Sequel: Glitter, Guts, Glory
Status: complete.

Sluts in Love


I think about Juliet while having sex with Rosaline. It's not right at all but I can't help it. But maybe sex isn't the right word. I think the verb fuck would go better because sex implies some type of feeling but fucking is just casual.

She's trying to catch her breath and I stub out the cigarette that I've been smoking the entire time."This isn't my shirt," she holds something up. And it's not. It's Juliet's. I shrug.

"So it's true then, huh?" she asks.

"Don't you have homework to get to?"

"I'm getting sick of this, Paris," she must be in a hurry because she puts the shirt on anyway. It's kind of tight on her because Juliet is skin and bones.

"I don't know what you want from me, babe."

"You know, I didn't mind this. I liked when it was just the two of us. But now you're out screwing Juliet. Do you know what she might have? Do you know what you might have passed on to me?" of course she's only thinking of herself. I start getting dressed too and light up another cigarette. "I'm going to Brown in the fall. I can't jeopardize that."

"It's just sex. God. It's not like I'm asking you to have my children or smuggle blow or start cooking meth. God."

She slaps me. The bitch actually slaps me. "We're done, Paris."

I almost laugh. "You can't end something that never began, babe."

* * *

I got some Fentora. Bitches love some Fentora.

Seriously though. Don't ask how I got it because I don't really know. I think I thought about getting some Lady K but that shit gets addicting. And I don't have the money for that shit.

I crush some up during lunch and put it into my soda bottle. Juliet sees what I'm doing and takes a few sips once I'm finished.

"Get your own, whore," I tell her. I need to start finding some synonyms for whore.

"You know that they crush up beetles to get that red dye in lollipops and stuff?" skinny fingers fiddle with a bruised apple. Harlot.

"I guess Pardee's over you, huh?" It's been what- two months? About fucking time.

She shrugs and takes another sip of my spiked soda. "It's almost sad. She was quite the cutie." Trollop?

"You think all of your conquests are do damn adorable."

"She was really special, though," she frowns and touches the necklace she always wears. It's really ugly. It looks like a square piece of silver tied to one of those elastic strings. "So many juicy details," she mutters. Prostitute. No, that doesn't work. That implies she expects money in return when she would probably do it for shits and giggles.

It's Thursday. The snow has finally started to melt and being in this school makes me physically ill. "I'm leaving," I stand up and tell her. I have three classes after lunch but fuck that. I'm feeling claustrophobic being in here. If I have to stay any longer I might just let a pick up truck run over my foot.

"Dylan's picking me up after school," she takes one last sip of my soda. Jesus. I should have seen this day coming.

"I didn't fucking ask," I practically snarl. Whore.
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it might sound crazy but it aint no lie baby BYE BYE BYE