Status: Done! :) 11/25/11 BLACK FRIDAY

A Daydream Away.

...I'd drink a little too much, you'd offer me a ride...

Saturday comes way too slowly. From Wednesday up until 6 pm on Saturday, Delilah found herself staring intently at the clock. She watched as the time ticked by agonizingly slow. She found herself going to bed early each night just so she could be a day closer to seeing the love of her life; the man of her dreams - literally.

Cedric and Delilah had not talked since he left her house that Tuesday afternoon. It makes the female sad that she had not talked to her best friend in days but they would make up for lost time tonight at the local night club. Delilah knows nothing about this night club, having only heard Cedric mention it. She didn't even know the name and she's too scared to text him for information.

Delilah leans on the Starbucks counter, her chin resting in the palm of her hand and her elbow resting on the counter. The clock across from her that hangs on the wall reads 5:55 in the afternoon. She just wants to leave. But she has to wait another five agonizingly slow minutes.

As her eyes are slipping closed, she hears the door chime as it opens. She fights to open her eyes and sees Cedric strutting up to her. She quickly straightens up and nearly gets whiplash. 

Cedric chuckles, "Sleeping on the job, I see." A smirk plagues his face and his friend playfully glares at him. It's times like these where she wishes she can call him "babe."

"I would never. I'm just bored. Why are you here anyways?" Delilah asks, looking at the clock. 5:59.

"I'm here to pick you up and drive you home so you can get ready." 

Delilah blushes softly, "You didn't have to do that, Ced." 

Cedric smiles and opens the counter door for her, "But I did. Let's go." He puts his hand on the small of her back and leads her out of Starbucks. His fingers tingle with just the slight contact and he knows that they're meant for each other, outside of his day dreams. Delilah pretty much feels the same way.


Delilah steps out of the shower and stands in front of mirror with a towel wrapped around her body. Knowing that Cedric is just outside the bathroom door in her bedroom makes her heart thump inside her chest. Her heart beats rapidly inside her chest and she wipes off the bathroom mirror with her Starbucks shirt before grabbing her hair brush, running it through her wet, dark tresses. Drops of water drip onto her floor and she takes this as a signal to bring her hair dryer out. It doesn't take long to plug it in and dry her hair, maybe about twenty minutes.

Delilah had brought a blue party dress into the bathroom with her before she took a shower. She knew going out for drinks with Cedric wasn't exactly a formal date but she wanted to look the part of a real date. So, she put on her strapless bra and lacy panties and covered those with her blue dress. Twirling, she let the dress swing around her legs before falling into place again.

"Are you almost ready?" Cedric calls out from behind the door. Delilah smirks and touches up her newly applied make up before stepping out of the bathroom. 

The male's mouth falls open as he gazes at his companion. She looks stunning. The dress compliments her body well and he really just wants to hold her close to him. He wants to press his lips to hers and rock their bodies back and forth. But that will never happen. After all, they are just friends, "Wow." He says, his breath taken away.

A blush coats the fair skinned young woman and she grins, "Do you like it?" She asks, twirling around shyly. Cedric just nods, still taken aback by her true beauty. "Well, let's go." Delilah smiles and walks over to him, pulling him up by his arm. She leads them out of her home and they get into the car, starting their journey to this unknown nightclub.


The nightclub is loud and pulsing. People cover the dance floor and overflow booths and the bar portion. There's barely any room to walk and anybody who is claustrophobic would be freaking out in a setting like this.

Delilah and Cedric occupy the crowded dance floor, dancing to the beat. The alcohol is starting to get to the male's head and he tries to grind up against his sober friend but she keeps pushing him away. She doesn't want the start of something to be when Cedric is drunk. That's no way to start out a good relationship.

"Why do you keep moving away?" Cedric whines. His voice is laced with drunken slurs and his eyes are clouded over, screaming how incoherent he is. Delilah feels like it's a good time to get out of there.

"Because you're drunk!" She shouts over the music that makes her whole body quiver, "Let's go home!" She grabs his hand and laces their fingers, steering him through the crowd of grinding bodies. 

Cedric digs his heels into the tiled floor and glares at his friend, "It's to early to leave, Deli." He slurs.

Delilah takes his hands, "I don't want you to do anything stupid. Let me drive you." She says softly and leads him out of the nightclub. The car is parked down the road and it'll be a miracle if the cops don't stop them on the side walk. They're normally patrolling every part of the city at this hour.

The ride back to Cedric's house is silent. They don't turn the radio on, just listen to Cedric's incoherent banter about the night. Delilah has a strong feeling that he won't remember anything the next morning.

Getting Cedric in his house wasn't easy for the muscle-lacked girl. She literally dragged him into his apartment and dropped him onto his bed, making sure he was comfortable before turning to leave.

"Wait!" Cedric groans, lifting his head, "Why don't you stay the night?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Almost done!