Status: Back on Track :D

I Spun the Bottle

Chapter Thirteen- Part One

I Spun the Bottle: Chapter Thirteen-Part One

Song for this chapter: “Read My Mind” by The Killers

For the past three days, I did as Taylor threatened, and avoided David every chance I got. I also avoided Taylor as much as possible, although I didn’t have to. I just really wanted to.

However, trying to stay away from David proved to be a lot more difficult than I thought. Although we only had one class together, which was Math, David seemed to be around every corner. I didn’t realize that we saw each other that many times during the day, until now.

“I’m home.” I quietly announced, shutting the door behind me, as my whole body entered the almost vacant house.

My brother, who was sitting on the couch, watching some kind of TV show, popped up from his seat and scurried towards me. “Hey, do you need anything?” He asked, as he pulled my backpack off my shoulders, tossing it over his own.

I shrugged indifferently, nothing coming to mind. “No, I think I’m good. I’m just really tired.” I admitted, blinking lazily.

“Alright, do you need help to your room? Should I get an ice-pack?” He inquired, worry etched all over his face.

“Landon,” I sighed,” I’m not crippled. Stop acting like I’m going to break if I do anything on my own. Besides, my ankle’s not as swollen anymore. I’ll be able to take this thing off next week.”

“Sorry,” my older brother apologized. “I just feel like this whole thing is my fault.”

“How’s it your fault? If it’s anybody’s fault, it’s mine. I was the one stupid enough to go to the dumb party in the first place. Seriously Landon, don’t worry.” I smiled, encouragingly, patting him on the back.

He opened his mouth, probably about to counter my words, but closed it just as quickly. Eventually, he nodded glumly. I could tell he still didn’t agree with me.

Instead of trying to convince him otherwise, I continued down the hall to my bedroom. Once inside, I shut the door and hobbled to my bed, letting my body collapse on the fluffy, comfortable covers. I could feel my eyes shut almost instantly; too bad my mind didn’t agree with my body.

My thoughts traveled to the event that occurred today at school. The feeling of anxiety still lingered from when Taylor threatened me. I guess, I should be starting to get used to her attitude, but I couldn’t. Maybe it was because I believed there was a very microscopic piece of kindness in Taylor’s heart. I mean could anyone seriously be that…mean?

Knowing my answer, I sighed. Of course she’s that mean. She’s always been that way. She is after all Taylor.

Involuntarily, I felt my heart rate quicken as an image of a handsome face popped into mind. That face belonged to none other than David. I opened my eyes, shaking my head rapidly. Why was I reacting to him like this? I shouldn’t be. I really, really should not be.

Ten minutes passed, as I tried to confirm my feelings for David, finally settling on a friendship status. That has to be the reason why I’m starting to enjoy his presence. After all that thinking, I finally succumbed to weariness that had begun fighting over my rational thinking and slept.

The sound of two people arguing woke me up from my sleep. Raising a brow, I pulled the comforter off of me, and pushed myself up into a sitting position.

“I said she’s sleeping. Why can’t you come back another time?” The first voice seemed to be my brother, and by his tone, he was a little over annoyed.

“I told you that I need to talk to her now.” A somewhat familiar voice argued back, just as irritated as Landon.

“No, you really don’t. Now get out befo—Hey!” My brother interjected right before my door opened to reveal Taylor with my annoyed brother behind her.

“Hey, Nerd.” Taylor’s lips turned upwards into an evil grin.

“What are you doing here?” I demanded, anger filing in my face.

“Sorry Lyn, I tried to tell her that you’re sleeping, but she just barged in anyway.” Landon spoke up, shrugging his shoulders at me.

“Uh-um,” she cleared her throat, gaining both of our attention. “I believe she was talking to me and not you. Anyway, what did you say?”

That earned a grunt from my brother, and I bit my tongue, trying to ignore the not-so-nice-comment that was tempting to escape my mouth, and instead replied in a monotone voice. “I said, ‘what are you doing here’?”

“Oh, right. I want you to go shopping with me and Stacy.”

Stacy Daniels was one of Taylor’s minions. I didn’t know much about her, except for the rumors that spread around school like wildfire. For all I knew, Stacy could be the identical replica of Taylor, but the only difference was that she didn’t have something against me. Or did she?

Did Taylor share this kind of info with the other populars? Well, David, Jace, and Cam didn’t know about it. Maybe she wanted to keep this to herself? Whatever the reason was, the less people knew the better.

Realizing I hadn’t answered her yet I opened my mouth. “What?” I inquired, raising an eyebrow at her. “Why would you want me to go with you?”

“You’re going to be carrying my stuff.” She stated matter of factly, stepping into the comfort of my room.

My room felt as if it became colder with every step she took towards me.

“You want her to carry your crap like a freaking pack-mule?” My brother said, his eyes widened at the sheer bluntness of her words.

“Of course.” Taylor answered lazily to my brother, barely acknowledging him. “Why else would I want the nerd there?”

Landon stepped into the room, his face burning red with anger. “Don’t you dare talk about my sister like that. She is not your f*cking slave. Now, leave before I call the damn cops on you.”

I gaped at my brother, speechless. I couldn’t believe he actually blew up at someone in front of me. And that someone was Taylor, the girl that had something against me.

Instead of yelling or scowling at my brother, Taylor laughed. She actually laughed like what my brother said was no big deal. Landon and I shared a pair of puzzled looks.

“Oh, you’re funny,” she abruptly stopped laughing. “Look, if you don’t mind, I’d like a word her…alone.”

“Oh my good—“

“Landon,” I interrupted another outburst from him. “Can I talk with her?”

His eyes fell. “But...Lyn. She’s calling you names. Are you really going to let her call you that?”

“I know she is. Now can I talk to her alone? I’ll be fine.” I quickly added, when he opened his mouth to protest.

“Fine,” he finally agreed, shutting the door behind him on his way out.

I waited a few seconds, making sure that he had left us alone, before focusing my attention back to Taylor. She had walked to the other side of my room, and opened my closet door. Wrinkling her nose, she reached her hand out and grabbed one of my shirts between her thumb and forefinger.

Glancing at me Taylor asked. “Do you seriously wear this?”

“Yeah, what’s wrong with it?”


I smiled wryly at her, getting off my bed. “Thanks.”

“Yeah, so anyway, get up, we’re leaving in ten minutes.” Taylor clapped her hands together twice, treating me like one of her dogs.

“I’m not going.” I stated, simply.

“Yes, you are.” She frowned, dropping my clothing from her hands.

“No, I’m not. I have a lot of homework to do tonight. Why don’t you find David or someone else to go with you because I am not going.”


(Twenty Minutes Later)

“What’s she doing here?” The skinny brunette inquired, giving me a look like I was some type of alien.

“She’s going to be our…maid.” Taylor smiled, waiting for Stacy to unlock the door, so we could get into the car.

“Oh, right! I should’ve thought of that.” Stacy looked at Taylor as if she was some type of genius.

When Stacy clicked a button on the side of her door, the sound of the door unlocking itself became apparent. Taylor grabbed the passenger seat door to the black Nissan SUV, and pulled it open. Following after her, I opened the other door and entered the large SUV.

Before I could even click my seat belt buckle into place, Stacy pressed the gas and the car jerked forward. I jumped at the sudden movement, and fumbled with buckle. When I finally got it in place, I sighed, relieved.

It didn’t seem safe to be in a car with two populars without having a seatbelt on. Stacy scowled at me from the rearview mirror, and I averted my eyes away from her.

“Did you have to bring her? I mean, Jace would have been nice. At least we’d have something to look at.” Stacy commented, not even trying to be remotely quiet.

I frowned, but kept my gaze out the window.

“Stop complaining. You’re the one that wanted to shop for our dresses at the last minute, and she’s the closest person that I could get to in time.”

“But still, Jace’s house wasn’t that far. He’s only like a fifteen minute drive from here.”

“She’s already here, and we’d just waste more time if he came. Besides, Jace always manages to sneak away when we’re shopping.” Taylor replied, running her hair through her thick golden locks.

Instead of shutting up about the fact that I was already going to come with them, Stacy continued to bicker with Taylor about bringing Jace, and they finally settled on bringing both of us with them. I pressed my fingers to my temples, trying to stop an oncoming headache from fully forming. The sound of two very high-pitched, noisy girls was currently on the top of my annoying list.

I didn’t mind having Jace coming with us though, mainly because I’d like someone to talk to. It was pretty lonely, listening to Taylor and Stacy talking only about how hot this guy’s body is, and how this chick flick was better than that one. They literally talked as if they were from a clichéd teen movie.

Stacy’s SUV rolled to a gentle stop in front of a two story house at the end of the cul-de-sac, of which I assumed to be Jace’s house. Not even ten seconds later, a figure emerged from the front door. Jace strolled to Stacy’s car in a pair of dark denim jeans, and a thin plaid, zip up jacket. For some reason he could pull off the plaid look so easily.

Plaid was one of my favorite patterns on a guy’s wardrobe, and for some reason it looked even better on Jace. He was about to enter the car from my side until he noticed that the seat was already occupied by me. A grin broke across his face as his eyes found me.

“Hey Lyn!” Jace exclaimed, waving at me with a cute expression on his face. It was like he hadn’t seen me in three months when in reality it had only been less than four or five hours.

“Hi, Jace.” I gave him a small wave.

He jogged around to the other side, and entered the car from there. He buckled himself in and turned to me. “I didn’t know you were coming.”

I smiled wryly. “Me either.”

“Where’s my hello Jacey pie?” Stacy purred, turning around in her seat so she could see him clearly.

“Hi.” He said flatly.

She frowned, disappointedly. “So mean to your ex-girlfriend?”

“Ex?” I repeated, astonished that she was his ex-girlfriend. She did not seem to be Jace’s type…not like I knew what Jace’s type should be.

“Yeah,” Jace scratched the back of his head sheepishly as he explained.“We sorta went out for like two years—freshman and sophomore year.”

“The best two years of your life.” She grinned in what I thought was supposed to be sexily.

“Right…” Jace begged me with his eyes to save him, but I didn’t know what to do. I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled sympathetically.

Stacy opened her mouth again to say something, but before she could, Taylor snapped. “Could you drive? I don’t want to be stuck here all day. I need to buy something I can wear for my date with David tomorrow.”

As the last part of her sentence left her mouth, her eyes found mine, giving me a taunting look. Was she showing off that she was dating David? Yeah, well, I didn’t care… Okay maybe just a little. My heart stuttered for a second, but I refused to believe that meant anything. It had to be pity for David because he would have to go out with her.

“Fine, we can talk later, babe.” She winked at Jace, which he returned with a strained smile.

This was going to be a very, very long day at the mall.
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What did you think? Sorry it's short, I've been battling against this terrible case of writer's block, and I still haven't cured it completely. Anyway, for the next chapter be prepared for some Lyn and Jace time! :) Anyone rooting for them? :D