One Step Closer to Your Heart

Mutual Feelings

~Niall's P`O`V~
Louis basically dragged me until we were out the front doors of the hotel. He stopped us both, letting the other boys walk ahead of us. Lou waited until they were out of the way, to the point where they wouldn't hear us.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"I haven't really talked to you about Chanelle since you told me. I'm sorry, just haven't gotten the time to do so."

"There's no problem about it, Louis."

"Well, since it's the main topic, what are you thinking? Like what is your plan? Cause you're basically risking your whole friendship."

"I know, I know. It's quite hard. You know, like not to show signs towards her whatsoever."

"I see. Just be careful of your actions. It's just the beginning of all this."

"I will."

He offered a smile and was about to turn to walk back with the boys.

"Hey Lou!"



"You're my mate, Niall. I'm always going to be here." He patted my back, whilst dragging me, again, to catch up with the boys.

~Chanelle's P`O`V~
The boys left without our signature hugs, but I don't blame them, since they were in quite a hurry. I finished up cleaning, then sat down for a breather on the island. I thought back on what happened with Niall and I, right before they had to leave. Was he about to kiss me? Was he just staring intently at my lips? My mind couldn't think straight.

I drifted away from the topic, and walked to our bedrooms. Suitcases open, exploded with clothes, all around it. Bottles of hairspray, hairbrushes, combs, socks, more food wrappers, socks with no pairs, boxers, empty power drink bottles, and tons were splattered on the floor, and on the beds.

I let out a huge sigh, and decided that there was always tomorrow. I decided to clean up the suitcases though, since, the boys would get furious thinking the other guys stole their stuff.

Niall's suitcase was closest to me, so I cleaned it up first, putting his clothes back, and refolding the ones not folded. I then spotted a bit of color shining at me. Being my curious self, I moved the clothes and there it was, lying at the bottom, was a picture of both of us, now, and when we were kids. It was similar to the photo I had on my nightstand.

I took it out, and stared at it for a long time. Stared at Niall for a long time. How his blue eyes were brighter from the flash. How his teeth sparkled. How he was looking down at me, while I smiled like a happy idiot. How his face was a bit red, from how cold it was that day.

My heart started to beat a bit louder, faster. My stomach began to feel weird, like butterflies were inside me. My mind began to make fantasies, about us two. Something that if best friends did, it wouldn't be normal.

Was is that I missed Niall, being gone for a few hours? Or am I falling in love with him?