Status: work in progress- ENJOY! :)

Triangles(The Anti-Squares)


Oh god you're beautiful! Please turn around! Please! I love you! Please just turn around and tell me you love me back!
A tap, tap on his shoulder brought him back to reality. "Damn it Ruby-Jean!" He turned in his seat to look back at his best friend, Ruby-Jean Way, a fare skinned beauty, interrupted by clouds of freckles, brilliant green eyes, and long, straight, jet-black hair that constantly falls over her face. Her scrawny body dressed to her preffered styling of a sk8ter girl.It was a wonder why she had no boyfriend! Of course she had to interrupt his transe of utter love.
Ruby-Jean handed him a folded up piece of paper that read, "Can I come over after school?" He handed it back responding, "Duh!" His mom was hardly ever home because she was constantly at work in her boring beige cubicle, filing away paperwork like a robot. He continued his puppy dog love with Munro Iero, his one and only(even though she didn't know). She was a beautiful shoulder lengthed, curly haired blondie, with smiling dimples to go with her light brown eyes, and short curvy body. Henry had been in love with Munro since she moved into the house across from him, in his suburbian cold-a-sack. He'd never even spoken to her before! But he'd often gaze at her from afar like a sucker! His sickening love was interrupted once again by the last period bell.
Walking home with Ruby-Jean occured often. She never wanted to go back to her foster home after school and Henry had nothing better to do. As they came to the front of his house he looked over at Munro's home where her car was parked outside, knowing that she was already home from school.
Ruby-Jean walked into his kitchen, opening his fridge, and grabbing a soda, as he headed up the stairs to his bedroom. His bedroom was filled with piles of dirty clothing, stacks of CD's and video games, and his walls were plastered with posters of his favorite bands, shows, and movies. He went and sat down at his desk which was beside his bedroom window that looked into Munro's room. Henry stared into her bedroom where he could see her laughing with some of her friends(male and female, which made him jealous). He heard Ruby-Jean come into his room, shutting the door behind her, and then plopping down onto his bed. He turned to look at her, and she was holding up a pack of condoms suggestively.
When Ruby-Jean and Henry were 13, Ruby-Jean had come over to hang out up in his bedroom, and she wouldn't stop complaining about how she had never had a real kiss, and so Henry made a pact with her that they would be make out buddies- No feelings what-so-ever! She had agreed to the terms, so the began making out constantly. When highschool began, Ruby-Jean made a suggestion that they become fuck buddies instead. So they began having sex all the time, and everywhere!(In the shower, on the sofa, on the floor, in the bed, and even on the kitchen counter!) Henry figured that even though he did love Munro, it seemed as though she always had a boyfriend, and he was still waitnig for the "right" moment to make his move, and he didn't find anything wrong with relieving a little tension once in a while.
He stared at his friend holding up the pack of condoms, then looked back at Munro's room, where he saw some jerk kissing her, which infurriated him. He turned back to Ruby-Jean quickly and pounced on her!He kissed her wildly! All the while imagining Munro.
He didn't waste any time! Tearing off her shirt, then heading for her belt, and unbuttoning her pants and then sliding them off, revealing red lace panties. He began kissing her more vigorously while unclasping her bra, revealing her 36B cup boobs. She began tearing off his shirt and pants, putting her hands down in his boxers, getting him revved up. He didn't want to wait any longer, sliding off her panties and his boxers, he lunged himself inside her making her moan a bit. They started out slow, gradually getting quicker. She called out his name. As she climaxed, she screamed. As he was pulling out of her sweat drenched body, she said the unwanted words, "I love you."
♠ ♠ ♠
I put alot of thought into this first chapter... ENJOY! :) and not just because of the sex scene!