the house

the hose

Standing in front of an old abandoned house in the middle of a dark woods . The house was dark , old and creaking . I walked slowly to words the front door I reached for the door handle but the door creaked open . I walked slowly in to the house when I was right in the house the door slammed shut making me jump . I looked around the house was very old fashioned I heard something running around up the stairs . I walked to words the stairs I reached for the hand railing . I lie my hand on it . I stepped on the first step and it creaked I slowly walked up the stairs I reached the top of the stairs . I heard all the doors slam shut it made me jump I looked to my right all the doors were shut then I heard a door slowly creak open from the left I quick looked to my life . I watched as the door slowly opened . I slowly walked to words the door . My heart started pounding against my chest . I get to the door all I could hear was crying from the other side of the door . I slowly looked in the room it was dark and it smelt like damp . I looked to words the right far corner and there was a little girl about 6 years old crying . She had long blond hair and she was wearing a long white dress . She was sitting on her knees with the end of dress lying flat on the floor as a circle around her . She was holding a black teddy bear close to her chest I couldn’t see her face as she was facing the wall . I walked slowly to words her the floor underneath me creaked with ever step . My heart was beating even faster I stood behind the little girl . I never said a word I couldn’t the words were stuck in my throat like I was choking . I couldn’t even breath the only thing I could hear was the little crying , my heart beating really fast and the house creaking . I took a deep breath in then I lie my hand on her shoulder . She quickly spun around I wanted to scream but I couldn’t my eyes went wide in shock as I looked at the little girl . Her eyes had blood flowing from them . I started to back off as she started to stand up I watched as the blood fell to the floor with the puddle getting bigger and closer to me I started to back off quicker . I could see the little girl getting closer to me too . I ran to words the door but it slammed shut . I started to hit the door while the blood started to get higher and higher up my body . I stopped hitting the door . I turned around the little girl was standing right in front of me . She reached her small dirty hand up and put it on the top of my head . The blood had risen up to my shoulders by know . Then the little girl pushed my head under the blood and halt me down I struggled trying to get up but then I stopped breathing . The next day the family came home and screamed at the sight of my body lying on the bedroom floor with no blood on the floor or even in my body .
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this is just a random story that i made up hop you guys like it :)