One Step Closer to Your Heart

Feelings Become Mutual

~Chanelle's P'O'V~
Getting my mind off of my feelings changing, I turned on the TV and watched and ate until the boys came back. I looked at guide to see what would be playing in an hour, when the boys came. Completely ironic, it was Friends. I was so happy cause the boys never, not once, walked past the TV and not watch it, when it was on. It was the show that we all loved, and we bonded all together, having a laugh and spending time with each other.

Time passed by very quickly as the door flew open, and each of the boys came in running with their arms spread open coming to me.

"I hugged her first!"

"No! I did!"

"You pushed me!"

"Not fair!"

"Guys, stop hurting her."

Niall's so sweet. He then plopped down on the couch, my eyes following his every move. I joined him, then followed by the rest of the boys. With two couches, and 6 people, it was 3 and 3. Me, Niall, and Zayn on one. Liam, Harry, and Louis on the other. In the middle of the episode, it was at the point where we're literally crying from having a laugh. Not just from the show, but our bond, and how we can talk about our lives while watching our favorite show.

When we recovered, we piped down to here what they were saying now on Friends. Niall, in the middle, yawned then raised his hand to stretch. Relaxing his arm, by putting it around me. I got closer, resting my hand firmly on his knee. He looked down at my hand with a smirk forming on his face. He turned his head over to look at me, and I looked back. Eye contact, full on. We turned back to see the boys were staring at us; bewildered, confused.

~Niall's P'O'V~
Chanelle looked pretty excited and happy to see us when we stormed into the room. It was Harry's idea to have a contest to see who would hug her first. I knew the boys would go crazy, since we all have a competitive side in each one of us, so I chilled, not joining the contest. Although, I would make up for it after, of course.

Of course, being a best friend towards her, I told the guys to not hurt her, in a mental way, for this situation. I plopped down on the couch, knowing Friends was on, being followed by the lads and Chanelle.

I, of course, not being able to handle myself as much, pulled the classic "Yawn and put your arm around her". So I did, and taking a bit of banter, she put her hand on my knee, snuggling up closer to me. I turned my head to look at this lovely girl. She stared back at me, but what made me curious, was that I wasn't sure if her eyes dilated. It was probably just my imagination. I love her, but in my thoughts, I wouldn't think she'd love me back.

~Chanelle's P'O'V~
It's settled. My feelings have finally come to a decision. I love my best friend, Niall James Horan.
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If they act like this as bestfriends, imagine how they'd act like in a relationship. :O

I'm satisfied and proud of my story. 20 subscribers! 90 readers! Love you guys! I have so many ideas for this story, this is not going to end soon. I already know what the endings going to be like! It's going to be very cute :)