That One Night

Zacky's POV

~Chapter 12
Zacky's POV
As we walked into the woods, I noticed Anna sighed.
"You alright babe?" I asked.
"Just worried." She said.
"About what?" I asked concerned.
"I just don't want anyone to get hurt. I know the two people she is going to go after is Matt and Ella, and I can't loose Ella. I don't think I could stand seeing Ella heart broken." She said in tears thinking about it.
"Don't cry Anna! I'm sure everything will be okay." I said hugging her close and kissing her.
Just then I heard a branch break.
"Did you hear that?" I asked wondering if it was just me who heard it.
"Yeah." She said standing behind me.
We found out it was Matt and Ella.
"Hey guys." I said as Anna gave Ella a hug.
"Well we aren't gonna find her if we are all in one group." Matt said laughing.
"Alright we'll go this way." I said pointing to the left.
As we walked, I saw Leanna hop from one tree branch to the other and jumped to the ground. I went to charge after her when Anna grabbed my arm.
"You heard what Johnny said! Don't go after her until they get here!" She said.
"Anna, she'll be gone by the time they get here." I said going after her.
I got ahold of Leanna's shirt. I tried to get her on the ground but she some how got ahold of me and threw me as hard as she could against a tree. I was sure I had a concussion at this point and maybe a broken arm.
"Anna!" I screamed.
I needed time to recover. Anna ran over an yanked Leanna off of me. She grabbed the phone out of my pocket and called Matt. After that Leanna left.
"Zack, I told you to wait! I could've lost you!" She said in tears.
"Look Anna, I know I'm a dumb ass. I'm sorry. I should've listened to you." I said standing up and holding her in my arms.
"Where the hell did she go?!" Matt said.
Everyone else showed up after that.
"What the hell Zack! You could've gotten yourself killed!" Jimmy said.
"Wait guys. He only did this because by the time we would've gotten here, she would've been long gone." Brian said restating what I had said to Anna.
"Common. Let's just go home for the night and try again tomorrow." Johnny said.
As we drove to the house Anna was quiet. I hoped she wasn't mad at me.
"Anna, I'm-" She cut me off.
"Don't be sorry Zacky. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I was just afraid of loosing you." She said.
"You'll never loose me." I said pulling into the driveway and giving her a kiss.
"I love you." She said looking at me with her blue eyes she wished were green, but I liked them just as they were.
"I love you too Anna"
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This ones for you Abby(: I love you V.