Status: complete(: sequel has been posted.



10 miles away, Zack Merrick took a deep breath as he stepped out of his best friend’s door. Feeling the slight chill he stepped back inside.


Alexander Gaskarth stuck his head out of his room at the top of the stairs, one of his bushy eyebrows raised. Zack sighed.

“I need to borrow a sweatshirt.”

A huge grin broke out on Alex’s face. Without warning, Jack Barkat’s head popped out behind Alex’s. He had the same shit-eating grin on his face.

“Awwwwwwh, Wittle Zackikins wants to wear my clothes.”

Zack sighed again and ran a hand down his face. Jack stuck out his bottom lip and clutched his chest dramatically.

“But, Alex! I thought that I was the only one who got to get in your pants.” He whined and Alex patted his head like a dog.

“Technically, he asked for a sweatshirt.” Rian Dawson joined Alex and Jack at the top of the stairs.

“I guess that’s okay…BUT DON’T YOU DARE CHEAT ON ME, ALEX!”

Zack looked down at his watch. He pulled on his curly hair out of frustration and let out a groan. As much as he loved his best friends, he wasn't in the mood to deal with their high jinks right now.

“Alex, just give me a fucking sweatshirt. I have to leave.”

Alex stopped joking and frowned.

“Zack, didn’t you remember that we have band practice today?”

“Yes, Alex, and I’ll be right back. I just have to go take care of something and I need a damn sweatshirt to do it, okay?”

Alex held up his hand’s in defense.

“Woah, bro. Chill. Here.”

He tossed an oversized purple zip-up down the stairs and Zack caught it with ease. The three of them disappeared back into Alex’s room as Zack rushed out the front door.

“What crawled up his ass and died?” Jack mumbled. The other two shrugged and they returned to their video game.

Zack started his car, cranking the heat as high as it would go even though he was perfectly fine. He flipped on the heat for the passenger seat and drove quickly, fingers drumming on the wheel. Not even 15 minutes later he pulled over to the side of the road. A small shivering figure unwrapped themselves and looked up at the sudden noise. A huge grin broke out on Zack’s face, all his previous irritation evaporating at the sight of his favorite cousin.

Chloe’s grin matched his as she stuffed her Royals, lighter, and phone into her backpack. She raced to open the car door. A happy noise came from her throat at the sudden warmth and Zack pulled her close to slip the sweatshirt around her bony shoulders.

“Hey, Bo.” He smiled, holding her to stop the tremors.

“Hi, Mop.” She whispered, snuggling closer, reveling in his warmth. “I missed you.”

“You too, Little one.”

They released each other and Zack pulled away from the curb and turned the car around. Chloe reached for her backpack and Zack shot her a look.

“C’mon, Chlo, not in the car please.”

Chloe pouted, but Zack just shook his head.

“That’s not gonna work on me. And I know you just had one. Take a break, your voice sounds hoarse already.”

There was a deeper meaning to his words but Chloe chose to ignore them. She did place her bag down by her feet again though. A comfortable silence filled the car. With Chloe and Zack, there was no need for talking. They just understood each other. Even when ignoring the obvious elephant in the room, their silences were never awkward. Chloe watched out the window, content, until she realized she had no idea where they were.

“Zack, where are we?” She gestured at the unfamiliar terrain.

“Oh, shit! Sorry, Bo, I forgot to mention that I have band practice today. Do you mind going? I can take you home if you want.”

Zack knew how Chloe was in social situations. He didn’t want her to be uncomfortable. But Chloe smiled. She hated going back to that cold, empty structure her family called their ‘home’. And any moment spent with Zack would be a moment she spent happy, no matter the circumstance.

“I’d love to go!” She beamed, her voice uncharacteristically rising above a low murmur.

Zack smiled at her enthusiastic response until her hacking cough filled the car morphing his face into a frown. Chloe ignored her cousin’s expression and chugged some more cough syrup before her throat started bleeding. Another silence swept through the car.

They pulled up to Alex’s house, Zack getting out to open Chloe’s door. She shuddered in the sudden change of temperature. Zack wrapped his arm around her, rubbing her arms to create friction. She ducked behind him, grabbing hold of his shirt, as he opened the door, bringing them both back into warmth.

Zack walked a few feet before realizing Chloe was no longer behind him. He turned around to catch a fleeting look of panic cross her face before it became blank again. His brow furrowed in confusion but she didn’t move. With a sigh, he walked back and pulled her to his side again, dragging her into the kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Zack has arrived.(: