Status: complete(: sequel has been posted.



The house they pulled up outside of was lit up like a firecracker. People were stumbling out of the doors. There was puke on the lawn as well as cuddling couples. Chloe immediately felt uncomfortable. She hated parties. Marcus always found some way to blame her if she was hit on by guys or even talked to by them. He mainly used her as a trophy, something Chloe could never understand. How could Marcus be so proud of her? She was ugly and fat and not worthy of his love. But he loved her all the same, and for that Chloe was grateful.

She allowed herself to be tugged into the masses of drunken teenagers. Marcus had told her to leave her phone and cardigan in the car and Chloe felt extremely vulnerable. She knew the cover up had made sure none of her bruises were evident, but the lack of communication with the outside world made her feel practically naked.

They ended up by a keg and Marcus filled his cup to the brim. Chloe didn’t even try to take one, knowing Marcus would just snatch it away as soon as it was in her hands. She settled for a Diet Coke. She took a sip and automatically knew it had been spiked with an obscene amount of rum, but she kept sipping. If Marcus was going to get drunk, Chloe was going to get drunk. Maybe she would end up puking and all of her sins from earlier could be reversed. Plus, extreme hangovers always kept her from eating for at least two days.

Chloe glanced around at the sweaty bodies. There were a few faces she recognized from Towson, but they just shot her nasty glares. Most everybody else wasn’t familiar at all. She let herself be led around by Marcus and ignored his blatant flirting with the girls that crossed their path. Most of them were beautiful and thin, something Chloe would never be. She knew Marcus would be better off with one of them, and she tightened her grip on his hand. She would let him flirt, but she didn’t want to let him leave her, even though she didn’t deserve him.

Chloe started to become antsy the more time she spent at the party. She stood on her tippy toes and asked Marcus if she could step outside for a smoke. He looked her over before finally nodded, returning his attention to the stunning redhead in front of him. Chloe wordlessly slipped through the bodies, pushing her way into the backyard. More teens were staggering around out there, but a majority of them had partners with them and were more concerned with their raging hormones. Chloe went completely unnoticed as she lit up and inhaled deeply. That is, until a certain skunk haired boy bounded into view.

“Chloeeeeeee!” Jack was drunk. Chloe shimmied out of his hug.

“Hi, Jack.” She gave him a small smile.

“You’re so little, Chlo! I could fit you in my pocket.”

“It’s Chloe.” She mumbled, looking down. She didn’t like being lied to.

“But you need a nickname.” He whined. “I know! I’ll call you Chlobo!”

Chloe gave him a look. He started giggling uncontrollably.

“I think not, Jack.”

“Why not? It’s perfect! Cause Zack calls you Bo and I call you Chlo and they rhyme and its awesome.” Chloe flicked away the butt of her cigarette.

“You don’t call me Chlo, Jack.”

“Please! Please, please, pleaseeeeeeee!” His brown eyes pleaded with her.

Chloe scrutinized the puppy dog look adorning his features. She opened her mouth to respond, but it was at that moment that a drunken Alex stumbled out the door. He looked at the pair stupidly before wandering over, grinning like an idiot.

“Chloe, you’re here!” He cried happily, pulling her close in a hug.

Chloe inhaled his scent and then pushed away. Marcus was lurking around here somewhere, and Chloe had already risked enough by talking with Jack. If he caught her with not only two boys, but the two boys that had been with her this morning, he would lose his shit.

“I’m so glad you’re okay.” He eyed her with a soft gaze. “Is Zack with you?”


“How’d you get here then?” Alex doubted Chloe had come here of her own free will.

“I came with somebody else. I should probably get back actually. I’ll see you guys later.”

Jack and Alex watched the girl walk away gracefully. She seemed the float along, though they could both tell she was in a hurry. Jack turned to Alex who was standing there with a dumbstruck look in his eyes.

“Dude, just go after her.” Jack laughed.

Alex didn’t need any other word of encouragement and disappeared back into the crowd. Jack shook his head and tottered away.

Alex’s eyes landed on the back of Chloe and he rushed forward. She had a red cup in her hand and was delicately sipping it. He placed his hand on the small of her back and she jumped. She turned quickly, fear in her eyes. Alex smiled goofily at her, but she didn’t return it.

“Alex, I have to go.” She murmured, moving away.

“Wait, why?” He frowned. He didn’t want her to leave.

“I just have to find someone.”

“Let me help you.”

“No!” Chloe’s voice was panicked. “No, really, I can find him by myself.”


Chloe didn’t have a chance to recover from her mistake because it was at that moment the same pretty blonde from earlier that morning appeared and kissed Alex full on the mouth. Chloe looked away awkwardly. She didn’t like PDA. And she didn’t like the spark of jealousy that was ignited in her chest at the sight of them.

“Hi, I’m Lisa.” The girl smiled as she pulled away.

Chloe didn’t answer. Instead she just smiled tightly and turned away. Alex watched her leave with a desolate expression. Lisa quirked an eyebrow at him.

“That’s Chloe. She’s Zack’s cousin.”

“Oh, okay.” Lisa smiled sweetly. “C’mon, you owe me a dance.”

Alex felt Lisa tug on his arm and went with her willingly. His head kept snapping around but he couldn’t see Chloe anywhere. He sighed in resignation and grabbed another beer, chugging it in just a few seconds. He felt the booze take over and lost himself in Lisa touch. He pretended it was Chloe and suddenly everything seemed a whole lot better.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I fell down the stairs this morning which means no school for me and updates for you. Woo! Enjoy this video of my new favorite show.

As always, thanks to my wonderful commenters!:
sinnersneversleep and new_yorkxo (haha it's all because of you guys(: and because my characters have invaded my mind. I can't even sleep thanks to them hah)