” Kali told me. Oh crap! The flowers! I had completely forgotten about them! They were probably starting to wilt and everything by now. Seeing my face Kali told me, “Don’t worry. I already put them in some water for you.”

“Thanks,” I said. “So how did you find out?”

“There was a card dummy.”

Oh. I was being so slow today! Why hadn’t I thought to look for a card or something? “Well, don’t keep me in suspense any longer. Who were they from?” I asked.

“Ryan,” she told me matter-of-fact. I groaned. Him again? I was so done with that. She got the card and handed it to me.

Laney, I’m so sorry for storming out the other day. Forgive me? I’ll pick you up for lunch tomorrow. Dress nice,

“Dress nice?!” I yelled, “What’s he trying to say?”

“The man sends you flowers and a card apologizing, saying he’ll take you out to lunch, and that’s the part you notice?” Kali shook her head at me.

I didn’t care. He should have apologized; he should take me out to eat. He should not criticize my way of dressing.

“Whatever, I’m not going,” I told her stubbornly.

“Uh, yes you are,” she said, giving me ‘a look.’

I shook my head, “No.” I wasn’t going to spend any more time with him than necessary. And since none was necessary, there would be no lunch. End of story.
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