One Step Closer to Your Heart

Sacrifices and Paybacks

~ Niall's P`O`V ~
It was a cloudy Monday morning. It completely set my mood, I was depressed. Today was the day where I'm about to leave my best friend for a few days, or sadly, a week, to fly with my mates to audition for the X-Factor. Last night, I set my alarm 30 minutes earlier, so I can spend as much time with Chanelle. We would walk to school, eat lunch, spend all our same classes together, and sadly walk back to mine and get into the car to drive to the airport. This is going to be a bucket full of tears today. I groaned when I turned to my side to turn off my alarm. Then, I awkwardly walked to my closet.

"Hoodie. Jeans. Nikes. Scarf." I got those stuff out of my closet and walked back to my bedside table and got Chanelle's front door key. Afterwards, I turned around to walk to the freezing cold bathroom to change, until I closed my eyes for a bit, and stumbled on my dirty clothes on the floor.

"Fuck." I just wanted to lay there until I thought about Chanelle. She's the one that kept me going. She's always been there for me. Through everything.

I got up, and marched to the bathroom. I did my hair, brushed my teeth, and walked downstairs. My parents weren't home, neither was Greg, so I grabbed a piece of bread and ran up the street to Chanelle's.

It was only 8 houses up and I made it there. I was still 15 minutes early, but I still wanted to spend as much time with her, even if she was still sleeping. I got the key out of my pocket, turned the icy knob, and quietly pushed the door open. I saw her mum in the kitchen, making breakfast, waving at me and smiling. I hugged, and kissed her on the cheek. Then I walked upstairs to Chanelle's room.

Her room was quite cozy, that, anyone could live there, in that one room, forever. It was like a whole house in one room. A not too small, nor too big TV, a full bed, purple thick yarn carpet, a dozen water bottles on top of her dresser, over-flowing closet with clothes and shoes, school papers under her bed that never got shown, and empty cans of junk food that we never threw away when we had sleepovers.

I sat down on the chair two feet away from her. I looked at the time. 6:29. One more minute of her relaxation. I waited next to her bed, looked around her room and watched her sleep. Her alarm started to ring, quiet leading to a loud ring. She laid there, still zoned out, and didn't move a finger. I was laughing to myself. It was quite loud, and it was right above her head. A few minutes passed, and I shook her gently and turned off her alarm. She groaned and pulled her blanket over her head. She was quite hard to handle in the morning.

I sighed and stopped shaking her. I thought of one way to wake her up. I pulled the covers and grabbed her by the waist, gently, and threw her over my back. She kept moaning and wrapped her arms around my neck. I got her clothes off the chair, and sat her down. Her eyes were still closed. I got a cup of cold water from her bathroom, and threw it at her face. She reacted right away. She looked up at me and was laughing and her face was pale, since it was already cold outside. She ran to the bathroom with the cup and I ran, for safety, in the other direction. She chased me around her room, with a refilled cup of water in her hand.

She gave up, playfully punched me in the arm, gave me a good morning hug and went to her bathroom to change. She wore her hoodie, jeans, and Uggs, and her hair in a ponytail. She made her bed, and we went downstairs to eat. I told her I already ate, which she didn't believe, and stuffed a smoked sausage in my mouth. She was laughing but I guess we were even now. We finished our food, helped my mum do the dishes, said bye to her mum and then went outside to walk to school.