One Step Closer to Your Heart

First Day Without You

~Niall's P'O'V~
I got on the plane and found my seat. I was going to meet my other mates, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Harry in Manchester, since that's where 3 out of us 5 guys came from, so we all agreed on there. We wanted to audition in one of our hometowns so we would be familiar with the place.

The only thing on my mind was Chanelle. I wanted to be there when she was crying, but the reason of her crying, was me. She's still a baby, when it comes to crying, and I feel so terrible. I let out a long sigh. I wanted to Skype but I wanted her to rest. I will do it tomorrow.

~Chanelle's P'O'V~
I hugged my knees while I was crying in Niall's spot on the couch. I wanted him here, I wanted to be strong, but my body and heart couldn't handle it. Try having a best friend, practically your brother, be there with you 24/7 for 11 years and leave with no excuses, for a week. Pretty hard if you've never left each other sides no longer than a day.

I sat and cried for 12 minutes. I managed to get my plate cleaned, and had the urge to cry because we washed the dishes this morning. I got a tissue, and wiped the mascara running down my face. I turned off the lights, then went upstairs. I didn't want to touch the cups from the bathroom, and didn't want to look at the chair next to my bed.

I took a quick shower, and gladly put my pajamas on without looking at the cups. I opened the door, and darted for my bed, ignoring the chair. I was on my side and closed my eye for a good minute. I wasn't sleepy just yet so I decided to continue on the book that I was in the middle of. I opened my eyes, turned to my other side to turn on my lamp, and went back to my bedside.

There it was. Right next to my book was a photo frame. Inside that photo frame, was two pictures. One of them was me and Niall on Christmas at age 11. He had his pajamas on with his brown hair before he dyed it. Holding one of his favorite shirts that he loved at that age. He also had rudolph ears. He had the biggest grin, because he adored that shirt, and it was his favorite holiday. And his arm outstretched, resting around me. There was I, trying to get away from his grab. Still smiling with my hair drying from the shower. In pink pajamas, holding a plastic crown. That was our first Christmas together as best friends.

And the other picture, next to it, was last years Christmas. He now had a Santa hat and blonde hair with a light blue Polo on. He had a plate, full of food, with him hugging me. I had my hair dry this time, with a red festive dress with a Santa hat as well. I was hugging him back, with my phone in one hand, laughing. He was looking down at me like it was funny watching me laugh. I was laughing at Niall's mum, behind the camera, making a funny face, to make me laugh. It worked.

I smiled at the photo and suddenly became tired. I put the frame closer and turned off my lamp. I wanna be strong. I don't wanna put myself down just for this. He'll be back before I know it.