Status: complete(: sequel has been posted.



After an hour or so of practice of watching the boys practice Chloe’s phone started buzzing. She glanced at the screen and paled considerably. She stood quickly, escaping up the stairs. The boys didn’t notice, Alex’s eyes had closed again, and the rest of them were too caught up in the sound.

“Hello, Mother.” She said meekly.

“CHLOE MARIE DANSKE! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?” Her mother screeched through the phone. Chloe cringed and held the device away from her ear. She felt a headache coming on.

“I’m with Zack.”

“Well you better get your ass home right this instant! I told you two nights ago that your father had a company dinner and we were to attend with him. I don’t care how you get here just make it happen in the next ten minutes.”

“Yes, Mother. I’m sorry.” Chloe whispered.

“Don’t apologize!” She snapped. “It’s a sign of weakness.”

“Yes, Mother.”

“I don’t know why you do this to me.” Her mother sighed. “Can’t you just do as you’re told for once in your life? I don’t ask much of you, Chloe, can’t you just get one little thing right?”

Chloe’s eyes filled with tears. She felt awful. Her mother was right. What was wrong with Chloe? Why was she such a disappointment? It wasn’t that hard really, to follow her mother’s orders. Yet, time and time again, Chloe failed.

“If you’re not here by exactly 5:20 there will be hell to pay, do you understand me?”

“Yes, Mother.”


The line went dead and Chloe stood still for a moment, trying to blink away her tears. She knew her mother would make good on her threat. She hurried to check the time and discovered it was 5:02. She practically flung herself down the stairs, tugging on Zack’s arm with an alarmed expression, completely ignoring the other boys.

“Zack, we have to go.”

Zack looked at his cousin in confusion. She was still attempting to pull him up the stairs but so far had been unsuccessful. Her hands were shaking, her eyes wide with panic.

“Zack, now!” She urged.

“Chloe, what’s going on?”

“Mother called.”

Those two words were all it took for Zack to break from his trance. He threw his bass down, gripping Chloe tightly. She rushed for the stairs, Zack right behind her.

“HEY! What about practice?!” Jack yelled.

“I’ll be right back!” Was Zack’s reply and then they were gone.

Jack looked at Rian, who shrugged, but also held concern in his eyes. Alex ran a hand through his hair. Something about Chloe’s expression and Zack’s immediate response to her words had scared him. Yet another thing had been added to his growing list of unanswered questions, and he desperately wanted to know what was happening. What about her mother had terrified both of the cousins? Alex sank onto the couch, Jack following his lead.

“Think she’ll be okay?” Alex whisper was almost inaudible.

“Of course!” Jack responded calmly.

Rian gave Alex a funny look which Jack intercepted. He sent Rian his own look. It was pretty obvious what was going on. They both knew Alex’s history with girls, but Jack could tell something about Chloe was different. Alex wasn’t trying to put the moves on her. As long as he didn’t fuck the girl over, Jack figured there was no harm to it. Rian just shook his head. Zack was going to flip his shit when he found out.

Zack managed to get Chloe home by 5:18 and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. She offered him a faint smile and hurried out of the car. He watched her slip in the door before sighing and driving away, his head filled with worry.

“Mother?” Chloe called nervously as she shut the door behind her.

“GET IN THE SHOWER RIGHT NOW!” Came her mother’s harsh voice from the top of the stairs.

Chloe ran, tripping over her own feet. She stripped and rushed through a shower, scrubbing her cuts raw until they bled again. She poured more chemicals on them before covering them in gauze again. She viciously toweled her hair dry as she exited the bathroom. Her mother had laid out an outfit on Chloe’s messy bed.


Chloe jumped at the sound. She had no idea when he had gotten home, but she did not want to anger him further. She slipped into the dress, which hugged her frame, and flew down the stairs. She stood before her mother and father as they looked her over. Her father nodded, stalking towards the garage. Her mother pursed her lips in distaste.

“Chloe.” She sighed angrily. “Why is it that your clothing is always too tight? It makes you look like fat whore. You need to start running more. And stop stuffing your face. Jesus.” She snapped around, her heels clicking across the floor as she followed her husband.

Chloe kept her face blank, following after her mother. Her mother was right again, as always. If she wasn’t so chubby that dress would look perfect. Instead it hugged tight to her hips, creating curves that shouldn’t be there. Her parents sat quietly in the front seat. Chloe slipped in the back keeping her head down.

“Sit up straight.” Her mother barked.

Chloe did as instructed, averting her gaze out the window. She kept her mask in place as the car headed towards the middle of the city.
♠ ♠ ♠
Have I mentioned how much I love you guys lately? Because I do. A lot.
Special thanks to the following commenters: Helpless (it's one of my favorites from their early albums) and newyork_xo! Commenters make me a happy little chipmunk.(: