This Wasn't Supposed to Happen

I'm Bella's half-sister, I'm part werewolf, I don't look like any of the wolves, I'm pale and freckly, and I have red hair. I recently moved in with Charlie when my mom died last year. I always knew I had a half sister, and we act just like sisters. We go everywhere together and we love the same things. Things changed when Bella got a boyfriend. Edward Cullen is a very gorgeous boy with a secret. He is a vampire, along with the rest of his family. I am best friends with Alice and Rose too. They love me. I love them too. I'm just like a part of the family. I'm also best friends with the werewolves on the Quileute reservation. Jake and Leah are my besties. Especially Leah, considering we're the female wolves. Needless to say I live a very hectic life. One night, I found Bella cheating on Edward with Jake, so he got enraged and wanted to tear Jake to peices. I told him not to do that, I told him to get even. He agreed, and we were having an affair together. Well one thing led to another, and I am pregnant... It definitely wasn't supposed to happen....