Emo love story

hayden brothers best friend

You wake up on a Monday morning it was the beginning of the school holidays so you were really happy . no school , no homework , nothing but being lazy and hanging out with friends so u got up out of bed and picked your clothes out for today . you wonted to go for a shower .
you grabbed your things and headed out your bedroom along the hallway to the bathroom . you reached for the door handle to open it but it wouldn't open
Scott if that's I’m going to kill you you shouted throw the door
while banging on it with your hand . Scott is your older brother by two years .
it's not me Scott sniggered from behind you
so you turned around quickly and Scott was standing there
if it's not you then who is it ? you asked him stile angry
it's Hayden Scott answered
Hayden was Scott’s best friend .Hayden flirts with you sometimes but sometimes he likes bugging you so you sighed
why is he here ? you asked him
cause him and his parents fell out so he's staying with us until they make up Scott told you
"what" mum and dad is ok with this ? you asked
they love Hayden Scott laughed
that is true you sighed again
then the bathroom door opened . you turned around quickly and Hayden was standing there in a towel it was rapped around his waist he was stile wet which made him look even hotter . you stood there with your hands on your hips .
will you hurry up and for god sake put some clothes on you shouted at hayden
while scott just laughed
your so cute when your mad and don't put that act on i know you love it hayden smile
dude she's my sister stop flirting with her scott told him
hayden just laughed and walked towords the guest bedroom
i'll be in your bedroom once i get my clothes on hayden told scott
cool was all Scott said
then you went in to the bathroom took a shower and put your clothes on then went back to your bedroom . you did your hair and your eye liner once you were done you started getting hungry so you went down stairs got somthing to eat and made a cup of coffee
then went back up to your room . you sat on your desk eating and drinking while reading a book then your phone buzzed so you answered it
hello you said
hi huny can you put scott on the phone he didn't answer his own phone your mum said
fine you sighed again
you got up off your desk chair and walked out your room and a long to scotts room you hit your hand on the door it wasn't realy a knock but scott know it was you cause you always did it anyways straight after hitting the door you opened it not waiting for him to answer you . you just walked in . scott and hayden looked at you they were playing the x-box
mum wonts to talk to you and answer your phone next time you said while handing him your phone .
so scott took it he started talking to your mum while you leaned against the door waiting for your phone . you were bored as hell
you ok _____ ? hayden asked
just bored you replied
do you wont to play ? hayden asked
sure why not you answered
scott must have heard cause he handed you his contoller
i'll swap you ______ cause scott's losing i have to give you a bit of a chance hayden laughed
while handing you his so you took his while laughing with him . you were never really good at car games but you were having fun with hayden while playing the game at the end of the race you won .
shit _____ you bet me hayden said
all you could do was laugh . scott finally got off the phone so he passed you it back .
what did mum won’t ? you asked
she's not coming home tonight either is dad and I’m going to work soon so hayden can look after you Scott said
I’m not a kid i can look after myself you snapped
fine you can keep hayden company while I’m at work is that better scott said like he was fed up
what ever you sighed
you got up grabed you phone and headed out the room and back to your room when you got there a big smile come across your face so you quickly texted your best friend to tell her/him . you were going to have to spend time with hayden . she / he were the only one who know about your big crush on hayden . once you sent the text you jumped on your bed stile with the big smile on your face then your phone beeped so you read the text it read
that's so cool knows your chance to tell him how much you like him love ( friends names )
but what if he doesn't like me back you texted back
when you texted that the smile faded away in to sadness than your phone went again
who wouldn't wont you your the best girl / boy in the world love ( friends name )
that text made you smile again . all you could text back was thanks . you just lie on your bed thinking about was hayden after an hour or so . you got bored so you put your tv on and watched ( your favourite film )then lie back on your bed . you just started watching it when you heard someone nock on your door .
come in you shouted
( you couldn't be bothered to move ) . your bedroom door opened and hayden walked in
hi ______ do you mind if i come in your brother is getting ready for work he said
not at all you said
then moving over so hayden could lie on your bed next to you which he did
so what are you watching ? he asked
( name of favourite film ) you replied
really i love this film he smiled
then watching the film with you . 20 minuets later you heard your brother run down the stairs and out the door which made you laugh a little . Hayden looked at you confused
what's so funny ? he asked
my brother is late for work again you laughed
which made hayden laugh too . after you two had your laughing fit everything went quiet again all you could hear was your heart racing
hi ______ can i talk to you about somthing ? hayden asked
sure you said while trying to keep your cool
ok um... there's this girl that i realy like i flirt with her all the time and spend a lot of time near her but i don't know if she likes me back hayden said while keeping his eye's on the tv
you could feel your heart braking but you couldn't show it on your face
y-you should just ask her any girl would be lucky to have you Hayden you said while looking down at your hands
ok thanks ______ i will he said
you could hear the smile in his vosic then you felt him move then a hand under your chin which made you look at a hayden .
_______ i like you so much i know your scotts younger sister and I know I can be annoying but I’ve liked you since the first day Scott brought me to meet you I know your only 17 and I’m 19 but that shouldn't matter because I think your the one he said while looking in to your eye's the hole time
you were so shocked . the only thing you could do was lean in and kiss him .Hayden started kissing back straight away . you felt him smile in to the kiss too and that made you smile . after you two here done make out you two pulled away at the same time.
I like you too you smiled
then you two kissed again but it was just a little one
so what about my brother won’t he get mad at you ? you asked Hayden
no I told him along time ago that I liked you and he was cool with it Hayden said
that's good you smiled
then cuddled in to Hayden’s chest you two feel asleep like that . the next day you two wake up with the sound of someone in your room
well it's about time the person shouted
you both opened your eyes to see Scott standing there with a smile on his face. which made you and Hayden laugh until you seen the time 1 in the morning
"Scott" you and Hayden shouted
Scott laughed then lifted the room then Hayden looked at you .
o-yeah I almost forgot will you be mine ______ ? he asked
did you really have to ask and to get an answer ? You asked him
Hayden just smiled
"fine" yes I’ll be your girlfriend you smile
then gave him a quick kiss on the lips then you two fell back asleep
3 years later you two were out of your parents house and living together . you two were having a nice dinner when Hayden put a small box in front of you . you picked it up and looked at it
what's this ? you asked like you were confused
open it Hayden smiled
you opened the small box and inside was a ring
______ will you marry me ? Hayden asked
yes you cried
then hugging him
1 year later you two got married and your first baby is on it's way you can pick the sex and the baby's name
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