Status: complete(: sequel has been posted.



Alex woke the next day with a feeling of anticipation. If he was being honest, he knew it was because he was going to see Chloe today. Alex, however, was never a very honest kid, so he wrote it off as it being the second to last day of school for the week. He got dressed in a hurry and rushed downstairs.

“Well someone is certainly in a hurry.” His mother commented, sliding a plate of eggs and toast his direction.

Alex smiled before shoveling the food into his mouth. He swallowed it down with a glass of orange juice and kissed his mom on the cheek.

“I’m supposed to give Jack a ride.” He lied smoothly. “I’ll see you tonight!” He called as he ran out the door to his car.

Chloe’s morning started off the same as any other day. She had shot out of bed at 3:00 a.m., hunger and fear coursing through her system. The nightmare had invaded her mind again and she found herself in front of the refrigerator again. She reached for the blueberries first so that she would know when she had gotten rid of all of it and a Sprite to help speed the process along. Then she just blindly grabbed whatever she could, stuffing it all down her throat. The feeling of being full and content lasted a whole 15 seconds before the guilt and disgust took over and she found herself in front of the toilet just like every other morning.

When all of her stomach contents had finally been expelled, Chloe dragged herself back upstairs and changed into a pair of leggings and sports bra before sneaking out the back door to start her run. Her feet took her around the lake behind her house and then down to the gates that protect all of her stuck up neighbors from the ‘lower classes’. She slipped out of them before continuing into town. Without realizing it, she found herself standing outside of the house Zack had taken her to yesterday. She didn’t remember how she had gotten home, but she figured it was Zack. A twinge of guilt hit her stomach at the fact that she had fallen asleep during his band practice. She stared at the house for a few moments before shaking her head and forcing herself to run back ‘home’. Her vision was sparkled with black dots and her lungs were constricting like they would never let her breathe again when she finally opened the back door and climbed the stairs to her room. She collapsed on her bed, eyes instantly closing.

6:00 a.m. and her alarm was blaring. Chloe started at it blankly. Weakly, she slammed down on the off button. With an hour and a half of sleep under her belt she pulled her body into the bathroom attached to her room. She took a deep breath and stepped onto the scale, praying her binge this morning hadn’t ruined all her progress.

110 pounds of fat.

Tears filled Chloe’s eyes. She stepped off the scale, ashamed and disgusted. She had gained a pound since yesterday. She turned the shower to freezing, hoping to burn off some of the calories she had consumed earlier. Her eyes drifted to the razor she kept there just for days like today. Robotically, she dragged the blade back and forth across her thighs. As she watched the blood drain away her tears stopped. Chloe got out of the shower, drying her hair with a towel, and reached underneath the sink for the bottle of hydrogen peroxide. She sat in the tub and poured it down her legs, hissing when it came in contact with the fresh cuts. Then she wrapped them in gauze and drifted into her room. The clock told her it was now 6:25 and Chloe threw on an outfit. As an afterthought, she grabbed Alex's zip-up before rushing out the door. It was her daily goal to manage to leave before her parents and luckily she had succeeded today. As she walked towards the school, she lit cigarette and thought about the boys she had met yesterday.

She had known Alex and Jack as soon as she saw them. They were in her second period class. She had watched, slightly abhorred, as they had each taken three slices of cake yesterday. She shook the thought from her mind before she vomited again. She had heard the rumors about them as well, but Chloe never listened to rumors. She knew firsthand how wrong they could be. Rian’s face was unknown to her, but she had liked his presence more than the twin terrors. At least he didn’t yell. Or try to touch her.

Chloe lifted the cigarette to her lips once again. The crunch of gravel alerted her to an approaching car. It was the same car that had pulled over yesterday and Chloe glared at it in much the same way. The car, however, did not speed away. Instead it stopped and she was shocked at the face that appeared out of the window.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chloe Running.