Status: Done! :) 11/25/11 BLACK FRIDAY

A Daydream Away.

...we're sitting on your kitchen floor, on a Tuesday afternoon...

Sitting on Delilah's kitchen floor, the two best friends laugh as they share high school stories that they had forgotten about until that moment. They sip sodas and hang out like the good old days.

"You were one crazy boy, Cedric." Delilah chuckles, downing the rest of her Dr. Pepper. She places the empty maroon can next to her on the tiled kitchen floor. She drags her fingers against the tile, feeling it under her skin. She wishes she could do this everyday. But with Cedric working and she trying to find a job better than working at a local coffee shop, there's just no time anymore. 

But, luckily, Delilah finally managed to get Tuesdays off and Cedric just so happened to not be working that day so that's how this conclusion played out. The two best friends since the sixth grade sitting on Delilah's kitchen floor, drinking sodas, and reminiscing the good times.

"I wish we could go back to high school," Cedric states, running a hand through his light brown hair, "We hadn't a care in the world back then. Now our life is consumed by figuring out how to pay bills and getting to work on time and figuring out how to support yourself. It's scary to think that this has become our reality. Something that we used to think was so far away is so very real now."

Delilah closes her eyes, letting his words sink in. This man, her best friend, always had a way with his words. Every word he spoke to somebody meant something. He had always been able to make somebody change their mind about the decision he made. That's why he's so successful in what he does. He's good at making people do what's right for themselves and somebody else. 

"Unless your like me, a girl who is over the age of 21 and still lives at her parents house, mooching off of them." Delilah whispers. 

Cedric frowns and embraces her tightly, "But you buy your own food and pay your direct bills. That has to count for something." His voice is comforting and assuring. It makes her feel secure.

Delilah sighs and rests her head on his chest. She wishes that he can be around everyday to hold her like he is now. She wishes that he was hers and she was his. She wants to be able to fall asleep in his arms and wake up next to him, having the reassurance that somebody is always going to be there for her. 

Cedric's the right man for her. She needs him, or at least somebody like him. But she wouldn't know what to do if she had somebody other than him. The other man would come between the everlasting friendship. Delilah didn't know if she could handle being away from Cedric's haughtiness and comedic sense. She could barely handle not seeing him for extended periods of time. How could she handle another man in her life - one that has yet to come into existence?

Sometimes the twenty-four year old daydreams about what it would be like with her best friend. She wonders if it would be awkward between them. She ponders the possibilities of dates and what the love making would be like. She figures it would be marvelous, seeing that Cedric knows how to treat a lady. 

She can practically feel the connection between the two of them, and it is much stronger than any friendship. But neither of them are ready to confess their love for each other and commit to the other.

"What are you thinking about, Deli?" Cedric asks, a smirk blossoming across his face, "You're grinning like fool."

Delilah giggles like a small child and shakes her head. If you only knew. She thought. "It's nothing. I'm just happy to be spending the day with my bestest friend in the whole entire world!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. This might be the closest they'll ever get.

Cedric sighs happily and circles his arms around her thin waist. He, too, wishes they can be a couple. But, he doesn't wreck a perfectly good friendship. It's one of those friendships that people envy and wish they can have themselves. But they won't. This friendship is only once in a lifetime.

But, Cedric too daydreams about being with this fantastic woman. He wonders if they had a relationship and then broke up, if it'd be awkward between the two. Like, they wouldn't be able to look each other in the eye without reminiscing the blissful memories they would have created.

Delilah slowly pulls herself from her friend's embrace and stands up, crossing the kitchen. She opens the fridge and grabs a bottle of water, leaning against the counter next to the refrigerator. Her brown eyes travel downward to her friend, who is still on the floor. His fingers trace the floor.

We're sitting on the kitchen floor, on a Tuesday afternoon.

"What're you doing this weekend, Deli?" Cedric asks, peering at the lovely woman through hazel eyes and thick lashes.

A blush coats her face. Is he asking me out? "U-Um... I'm working until 6 but after then I'll be free."

The male smiles lightly, "Want to go out for drinks? A little night club opened up down the street from my job and-"

"Yes. I would love that." Delilah says quickly, biting her bottom lip to hide her smile. Honestly, she was ecstatic about this. Saturday couldn't come sooner.
♠ ♠ ♠
This will be three chapters

Based off of "A Daydream Away" by All Time Low. :)