One Step Closer to Your Heart

Being There

~ Chanelle's P'O'V ~
Our school was only a ten minute walk from where our neighborhood was. Niall and I kicked stones along the way, gave piggy backs once in awhile, and played Truth or Dare at times. I didn't want those childish things to be over today.

I had a scary, realistic dream last night. So realistic that I woke up crying. I was dropping Niall off at the airport with his family. He turned around to look at us one more time before going though the gate. We exchanged smiles until the guard that worked the gate called him to hurry. My dream sped up to the time we saw each other again, a week later. I picked him up with his family, and with mine this time. We formed a line so we could each get hug from his arrival. When it was my turn, he ignored my presence and went to my mum, who was right after me. I was very confused and questioned him.

"I'm sorry. Who are you?" Niall said with a confused look appearing on his face.
"Are you kidding Niall? It's me, Chanelle. Neighbor. Your best friend."
"Emm, sorry. I don't think we ever met." He looked me up and down, in my eyes, shrugged, and turned to walk back to the car.

I was standing there alone watching my 'used to be' best friend laughing and walking away. I called him, quiet as a whisper. He was almost out the door. I called multiple times, louder every time but he didn't hear a thing. I was crying on the floor when I couldn't see him anymore. Then I woke up on my tear-stained pillow.

Back to reality, I was thinking about the dream when we were walking. I stopped on my tracks. He noticed, then stopped himself, getting worried and confused.

"You okay, love?" His blue eyes were shimmering in the sunlight that was starting to come up over the cloudy sky. His eyes were full of caring, wonders upon mine. He then started to get more curious because I couldn't speak from the tears forming in my eyes. I then couldn't hold it in anymore. I broke down. I know he hated to see me cry, but I couldn't help it. This was the longest we've ever been away from each other. Even at our younger ages, if one of us was sick, we would always be there. I couldn't be there for him this time in our lives. It's our senior year and I needed to focus on my studies.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me in his arms once my eyes were glassy and tears were forming. He stroked my hair and could feel him trying not to cry, because his breath was getting deeper. I was breathing heavily and dried my tears, since I couldn't pour anymore. I then started to feel tears sliding down my cheeks that weren't mine. Niall was now crying even though he was trying his very hardest to be brave for me. I was now the one who had to be there for him.

"I'm sorry for crying Niall. I have no idea why. It just came out. Probably because today, whatever we did, would be the last time we would do it until next week. I'm just...depressed. Because this is the longest we would ever be away from each other, and it would be the first, which is hard. But...I need to be there for you by being strong. I'm sorry."

He wiped his tears from his sleeve and gave me the most welcoming, warmest smile. That's all he wanted me to do, to be strong. He offered to carry my bag, instead I got both of ours, and got a piggyback.