That One Night

We Need To Talk

~Chapter 3
That first night with him, understanding everything he said, made me feel a little better now that I knew what was going on.
"Ella, come downstairs. There's someone here I want you to meet."
"Okay." I said following him down the stairs.
As I walk down the steps I see Anna and Zack. Zack had been Anna's crush forever. She had only talked to him a few times, but I guess that's all it took for her to know he was the one.
"Hi Ellla. I'm Zacky." He said with his green eyes sparkling.
"Yeah I know you. We've talked before." I said smiling.
"Did he...Is he a v-" I said whispering in Matt's ear.
"Yeah he's one of us, and as for Anna, He plans to change her soon." He said looking kind of worried.
"Anna, can I talk to you?" I said wanting to tell her that I was a vampire.
I'll let Zack explain the rest to her though.
"Yeah. Sure." She said looking concerned.
As we walked to the other room we talked about her and Zack's date together.
"He is so sweet Ella! He booked the whole restaurant just for us!" She said with a huge smile on her face.
Seeing her happy made me even happier for her.
"Anna. Can I tell you something?"
"Yeah, what is it El'?" She said looking a little worried now.
"I-I really can't explain this, so I'll just say it. I'm a vampire Anna." I said watching her facial expressions change.
"What? Your kidding right?" She said almost laughing at this point.
I had to show her the bite mark. It was the only way she would believe me.
"Anna. Look at this. Do you think I'm kidding now?!" I said wanting her to believe me, and she did.
"How? Ella who did this to you?" She said worried.
"Matt. Don't say anything to anyone Anna! Not even him!" I said hoping she wouldn't, but I knew Anna.
She didn't ever give away secrets.
"Do your parents..." I cut her off.
"No. I don't plan on telling them either."
"Good. They'd flip!" She said looking relieved. Zack and Anna left.
Zacky had a few things to explain and do.
"Are there anymore I should know about?" I said jokingly to Matt.
"Actually yes. Three more of them. Brian, Johnny, and Jimmy." He said laughing with his amazing smile.