One Step Closer to Your Heart

First Day Done, 10 More Weeks To Go.

~Chanelle's P'O'V~
With the boys away, leaving me alone in our hotel room, was quite an awkward, lonely, boring experience. I roamed around the hotel of the room, like an idiot, since there really wasn't anything more productive to do. Then, I decided to just take a nap. I opened my suitcase to find my blanket from my bedroom, that my father gave to me as a child. I dug deep, found it, and went to my tote bag to grab the teddy bear Niall gave me, when we were kids, and jumped into bed.

~Niall's P'O'V~
Louis was shocked when I told him that I started to like Chanelle more than just a friend. I don't blame him. He obviously could see that we were like brothers and sisters, and it just weirded him out. We haven't talked since then, and I'll be patient. The words that came out of my mouth probably hasn't gotten to him yet.

We were now heading home after hours of rehearsing, and we were all so tired. The boys, except Lou, haven't heard the news of my opinion on Chanelle, and I don't want them to know just yet.

We parked at the hotel parking lot and headed to our floor. Floor 3, Room 185. Liam took out the key out of his pocket, jammed it in the door, and headed inside. The room was exactly how we left it, but now with Chanelle taking a nap on one of the beds.

We were all pooped, and all we wanted to do was sleep since it was getting pretty late anyway. The thing is, there were three beds and Chanelle had already taken half of one. That meant one of us had to sleep with her. I turned back to tell the guys, but to my surprise Louis and Harry were already in bed on one. Liam was changing, while watching my confusing expression. Also, Zayn took the other bed.

"Mate, go with Chanelle. It wouldn't be awkward for you, right? You guys are just friends. Anyways, you slept next to her at your house when we were over remember." Liam told me.

I let out a deep breath, because he had no idea of what my feelings were torward her now. He shut off his lamp, with my light the only one on in the room. The boys were drifting asleep with myself, the only one awake.

I turned to face Chanelle, while standing. She was facing me, and her sleeping was the cutest thing ever. I went in bed, facing her as well. I stared at every part of her face until my eyes landed on her lips. My emotions really shouldn't be this strong about her yet. She's beautiful and thought to myself why was I thinking this now. I wanted to kiss her. This is totally weird. I wanted her. I stared until my eyes couldn't take it anymore. I slept good that night with my arm around her waist, bringing myself closer, our faces inches away. I didn't care if it was awkward in the morning for her, I was in love with my best friend.
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I was smiling throughout writing this whole chapter :))