Status: New and upcoming

The Perfect Shot


“No!” she yelled.

“She’s crazy….”

The girl wouldn’t stop screaming. Lights were beginning to turn on. If I didn’t get out of here, they would probably suspect I’m trying to rape her or something.

I pick up my skateboard from the road and begin to take off.

Why are you leaving that poor girl here alone?

“Conscience, back off.” I retort back

Why was she alone in the dark anyway? Don’t you care?

I look back at the girl; she’s touching the broken camera with her tan little fingers. She’s curled up in a little ball in the middle of the road.

Sometimes I really hate my conscience.

“Ow!” I turn back to the girl who’s waving her finger frantically. Her shoulder looks pretty banged up. Blood trickles from the wounds on her shoulder and from her hands where she touched the broken glass on the camera. She waves her hands around again, and then flinches.

I can’t believe in doing this. I whip my brown hair out of my eyes and walk towards her.

“Hey are you alright? I’m sorry I crashed into you.” I kneel to her level, next to her.

She glares at me, noticing who I was.


I take the bandana I use to hold my smokes in my pocket and use it on her arm as a turncoat. She winces when I tie the knot.

She looks up at me, thankful. And then I notice, she wasn’t crying from the pain, she’s crying because of her camera.

Why’s the camera so important to her?

Her chocolate brown eyes look so innocent. Her black hair was cut short and she was dressed lightly for such a cold night in Greenway, Wyoming.

“I need to take you to the hospital. Will you some with me?” I say softly, sweeping the stray strands of hair away from her face. She glanced back and forth from the camera to me.

She really loves her camera.

Sighing I pick up her camera gently and walk over to my skateboard.

Her eyes look at me the whole time. I walk back to her and reach out my hand to pick her up from the ground. This time she accepts. She staggers a little; I let her lean toward me as I wrap my free hand over her shoulders.

Thank god the hospitals close.

We walk slowly along the sidewalk until we reach the hospital.

I checked her in and the nurse took her away to an examining room to be patched up.

The nurses looked at me funny and had disapproving looks on their faces.

“Great now they think I abused her. I knew I should have left her. Stupid Conscience"

You helped the girl from bleeding to death or getting raped by a stranger. You should be proud.

“Excuse me, sir?” I look up to see a nurse.


“She won’t let me do anything. She keeps asking for you.”

This caught me by surprise. I barely know her, and she wants me there?

See you dumbass, she trusts you.

“Shut up conscience.”

“Sure, I guess.” I bring the camera and skateboard with me and walk through the doors where she was held.

She was pressed against the metal bed hugging her knees, trying to move away from the needle the nurse was holding.

“We need to pump in more blood, since she lost a lot. By the way sir, how did she lose that much blood?” The nurse looked at me in distaste, like she thought I caused this shit.

“I was skateboarding home,” I lifted the skateboard right to her face, “And I found her there bleeding. She’s my friend so I took her to the hospital.”

Okay not a complete lie. I was skateboarding, and I did find her there on the road. Why the hell did I lie for her, I don’t know.

Probably because you think that they’re going to kick you out if you say that you don’t know who the fuck she is…?

I agree.

I have to stop talking to myself….

The nurse stared at me for a minute, and resumed talking. “We need you to hold Ami when we put the needle in.

Was that her name?

I walk over to her, pull up a chair, and slightly wind my fingers across her palm. She relaxes.

When the nurse sticks the needle into her arm, the slight touch she had on my hand turned into a death grip.

The nurse left the room shortly leaving me and Ami alone in the room.

“Thank you.”

Ami let go of my hand wincing as she tried to move the other one attached to the plastic bag holding the blood.


The creaks on the bed stopped and Ami was lying comfortably on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

“Do I have to stay –“

“No. you don’t. They’ll probably call my parents any time soon. I suggest you take off now.” She gives me a weak smile and takes the camera off the table next to her, “Throw this out, when you’re leaving, for me?”

“Are you sure?”

“Please, just do it for me.”

I took the camera from her cold hands and stride to the door.

“I guess I won’t ever see you again?” I said.

“Yeah.” She frowns slightly, or maybe it was my mind making it up for me.

I go out the door and holding her broken camera. It was pretty shattered, it would need a whole new cover and lens and considering it’s an older model, the parts wouldn’t be easy to find. I contemplate throwing it out, like she asked, but in the end I couldn’t drop it in. For whatever reason, I just couldn’t.

I ask a nurse for a bag and ride out of the hospital with her camera.