One Step Closer to Your Heart


~Chanelle's P'O'V~
The next morning, I woke up groggy, light headed, and weak. Niall was still asleep so I woke him up, gently shaking him. He woke up, confused, thinking he was late for rehearsals, when his eyes immediately shot from me to the clock. He realized it was still too early, so he focused his attention back to me.

"You alright, love? What you up early for?"

I tried speaking, realizing I lost my voice too, and had an itchy, sore throat. Giving up, I reached for his hand, bringing it to my forehead. I guess it was a little, too warm, since he jumped from the bed, startling me, running to the bathroom for a wet, cold towel and the kitchen, for medicine.

He galloped back to the bed, and pressed the towel against my forehead. With his other hand on my lower back, he helped me sit up, to rest on the backboard. He gave me a Tylenol pill, with a glass of water. We stayed sitting there for a few minutes; me praying that this awful feeling would be gone soon, and Niall watching me, feeling pity, bad, and sad for me.

Suddenly, he held a finger up at me, saying he'll be right back. I watched him get up from the bed, walking to his backpack, zipping it open very quietly and slowly, since the other boys were still fast asleep. He took out something rectangular, and a marker. I couldn't quite point it out, since it was too early, that the sun hasn't rose yet, and it was just pitch blackness.

Now in sight, it was a white board, and a marker.

"Knowing you can't speak, I thought this would be very helpful for you. You don't have to stay quiet all day. The writing out is a good thing for all of us. Knowing its sort of a communication is good enough for me. I can't have a good start in my morning without talking to you in some way."

I took the board and marker from his grasp.

"That was super sweet. Thanks Nialler. I feel the same way. But why do you have a whiteboard with you? Were you planning to get me sick? Haha (:" I wrote.

He laughed, making Zayn wake up and put a pillow on top of his head. Niall shrugged and told me, he likes to draw and makes mistakes a lot, so the board was useful for him.

I playfully pushed him, and continued to smile, and carry on the conversation with my whiteboard and his talking. He didn't mind at all. He didn't mind me ruining his sleep. He didn't mind staying up with me. He didn't mind getting up for a towelette and medicine. He was the greatest best friend ever.

A few minutes later, the medicine started to kick in, so I started getting warmer and sleepier. Niall noticed, and told me to lay down to rest. I had my hand stretched out, and he grabbed it and kissed it.

"You'll feel better in no time, babe."

He didn't let go of my hand, it was just gripping tighter to mine. I looked up, he had a smile on his face, with his eyes closed. I then closed mine, now interlocking my hand with his.
♠ ♠ ♠
What if Niall was actually like this in real life? :O

Oh my goodness. If he is, he would be the sweetest person ever. Sweetest best friend. Sweetest boyfriend. Ugh. Haha. :)