One Step Closer to Your Heart

Letting Go

~Chanelle's P`O`V~
I was doing my very hardest, whatever I could, to not cry. I didn't want to ask the time from Niall's mum. I knew she didn't wanna know either. She was very happy for Niall to audition, but she was just as sad as me to let him go.

I hate airports. Almost as much as I hate hospitals. Both of them are places where you're likely to say goodbye. It's all serious, and you're frowning the whole time, because you just let someone go. Maybe temporary, or permanent. EIther way, you're still letting go, and it's hard. Because there's always going to be that moment where you have to let go. This is going to be one.

Niall and I hugged for the very last time. I savored every second of it. We let go and looked into each others eyes. We were too afraid to talk, because the tears would spill, so we mouthed "Bye". I could tell in his eyes that his heart was cracking.

I watched him hug his mum and then pulled the handle on his luggage. I gave his mum a hug and embraced. He was strolling away to the gate, like a little kid on his own. I hope this wasn't going to end up like my dream. There was no guard so that wouldn't happen. He stopped and let go of the handle. I didn't comprehend until he turned and spread his arms, looking at me, straight in the eye. The biggest grin landed on my face and I ran in them. He hugged me so tight that made me never want to let him go. We heard the intercom saying the plane was here. We let go, and he ruffled my hair before going.

He disappeared and it was time to leave. His mum and I left, speechless, probably because our minds didn't convince us that he was gone. Niall's mum suggested dinner and I took the invite, since I had no assignments due the next day.

When we go out for dinner, we most likely would go to Nando's, just because everyone loved it, thanks to Niall. But, today, we just went out to a buffet, down our street. It was hard to pass by the restaurant without thinking of him. He'd always tell us that if he had enough money, he would name it Nialldo's.

We arrived at the buffet, sat down at an available booth, told the waitress our drinks, then got up to get food. It was like a Chinese/Thai buffet so everything was delicious. We were talking about school, her job, and our other friends of Niall and I. Mainly just our lives, and what we want to do.

It was getting dark, so we headed home. I thanked her for everything and just like everyone says, she told me "It's fine, anytime dear". I got the key out of my bag and pushed the door open. My parents were either out or still at work. It depended on the time, but since it was dark in the house, and I couldn't see the clock, I was too lazy to figure it out.

From the darkness, and my un-perfect eyesight, it annoyed and bothered me, so I eventually turned on the light. 7:24. My parents are out. Thank goodness. If they were here, one of them would mention Niall, and I'd break down. To get my mind off him, I roamed to the kitchen to make a snack, since I didn't eat that much to make me full, at the buffet.

I got out the salad pack that my mum always buys and decided to make some. Lettuce, carrots, chicken, grapes, and that parmesan sauce, I thought to myself. I put aside my bowl and cleaned up my mess and put the pack back in the refrigerator. I then got a fork, my bowl, and plopped down in front of the TV.

When Friends came on, I noticed that this was our favorite show, and I was sitting where Niall used to sit.