One Step Closer to Your Heart

First Kiss

~Chanelle's P'O'V~
Oh my goodness. Did he just say that? Was I in a dream? Was he in a dream? My mind could not believe the words that came flying out of his mouth right now. I was literally too stupid to think of what to do, or say; so I just immediately "woke up" and questioned him.

"What did you say!?" I said, a bit forward.
"FUCK! You scared the shit out of me!" Backing away from me, startled.
"Did you mean that?"
"Mean what?" He had a look on his face that was a mix of "Crap, she did not just hear me", "Deny! Deny!", and "Damn, you still scared me."
"What you just said"
"Chanelle, I'm sorry"
"Sorry about what, Niall?"
"I didn't want you to find out like this."
"It's fine. But did you mean every single thing?"
"Yes. I have been, for quite awhile. You're the main thing that's been on my mind, Chanelle. You drive me crazy."

At this point, I was literally blushing and looking down. From the corner of my eye, I could see Niall looking at me, admiringly. He lifted up my chin and said, "I mean it. You're the one who just stole my heart."

"Well, Niall. I have a surprise for you too."

He looked at me, not knowing what to do, since he felt awkward that his feelings were let out this way.

"I have feelings for you as well."

That's when Niall's eyes got huge, not believing what he heard. His blank face, turned into a smirk, which turned into a huge smile. His eyes were looking directly into mine, while I looked deep into his. I saw his eyes dilate and I knew that he was telling the truth.

We sat there, still surprised, still not believing what was going on. We were both thinking, "what happens now?". He had the answer. He lifted my chin up, his index stroking against my cheek, his eyes staring into my soul. He moved his body closer, and our faces were centimeters away. Niall stared down at my lips, then into my eyes, and back onto my lips again. "Niall..." I whispered. Before I could finish, he gently pressed his lips against mine. Concentrating on the touch of our lips colliding, he made it deeper, and I enjoyed every second of the full on passion going on. He broke the kiss and smiled at me.

"You have no idea how long I waited for this to happen. I love you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Signed on and saw I hit 200 readers and 40 subscribers! Thank you so much, it means a lot!

Also, what do you think is gonna happen for Chanelle and Niall? Xx