Status: Back on Track :D

I Spun the Bottle

Chapter Four

I Spun the Bottle: Chapter Four

Song for this chapter: “All or Nothing” by Theory of a Deadman

I sat in Taylor’s car, shifting uncomfortably in the new clothes she lent me. It made no sense to me why I had to dress up. It wasn’t like I was going there to have fun. Besides, I was pretty sure there’s a law against showing this much skin. I used my hands to pull down the mini skirt that was way too small to even be defined as a “mini skirt”. It was like as if I wrapped a layer of tape around my bum.

I leaned my elbow against the armrest and let my face rest lightly in my left hand.

“Don’t touch your face, you’ll smear the make-up.” Taylor ordered, talking for the first time since we entered the car.

I let out a frustrated sigh, but did what she asked. “I want to take the make-up off. Don’t you have any of that wipey stuff with you?”

“God, I swear, all you do is complain! I spent like twenty minutes trying to make you look at least noticeable, and you want to take it off now? Ugh, talk about annoying,” she said, exhaling a sharp breath as soon as she finished her mini monologue.

It was my turn to say something. “Look, I did not want to change clothes, I did not want to put on make-up, and I did not even want to go here! So, if you still want a ride home, just—just shut the heck up!”


“Fine,” I finished, closing this conversation completely. If she wouldn’t give me a make-up wipe then I would use, if I really had to, the freezing cold ocean water to take it off.

The ride was close to unbearable as we drew closer and closer to the beach. I knew we were close when I could smell the salty ocean. It tickled my nostrils as I inhaled a deep breath. The beach usually was a beautiful place, and I would go here all the time with my family when I was young, but now it looked ominous. It was dark, and if there weren’t any lights on from the street lamps then we would be in pitch black, darkness.

Taylor parked her car in the parking lot where there were about two dozen other cars. She hummed to herself as she stepped out of her Porsche. I followed her example, although I wasn’t humming happily. As soon as my door clicked into place Taylor pressed a button on her car keys, locking the doors.

“C’mon, square, move those feet.” She ordered, walking ahead of me.

I took a couple of steps and then stumbled. The high heels she gave me were killing my feet. I grumbled to myself for a few moments before stooping down and pulling them off my sore feet. This was a beach party wasn’t it? Why would you need high heels to walk in the sand?!

I held the high heels in my right arm as I tried to see where Taylor had gone. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion as I located her climbing up a rocky hill. The hill seemed to be about fifty feet high, and she was moving fast. Why was she going up there?

“Hey, square! Hurry up, you’re slowing me down.” She called to me as she took another step up the hill.

I nodded, watching her still in a confused daze. I didn’t think anyone would be able to climb up something so high in heels. Taylor’s heels seemed to be at least three inches and mine was only one and a half and I already knew I couldn’t make it up there if I had them on. I trudged towards the base of the hill and started climbing it just like she was doing. Taylor was already more than half-way to the top when I was about a few feet in.

I tried to use my hands and feet to grab onto rocks, making sure I didn’t trip and fall somehow. As soon as I made it about half-way up, Taylor had already finished scaling the hill. I groaned as I realized she wasn’t going to wait for me. I took a step up, and then I heard a plop sound from behind me. I turned myself around a little bit to see one of the high heels tumble down the hill with quiet thuds. I watched it with dismay, and then I used my hands to smack my head.

“Ow,” I groaned, after realizing that the other high heels had managed to knock against my skull.

Huffing in annoyance, I started my way down the hill again.

Stupid shoe, stupid party, stupid clothes, and stupid Taylor!

I used my free hand to pull down the skirt again, feeling self-conscious that someone would see my underwear. There were a few people down at the base of the hill, right where my high-heel was.

“H-Hey, can you...” I trailed off, when they glanced at me for a brief second before continuing to scale the hill,” or not. Thanks, I’ll just go get it myself.”

Step by step, I went down the hill, slipping a couple of times on the steep path. There had better be something good over that hill since I’m doing like an aerobic exercise just to get over there. Being preoccupied by my thoughts, I suddenly felt my feet slip off the dirt ground. I tried to use my arms to balance myself before I plummeted to the ground and tumble down just like the heel had done, but it didn’t work and I could feel my body falling through the cool air.

I waited for the impact to happen. I waited for me to feel the rocky floor scrap endlessly at my tender bare skin, but it never came. Instead, I felt something clasp tightly around one of my wrists. Then, I was pulled upward, so that I wasn’t standing diagonally over the ledge.

“Hey, you okay?”

I looked at around to see my savior, and my heart thumped when I realized it was Cam. The red head stared at me with worried eyes. His brown eyes searched my face, probably trying to see if there had been any damage.

“Are you okay?” He suddenly asked, letting go of my wrist as soon as he thought I was sturdy enough to stand on my own.

“Y-yeah, I just uh—tripped,” I replied, my voice in a near whisper. I turned my gaze towards the heel that stayed motionless on the floor. It was still at least five yards away from me, but now I was kind of scared going down now.

“Oh,” he said, following my gaze. “Are you trying to get that shoe? I can get it if you want.”

I thought about it for a moment. At first, the idea appealed to me, but what if he slipped somehow too? If he fell and hurt himself just because I needed to get that stupid high-heel, then I’d feel terrible. Besides, Taylor can just go get it if she wants to since she seemed fully capable of getting up on her own.

“No,” I answered, shaking my head side to side. “I didn’t want to wear it anyways.”

Cam responded with a shrug. “Well, wanna go up?”

“Sure,” I mumbled, turning myself away from the heel.

Cam made a gesture for me to go in front of him. I honestly didn’t know whether he wanted me to be in front so he could catch me just in case I fell again, or whether he just wanted to see if he could get a peep at my undergarment. If it was the latter, I’d never talk to him again. I pulled my skirt down once again, starting to feel self-conscious.

“Thanks, for catching me. I probably would’ve gotten hurt badly.” I called back, trying to fill in the silence.

A grunt came from him, which I took as a ‘you’re welcome’. The top of the hill was coming closer, and I could see a faint, orangey-red light emitting from the other side. A bonfire came to mind. Were they allowed to have a bonfire at this beach? I doubted it, but they weren’t allowed to drink alcohol either, and they did that.

For the first time I felt like a real goodie two shoes. Why was I so concerned about them drinking? It wasn’t like I was going to get drunk, besides, it was a thing that most teenagers did right? I felt even worse as I thought about how many times I’ve actually tasted alcohol. I’ve only tried it once, and it was at Christmas when my parents accidently gave me the wrong kind of eggnog.

“Hey, look, we’re at the top.” Cam pointed out, shaking me out of my thoughts.

A cool breeze brushed our bodies as I looked out into the ocean. It was dark, and you could hardly see the blue from the water, but the way the moon’s light glimmered against the salty sea made me smile in awe. It was beautiful, and being fifty feet higher made it even more breathtaking. I stared at the never-ending ocean as I took a deep breath in. The trip up here suddenly seemed worth the while.

Once I finally blinked away from the sea, I looked down to see a semi-large group of teenagers gathered around a bonfire. The beach’s shore was empty, probably because the water would be freezing at this time. The group of teenagers was making a pretty loud racket because I could hear their jumbled chatter from this high.

I then pinched my eyebrows together in confusion. Why did we have to climb such a high hill for? Was it just so we could get a nice view before going back down? I looked around the place and my question was answered. We were standing on what made up a rocky wall. The wall circled around the beach, and only stopped when it reached the water. This wasn’t exactly like a beach; it was more of a cove.


“Yeah,” I answered, noticing a fleet stone stairs from the corner of my eye.

I let Cam lead this time, while I passed a couple of glances back at the sea. Even if the ocean was cold, I’d still want to walk on the shore at least.

“So, how did sneaking out go?”

“Okay, I guess. I got a little muddy and Taylor made me wear this.” I said, rolling my eyes at my clothes. Hated, was a word that didn’t even come close to how much I hated this outfit.

A low, deep sound resonated from Cam’s chest as I finished my sentence. I assumed it was a chuckle. I couldn’t help but to find that sound attractive. I flushed, realizing what I was thinking.

“I thought that outfit wasn’t what a square would usually wear.” The redhead turned his head around to smirk at me. I couldn’t help but blush at his action. His smirk was cute—no it was passed cute. It was sexy? The word was new to me. I’ve never called anyone sexy before, but once the word popped into my mind it just fitted the description better than cute.

We had just reached the stone stairs and I took a step down before I heard a new voice.

“It took you guys long enough.” Jace frowned, showing himself from the shadows. He was a few steps behind me, and I didn’t even see him there a moment ago.

It’s because you were busy calling Cam sexy.

I felt my cheeks heat up slightly as I forced the thought away. Jace looked me up and down, not bothering to hide himself from checking me out. I felt extremely self-conscious at how his eyes lingered a little longer on my skirt. He was wearing a dark pair of plaid cargo shorts, and he had his shirt button up shirt was completely unbuttoned. My eyes remained a little longer on his stomach. It was well-toned, in the dark I could see at least a six pack there, but I wasn’t entirely sure. I let my eyes trail back to his and a knowing grin landed on his lips.

I had been checking him out.

“Stop drooling over each other.” Cam said, rolling his eyes at both of us. I knew it was meant to be a joke, but I couldn’t help my face from turning redder.

“Like you weren’t drooling the first time either,” Jace remarked, giving me a wink.

From there the two started bickering, neither of them stopped until we had reached the bonfire. The heat from the flames licked my skin as we drew closer to them. Everyone turned from their chairs to give me a cursory glance. When they realized I was a practically a nobody, their attention drifted back to their conversations. I couldn’t help but notice the beer bottles in almost everyone’s hands. The cooler that probably held the beverages was near a girl with an unnatural reddish hair, but it may have just been the flames changing her hair color.

She noticed me eyeing the cooler so she opened it and took out a bottle. I rose my hands up to tell her it’s okay and that I didn’t want one, but she took it as a I’m open. I wasn’t prepared for the toss, so my feeble attempts to catch the mid-air bottle failed. The alcoholic beverage fell into the sandy floor with a squish noise.

I bent down and picked it up, trying to wipe off the sand that was sticking to the perspiring bottle. I walked over to the cooler instead of chugging it to the girl like she had done to me a few seconds earlier. I opened the cover of the cooler and just about plopped in the bottle when a sharp command was barked at me.

“Drink it, square.” Taylor, ordered, causing me to gaze up at her.

“B-but, I’m supposed to be your ride home. You know designated driver.”

She stood across from me on the other side of the bonfire. The flames covered some of her face as she watched me with amusement. Her eyes were taunting me; almost as if she were daring me disobey her. Everyone’s eyes watched me as I made up my mind. I was put on the spotlight, and I didn’t like it.

“Do it,” she said simply, but a threat was veiled right underneath it.

David stood right behind her examining my every movement. He was fascinated by how Taylor was controlling me, and I right then and there I hated the smug look in his eyes. He must like how I can be pushed around by his girlfriend.

I turned to look at Cam and Jace, they both gave me what seemed to be sympathizing looks, but didn’t dare to try and stop Taylor. Even if they were acting like my friends there was a line they wouldn’t pass. That line held whatever Taylor had against them, and if they tried to stop her, they’d pay for it.

Truth was nobody could save me.

I twisted the cap off the bottle and pressed the mouth of it to my lips, and then I took a gulp, the taste of lemonade and a hint of something stronger slid down my throat, leaving a slight burning sensation in my mouth.

“Good job, square.” Taylor grinned, proud.

“Yeah, good job me. You gave into peer pressure, gimme a woo hoo.” I muttered under my breath, so nobody could hear me.
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I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :) Remember to subscribe and comment! :) It really does mean alot to me! :D