Ashes to Ashes

Darragh Callaghan and Oisin O'Donnell are two twenty-year-old Irishmen, who love their country. They have been friends since birth, and so, naturally, they do everything together. Both men join the Irish Republican Army, and soon become excellent Volunteers. However, everyone makes mistakes, and this one could prove to be the biggest mistake they'll ever make, putting their lives, and the lives of others who try to help them, in danger.


Darragh - "dar+rah"
Oisin - "o+sheen"
Grainne - "grawn+ya"
Diarmuid - "deer+mid"
Miceál - "mee+haul"
Aoibheann - "eve+een"
Caolan - "kay+lan"
Mairead - "mare+raid"
  1. Chapter One
    We meet the main characters, and we see a little of Darragh's fiesty temper.
  2. Chapter Two
    Darragh's crazy family and a dilemma.
  3. Chapter Three
    Darragh realises everyone has to do things that they don't want to.
  4. Chapter Four
    Darragh does what has to be done.
  5. Chapter Five
    Darragh gets a few things off his chest.
  6. Chapter Six
  7. Chapter Seven
    A frantic farewell, and Grainne gets a surprise.
  8. Chapter Eight
    Grainne does Darragh proud.
  9. Chapter Nine
    Diarmuid gets a visitor most unexpected.
  10. Chpater Ten
    Darragh and Oisin prepare for something that they dread to think about.
  11. Chapter Eleven
    "Do not cry, nor speak of me with tears."
  12. Chapter Twelve
    Little Miceál has a heartbreaking question for Grainne.
  13. Chapter Thirteen
    Darragh fights, and all for Grainne.
  14. Chapter Fourteen
    "But laugh, and smile as though I were walking beside you."
  15. Chapter Fifteen
    Miceál starts to fufill his promise, and tells everyone a little about his father Darragh.
  16. Chapter Sixteen
    Wherever you are, he will hear you. Remember that.