Emo love story

Trent the player

you walking in to school and to your locker you were putting your things away when someone grabbed your ass . you jumped and turned around quickly only to see Trent the player walking down the hall . he looked back at you and winked you sighed and turned back around. he did this every day and every time he walked pasted you but you didn't think anything of it cause he's such a player . you didn’t like him that much but all the girls/boys loved him every girl/boy wanted to be with him . He was the most popular guy in the hole school but you on the other hand weren't popular at all but you were rich but no one know that expend your best friend Sara . you two have been friends all of your life’s . you two where like family anyways after Trent crabbed your ass it put you in a bad mood like it always did you slammed your locker closed only to jump a little cause your best friend Sara was standing there .
“god Sara you scared me hafe to death” you said
all she did was laugh .
“how’s my sis/bro the day she cheered happily
“I was ok but know I’m not” you sighed
“what's wrong ?” she asked sadly
“Trent” you sighed again
“again ?” she asked
“yes again” you sighed
“maybe he fancies you” she smirked
“no way he's a player there's probably like 20 girl she does this too” you told her
“true” she said
then hooked her arm with yours then you two started walking down the hall way.
“Hi ___ wait up” a male voice said from behind you
you two stopped and turned around it was your twin brother Seth . Seth was standing beside you know and put his arm around your shoulders . you and Seth are very close . you two do fight sometimes but that's family for you.
“Hi ____” Seth smiled
“hi bro how are you ?” you asked him
“I’m good well apart from you lifted without me” he said acting sad
“I’m sorry I wont do it again” you laughed
Seth laughed too
“good how’s you ?” he asked
“I was ok until Trent” you sighed
“why what did he do ?” he asked angry
“grabbed my ass again” you told him
“what do you mean again ?” he asked like he was angry
“he does it all the time every time he see's her/him” Sara told him
Sara and Seth don't get on .it's only because Sara fancies Seth but Seth doesn't like her back .
“do you wont me to sort him out for you wee sis/ bro ( only by 5 minutes or so ) ?” Seth asked
“no it's cool it should pass” you said
“ok kiddie I’ll catch you later” Seth smiled
he kissed you on the head then lifted
“you know the way you two are people would think your going out becouse well you two look nothing a like” Sara said
she was right you two were twins but looked nothing a like . you just laughed and you both walked in to class . the day went on like it normallydid . you spent brake and lunch with seth , sara and some of seth’s friends ( seth is kind of populer too but not because he's rich peaple don't know that ) and in classes you would sit with sara and every time trent saw you he grabed your ass in class, in the hall way and even out side of the school . At the end of school you were waiting for seth so you two can walk home together and sara was waiting with you just outside the front door you had your back to the door and sara was standing infront of you . you two were talking .
“so what you doing tonight ?” Sara asked you
“nothing why?” you asked
“do you wont to meet up later at the mall ?” she asked
“sure what time ?” you asked
“about six” she smiled
“sure why not” you smiled back
“grate” she cheared
just then sameone grabed your ass and it made you jump . you looked at the side of you and trent was there . he was going to walk away but you pushed him . he stumbled a bit and bumped in to his friend that was standing beside him . they both looked at you . `
“what was that for _____ ?” Trent asked
you crossed your arms but that just made Trent laughed .
“is it cause I keep doing this ?” Trent asked
then he tried to grab your ass again but someone grabbed his hand to stop him . you looked to see who it was and it was Seth .
“stop doing that” Seth said angry
“relaxed dude it's just a joke” Trent laughed
then winked and smiled at you then walked away with his friend . Trent put his arm over your shoulders again .
“you alright _____ ?” he asked
“yeah I’m fine” you smiled
“that's good” he smiled
“I have to go i'll see you at six” Sara said
then she walked off so you and seth started heading home .
“what you doing at six ?” Seth asked
“going to the mall with Sara” you answered
“that's cool” he smiled
then you two got home you went and got chanced out your school clothes then headed down the stairs . you played games with seth and watched tv with him too untile 5:30pm then you headed off to the mall lucky it was only hafe an hour away so you walked . you were walking past an ally when someone grabed your ass again . you jumped and turned around and standing there with a big smile on his face was trent .
“hi sexy were are you going ?” he asked
“away from you” you fake smiled at him
“don't be like that” he said
you crossed your arms and leaned against the wall and sighed.
“I’m going to the mall with my friend Sara” you sighed
you really didn't wont to talk to him .
“cool so were is your boyfriend ?” he asked spitting out the boyfriend part
“what boyfriend ?” you asked back
“that Seth guy your boyfriend who by the way is cheeking on you” he smirked
you couldn't help but laugh so Trent gave a confused look .
“what ! your not suppose to be laughing when you find out your boyfriend is cheating on you” Trent told me in shocked
“Seth’s not my boyfriend he's my brother” you laughed
“what ?” he asked in shock
“yeah” you laughed
“he's your brother” Trent said stile in shock
“yip” you laughed again
you finally stopped laughing just then a tall guy came up to trent
“where’s my money ?” the guy asked
“your a bit early” Trent said kind of scared
“were is my £900 ?” the guy asked again
“hmm .... well i only have hafe of it i'll get the other hafe soon i promise” Trent said
you were so scared you couldn't move the guy was really big and very scary .
“sorry but that's no good i'll just have to take somthing else” the man smiled while looking you up and down .
Trent looked very scared .
“no leave her/him out of It” Trent shouted
the man moved closer to you then grabed your arm
"NO" trent shouted
“were is my other £450?” the man asked
you were really scared .the man's hands were all over your body you were shaking like mad . trent was scared too .
“if I don't get my money then i'll have to take this lovely young girl/boy instead” the man smiled
“NO YOU CAN'T” Trent shouted
then ran towords the guy but the guy just shoved him in to the wall trent was in pain .
“I have it” you shot out
"what ?" Trent and the guy said at the sametime
“yeah I have it in my pocket £450” you said stile scared
the guy put his hand in your pocket and grabed your money then pushed you towords trent who stopped you from falling over the guy counted the money then trent haned him the other £450 that was in his pocket the guy counted it then walked away.
“what the hell trent ?” you shouted at him
“look I’m sorry you weren't suppose to be here when he came he was early” Trent said while looking down .
“why did that guy wont money from you ?” you asked him
“because my dad borrowed it off him ok” he shouted back
“he could have hurt me trent or even you” you shouted
“I know and I’m sorry” Trent said
trent then grabed you and started kissing you . you kissed back you couldn't stop thinking how good he felt and how much of a good kisser he is then you two pulled away
“I’m sorry ____ I’m sorry you were here when that guy showed up I’m sorry he took your money and I’m sorry you hate me but I’m in love with you ____ always have all ways will” Trent said looking you straight in the eyes
“how am i soppose to believe that after what you did to all of those girls ?” you asked him
“I know look i only did those other girls because i waunted you to notice me” he said while looking down
“I did notice you before you slapped with all those girls i like that trent not this one” you said
“I’ll change i'll go back to being the old trent i promise your the one i wont and i promise i'll pay back all the money that guy took from you” he told me
“I don't care about the money i care about you that guy could have killed you” you shouted
“look I know i promise i'll get away from my dad as soon as i can will you please go out with me ?” he asked
“fine” you said
“cool um... can i ask you were you got that kind of money from?” he asked
“my parents have a lot of money” you answered
“that's cool” he smiled
then you two kissed again
After that day trent never slept with another girl apart from you . he moved out of his dad's house and into a house with you and seth. seth and Trent are best friends and as for sara she's not talking to you cause you forgot all about going to the mall ( you spent it with seth instead )
you two got marryed after coilage and are having a baby I’ll let you pick the sex and the name .
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hi i hop you liked my emo story please tell me if you want more i do have more .
tell me what you think of them i would really like to know what you think of them it would help me a lot