That One Night


~Chapter 9
Well we didn't plan on spending the who night at the bar, so eventually we ended up going to the house. The guys tried as hard as they could to jog Brian's memory back. It was no use though. Brian couldn't remember anything that had happened when he had that necklace on. That next morning me and Anna talked some more on the back porch.
"So are you mad at Brian?" Anna asked.
"No. I mean he had no control as to what he was doing, so why should I be mad?" I said feeling bad for Brian.
"I was just asking. He thinks your mad at him, and he says he is really truly sorry." She said looking at the screen door.
Brian was standing in the door way.
'He must have just woke up.' I said to myself.
"Um... Anna can I talk to Ella alone for a second?" Brian said looking sad.
"Sure. Take all the time you need." She said smiling.
"What's up?" I said acting as if it was just a normal day.
"Ella, I don't know what I did to you, but if I hurt you in anyway, I am truly sorry." He said looking down.
"Brian, I don't blame you for any of his." I said as he lifted his face to look at me.
"I mean don't get me wrong, I am jealous that Matt found his true love and I haven't yet." He said giggling.
But, I would never try to separate you two."
"I believe you." I said hugging him.
We walked into the house to see that everyone was awake, and Jimmy was making breakfast for everyone.
"Good morning baby." Matt said hugging me around me waist and kissing me.
"Good morning." I said turning around to face him.
"I kind of need to talk to you about something." I said walking on to the porch as he followed.
"What is it El'?" He said concerned.
"Brian feels alone in this situation. He's overwhelmed by all the questions. He told me he tried so hard to remember what happened. In other words, he doesn't feel like you all believe him." I said remembering our conversation.
"I believe him. It's just we have a lot of questions that need to be answered. I'll talk to him about it though." He said.
"No. He told me not to tell you guys, but I figured you'd want to know what's on his mind. You guys should bring him to the bar like you used to. Have a good time. I'm sure he'd enjoy that." I said smiling.
"Will you and Anna be okay here without us?" He said.
"We're big girls. I think we can handle it." I said kissing him as we walked inside.
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Comments anyone???