A Puck Between Us

Chapter 8

“Come on, Em.” I hurried the little boy to the front door.

“I don’t want to.” He whined, after I’d torn him away from his toys. Amazing how little boys could get so caught up in making car sounds and moving them up and down walls.

“Emerson, Cousin Eddy is coming.” I shot him a smile, saving the surprise for just now. His eyes lit up.

Okay, let me get you caught up. My Cousin Eddy was deployed out in Vietnam for 5 months now. He’s a private in the U.S Army.

Now, he’s coming home. My mom and his mom are together, getting together some big party, down at the park. Invitations were sent out, to a selected group of people.

This selected group didn’t include the boy next door.

I finally got the pajama-footed boy out the door, where I began to drop a few cars in the grass. He wobbled over to them and began crashing them into one another.

“Morning, Add.” He called over. I shuddered and couldn’t help but with I did something with the mop’s nest of hair. Instead, it was draped behind me in a messy bun.

“Good morning.” I said, not glancing up from Emerson, but flashing him a small wave. It felt so stiff and formal.

I hated it.

He eventually sighed, it was so obvious, and I could see it from the corner of my eye. With that, he turned round and walked over. I wish things were just normal again, whether it be when we were “just friends”, more, or when he was gone. I wanted anything but this.

I heard the unmistakable engine from my cousin’s fixed car. I glanced up a smile growing on my face. He was only 21, but he was so much…more mature.

He gathered himself, and opened the door, as I lunged myself into his arms. I leaned my head on his muscular chest, breathing in his smell.

“I missed you, Short Stuff.” He laughed, as I glared up at him. There was light behind to glare, though. He could see I never meant it.

“Emerson!” He boomed, with a laugh, as my little brother wobbled up and did his well-practiced salute, earning a smile and one back by my cousin.


“Are you sure you’ll be alright?” Eddy toyed at his lip, running a hand through his russet colored hair.

“I always watch him, its fine.” I assured him, letting a curl bounce down from the curling iron and moving onto the next part.

“If you need anything, you have my number.” He repeated for the hundredth time, jingling his keys in his pocket, nervously I assumed.

“Eddy.” I paused, turning to him, looking into his dark brown eyes. “I’ll be there fifteen minutes, a half an hour at latest, after you. I’ll be fine. I know this town better then you.” I pointed out, as he eventually shrugged and walked out.

I listened to his noisy car pull away and drive down the road. I finished up my hair, letting it bounce down into place. I quickly brushed my teeth, spitting into the sink.

I peered up at my eyes. I was so damn sure that if Jeff really tried, he could get how I’m feeling. My eyes are to…clear… to hide much, especially from him. I turned away from myself, forcing myself not to see my own story.

I walked into the family room when I heard it. I heard a crash.

I rushed around the corner to see Emerson laying next to the couch, holding his arm, bawling.

“Emerson! What happened!” I screamed, panic filling me. He didn’t say anything, but I could tell already. He hurt his arm, and hurt it bad.

I picked him up and rushed to the car, as his screams filled my ears. I thanked god that my mother had left her car.

I dashed into to front seat and tried the ancient car. My gut sunk when I heard it stall. I tried it again. Then a second time.

There was nothing.

I dashed out of the car, and swooped Emerson into my arms. I didn’t know where I was going. I ran.

I ran up to the old mahagony door and began banging. Soon enough, Jeff opened up, as his eyes first shown hatred and hurt.

“What do you want?” He said, a different tone in his voice.

“Jeff! We need to take Emerson to the hospital, he fell and and and.” I began stumbling over my words, my eyes burning and tears threatening to spill over.

“What happened?” He asked, rushing past me, keys in hand.

“I don’t know I think he fell of the couch. He may of hit his head or back on the table. I don’t know!” I repeated, blinking away the persistent tears.

“Addison, I need you to calm down.” He said, calmly over the cries. I rocked the small crying baby in my arms, clutching him to my chest as he sped down the road.

“Addison, calm down!” He said, much more forcefully this time.

“He’s in pain!” I shouted.

“He will be okay.” He whispered, in a pause in the boys cries, as he laid a hand on my shoulder. I felt the same electric shocks as before, the ones that made my heart restart over and over again.

I ignored it.

“Please hurry.”

With that, he drove down the street.