One Step Closer to Your Heart

Strong Emotions

~Niall's P`O`V~
I probably woke up around noon. The sun was really bright, shining through the window near our beds. Our rehearsal wasn't until 5 or 6, depending on what time you wanted to come. I kept my eyes closed, let out a yawn, which opened my eyes to Chanelle's face centimeters away.

I kept my breathing light and soft. I didn't want to wake up that sweet angel face of hers. I stroke her cheek and smiled. My hand above my head, hit a fluffy small figure. It was Connor. The bear I gave Chanelle a while back. She absolutely loved that thing. I grabbed the bear, and put it in her arms.

I absolutely had no idea of what my feelings were toward her. We've been best friends since a very young age. We've never left each other sides. In school, we forced our teachers to let us be partners, even if it meant going to the principal for talking back. While growing up, and fake friends went away, Chanelle was the only one there. She was the only true, real, special friend I had. That's why she means the whole world to me. While I had my relationships, and she had hers, when it came to an end, we would always be each others shoulders to cry on and eat ice cream together. We would always sneak to each others houses, when the other was grounded. We did everything together, and those moments were the best things ever that happened to me.

But, if I ever ruin that by having a stronger emotion towards her, that would all collapse from both our lives. It won't ever be the same. Unless, she had the same feelings. It's crazy how this emotion can be this strong in just less than 24 hours. I decided to let time tell. I would still fancy her, but try not to show anything. I would probably be more jealous, or more protective. But, the main goal was to get her to fall in love with me, without showing any obvious signs. I'll do anything, and nothing's going to stop me.

I was looking at the ceiling, laying on my back, thinking of my "plan". A few seconds later, I felt her move, and stretch her arms, yawning, but my brain showed nothing for me to pay attention. I felt her staring at me, confused, yet smiling. She mimicked me, by laying on her back, with Connor on her stomach. I put my hand on my stomach, and from the corner of my eye, she did the same with a smile. I couldn't help but smile, and turn over to her. She turned over too, with a big smile this time.

"Goodmorning!" I whispered, trying not to wake up the boys.
"Goodmorning. How was your sleep?" She said, grabbing on to Connor.
"It was awful, cause you were here." Playfully joking, I said.

She laughed, grabbed her pillow, and put it over my face, slowly suffocating me. She then pulled the blankets, let go of the pillow, and wrapped me, into a burrito figure. I found a way to stick my head out, and lay on top of her, so she couldn't budge. I forgot she's been going to the gym a bit more than me, so in a matter of seconds, she pushed me onto the floor.

She let me breathe, by sticking my head out again, from my burrito, and stepped over me to grab her clothes, phone, and Connor.

"Goodmorning Niall." She said with a teasing smile. What a tease she is. That just made me love her more.
♠ ♠ ♠
They're so playful. Oh my goodness.