Emo love story

dylan your enemy

You were walking to your class but then Dylan walked up beside you . Dylan was your enemy . he always picks on you and every time you got a boyfriend everything would be fine until they talked to Dylan then they would dump you just like that anyways he was walking beside you .
hi slut how’s you today ? he asked
I’m not a slut you snapped at him
come down ______ he laughed
why should I you snapped again
because I came to ask you a question ? he smiled
what ? you asked
give me a second chance he said
that wasn't a question you told him
fine will you wait for me after class ? he asked
no you answered quickly
then you both walked in to class . you did your work . at the end of your class you quickly got your things then headed out your classroom just as you headed out of class Dylan was standing at the side of the door . you didn't think anything of it you thought he was waiting for his best friend James .so you walked past him .
Hi bitch he said while walking beside me
what do you wont ? you asked angry
I just wont to walk with you he said
you both went out of the school cause it was home time .
why ? you asked
because I just do ok just let me walk with you he said like he was fed up
you both lived pretty close to each other . he was only four doors away From you're . you both were walking down the streets .
_______ can I ask you a question ? he asked
if u must you replied
why do you hate me so much ? he asked
what like you don't know u said angry
I don't he said
yes you do your always picking on me , scaring my boyfriends away and cause you hate me you said stile mad
you finally got to your house so you ran to your door away from Dylan you were unlocking it .
I don't hate u _______ he shouted after you
but you didn't say anything you just went in your house and shut the door . you then slid down it and cried . the truth is you didn't hate Dylan you had the biggest crush on him ever since you were kids . you were playing in the park and Dylan was standing under a tree then you went over to him you two started talking and playing around then Dylan kissed you on the lips then lifted over time . he started calling you a slut and a whore then told people that you tried to kiss him under the tree you quickly snapped out of your thoughts . you got up changed out of your school clothes in to your night wear cause you didn't have any plans for tonight . you watched tv made yourself dinner then watched even more tv then you went to bed the next morning . you got out of bed took a shower put your favourite outfit on done your hair and make-up then went down the stairs grabbed a quick breakfast then out the door but then u stopped in shock cause standing at your garden wall leaning against it was Dylan . you just kept walking down your path when you got to were Dylan was he just smiled at you .
hi _____ he smiled
you started walking to school so Dylan walked with you
Dylan what do you wont ? you asked
to be friends he replied
you didn't believe him at all . you didn't say anything you just kept walking to school . Dylan kept trying to get you to talk to him but you didn't and every morning he would wait for you , walk to school and home with you and sit with you at lunch and break time . this went on for three weeks . you kept telling yourself that he's only doing this for a laugh . it was a Saturday morning it was so beautiful so you decided to go read in the park . when you got there you sat under the tree that Dylan kissed you along time ago . you liked that tree it was a thick tree so you could hid behind it . you sat facing the woods so none in the park could see you then you got your book out and started reading it then you heard footsteps coming from the other side of the tree you just thought someone was going to sit at the tree too then someone else walked up to who ever was sitting there .
Hi James a male voice shouted
you know that voice but you couldn't think
Hi Dylan James shouted back
you were shocked it was James and Dylan you just hoped that they don't see you there.
So Dylan what's up with you ? James asked
then it sounded like James sat beside Dylan .
it's _____ I think she hates me Dylan said
you could tell Dylan was sad .
Do you blame her you made her a living hell James said with a bit of a laugh
All I wonted was for her to notice me I didn't think she would like me and those guys weren't good for her they weren't treating her right Dylan said
they looked fine when I seen them James replied
but they cheated on her Dylan said
you could feel tears running down your cheeks
why do you care ? James asked him
did you know I kissed her ? Dylan asked
no when ? James asked in shock
along time ago we were kids and it was under this tree right were we are right on this spot I remember it like it was yesterday it's the first thing I think about in the morning , the last thing I think about before I go to bed and every time I see her all I wont to do is kiss her again Dylan said getting sadder you could hear it in his voice
Dylan what are you trying to tell me ? James asked him
I’m trying to tell you I’m madly in love with her I have been ever since I kissed her Dylan said
then why don't you tell her instead of stocking her all the time James said with a little bit of a laugh
what if ….. Dylan started to say but got cut off by James
stop wondering what if and just go for it before someone else does and you lose her for ever James said
when should I tell her ? Dylan asked
the next time you see her James replied
thanks dude you’ve been a big help but if I fined out you told anyone what I just said I will kill you Dylan said a bit happier
no problem dude god I’m going to pee myself James said
you were stile sitting there trying to wipe all your tears away
the bathroom is over there Dylan told him
no way dude it's to far away I’m going in the woods James said then standing up
you quickly wiped the tears away and grabbed your book to make it look like you’ve been reading it the hole time then James stepped at the side of the tree and stopped in shock you didn't look up at him but he must have seen the tears cause he kneeled down beside you and put his hand on your knee
are you ok ? he whispered
it's a lot to take in you whispered back
then you looked at him .
he realy loves you _____ he whispered again
i know that know you whispered
then go talk to him while i go to the bathroom he whispered
you just nodded your head as a yes then James gave you a cuddle then got up and walked back around the tree he must have started heading to the bathroom which is at the other side of the park .
hi James were are you going ? Dylan asked him
to the bathroom James laughed
but I thought you were just going in the woods Dylan said
I was but there's a girl at the other side of the tree he answered
that wouldn't bother you Dylan laughed
no it wouldn't bother me and it probably wouldn't bother her but I would bother you jams said then started walking off
how? Dylan shouted
look and you’ll see James shouted back
you could hear Dylan standing up and walking around the tree while you put your book down and just looked at the woods you could see Dylan standing there in shock by the corner of your eyes
__-_____ he stuttered
hi you said
Dylan sat down beside you .
so um...... how long have you been sitting here ? he asked
I was here before you were you answered
alright Dylan said
then looked down
so all my ex boyfriends cheated on me you said
yeah sorry Dylan sighed
so it wasn’t your fault you said
you finally looked at Dylan then Dylan looked at you too
so if you heard that part um..... does that mean you heard the rest of it ? Dylan asked like he was very nervous
yeah I did you answered
I’m sorry for making your life hell I’m sorry for not telling you sooner and I’m sorry for making you hate me Dylan sighed
I don't hate you Dylan you said
you don't ? Dylan questioned in shock
no I don't and as for everything else that's all in the past lets forget it lets just look forward you tell him
so what know ? he asked
well there's this …. you said
then kissed him on the lips he was shocked at first but then he started kissing back then you both palled away .
will you be my girlfriend ? he asked
yes you smiled
then kissed again
2 years later use were in the park sitting on the swings then Dylan got off his swing then kneeled down in front of you
_______ will you marry me ? he asked
YES u screamed
2 years after that use were marred and had three children you can pick they're names and sex
and at the age of 96 use both past away in your sleep and spent forever in heaven together .
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hop you like this one