My Soldiers

Only One

She paced back and forth. Waiting on a phone call, text, email, anything.
“Zo pacing isn’t gonna help anything. It’s just gonna stress you out more.” Zoey’s best friend Mason wrapped his arms around her shoulders and led her to the couch.
“But Mase,” she tried to protest but Mason stopped her.
“I’m sure they’re fine, quit freaking.” She sighed and leaned into Mason’s embrace. Zoey finally started to relax.
Then her phone rang. Zack.
“Hey Zack.”
“Hey Zo I got great news!” She could hear his excitement, even from 3,000 miles apart.
“What’s that Zee?”
“My commander said Jack and I can come home for Christmas.” Zoey could feel that smile stretching across her face.
“Really sis. See you in two days.”
“Okay. I love you Zack.”
“Love you too Zo, bye.”
Mason could tell by the smile on Zoey’s face something good was finally gonna happen to Zoey.
“So what’s up Zoey?” She turned to her best friend.
“Zack and Jay are coming home for Christmas!” She nearly squealed. Mason grinned, picked her up, and spun her around.
“See I told you it was all gonna be okay.”
*2 Days Later*
Zoey stood nervously in the airport terminal clutching Mason’s hand. Who would’ve complained if it weren’t such a big day for her.
All in two seconds Mason felt her let go of his hand and saw her jumping into her brother’s arms.
“Zoey.” Zack’s strong arms were wrapped tightly around her as they just stood there holding the other.
“Ahem.” The two siblings broke apart. “Where’s my Hollywood hello?”
Zoey simply laughed and then wrapped her arms around her fiancé and kissed him.
“I missed you Jay.”
“I missed you too Zo.”
Zoey walked out hand in hand with her two soldiers, who she was the proudest of.
At Zoey and Jack’s wedding the following year she could be quoted in saying. “I’m the most proud of my husband and brother. They are and brave and have kept us free. Zack’s always been the best big brother in protecting me and now he’s protecting not only me but everyone here. And Jack, my sweet Jack, the best man a woman could ask for. I’ve always felt safe with him by my side. And now a lot of people get to have that same feeling. Its scary having two people I love being in the service, but I know it’s worth every minute of waiting.
I love you both and thank you for keeping me and everyone who lives in this great country safe.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This was supposed to be up on Friday, to honor all of our veterans.
Thank you to all that have/are/will be serving in the military.
Especially to my brother, who will hopefully be at West Point this time next year. =)