Status: Welcome! Let's get bloody.. Updates irregular but as often as possible. [Edit 10/3/15 I know I haven't updated in months but I may or may not come back to this. Once I get a new laptop and my other stories are where they need to be I will let you all know.]

The Fools That Fall in Love

She Calls Out My Name

"I will wait for this moment when our lips collide, and almost stop the earth. You're in my arms tonight..." I could hear the softly sung words coming from the living room as I faintly opened my eyes and stared into the darkness of the room.
"So I've come to complicate the dead. Are you with me? I've written out all my vows again. We're almost home to see the silence break on new years eve. We're only seventeen" I couldn't help but feel sad, knowing that the song was about my best friend's drug addiction.
"If love exists, I will fall..." I sighed, then looked over at Michael who hadn't moved an inch since we fell asleep. I figured he would be completely incoherent to the world until the night set in. I found his sleeping hours odd, not because of the night time thing, but because he sleep for literally. almost. exactly half of the day. It was strange that he slept so much to me, but I had to keep reminding myself that he wasn't human and I couldn't expect human traits from him all the time. I almost wished that vampires looked more like animals, just so I wouldn't have to forget about his lack of humanity.
I slowly made me way out of his grip and changed my clothes, being careful not to make any loud sounds or sudden movements. I didn't know how light of a sleeper he was, so I did my best to be unnoticeable.
I went down stairs to find wiL in the living room with his band, Angel, who played guitar, and Nick, who played bass. They had been having trouble keeping a drummer recently so they had been doing their practices acoustically. They had just finished "Moment" when I was noticed.
"Hey there Lydia! Where did you go last night?" wiL asked, more than curious.
"I was out with.. A friend. I guess." I smiled and started off to the kitchen.
"Oh no you don't! You tell me!" He said, jumping out of his seat and running in front of me to block my path.
"I was with Michael. He came here and decided to take me out, it was nice." I smiled, unwillingly.
"Oh yeah? So now you have a big thing for this dude, right?" He said as if I were 12 years old.
"You act like I didn't like him before last night!" I retorted sarcastically, even though we both knew the truth in those words.
"You best be careful. Vampires want to suck your blood!" He leaned over me with his arms in the air, mimicking the classic "Dracula" line in the worst rendition of an accent ever.
"You aren't funny!" I said, though laughing. "And I hope he hears you and comes down here and scares the shit out of you!"
"He's here?" He said, getting serious.
"Yeah, I hadn't gotten a chance to tell you. He didn't have time to make it back to his place, so I told him he could stay here. I"m sorry if that's not okay, but I didn't think you'd mind." I felt a little bad, not asking first.
"Oh. Alright then.." He sounded suspicious. "So where is he now then?"
"He's upstairs, sleeping. He has a really bad burn from this morning.. I feel bad." I frowned.
"I thought he healed quick?" He seemed to be challenging something, whatever it was he was trying to challenge.
"He does, except burns. Sun burns aren't that easy for him to get over, especially since he isn't used to pain. You have to think about things like that." I wanted to lecture him for suddenly being so sour and stand offish, but I didn't want to fight with him.
"Well okay, whatever I guess.." wiL walked off in what seemed to be anger. Why was he mad? Was it because Michael was there?
I decided it be best to not bother him with it, so I went about my business in the kitchen, eating and making sandwiches for the guys. "Here." I said, sitting the candy apple red plate, filled with food, on the table in front of the three, now very excited, men.
"Thanks Lydia!" They all managed to say at about the same time. I just smiled and nodded then sat on the opposite couch, silently watching them all. wiL still looked mad, so I did my best to avoid him. It got harder to avoid him when everyone started practicing again, and when wiL started singing.
"You say you're in love, well cursive wrote this sonnet to the end. You say you're in love, but this heart still can't pretend." I closed my eyes, listening to the beautifully written words. I couldn't help but hum along to the song.
"Everything dressed in picturesque, so perfectly aligned. Will you come to me? Will you come to me?" Michael entered my mind, seeing as I knew what the next lyrics were.
"Kiss me quick I'm losing. Well can we live forever? You say you're in love, well beauty slides this silhouette to screen? Will you come to me? Will you come to me?" I'd never really wondered until that moment why wiL wrote this song, or most of his love songs. He didn't have someone in his life like that, I knew it well. So what could have possibly inspired him to write words like this?
"Kiss me quick I'm losing. Well can we live forever? Kiss me quick I'm losing. But I'm miserable still...
"She will love you through all the lies. She will love you through your disguise. She will love you through your demise. And sing our lives forever, sing our lives together, won't you?"
I suddenly couldn't get Michael out of my head, and oddly enough, the songs they were playing were making me feel depressed for no reason at all. I just didn't feel good and had a weird feeling in my stomach.
I went upstairs and sat in the bathroom in front of the toilet, convinced I was about to puke, and right I was. I closed my eyes and let my body heave out the disgusting, warm fluids from my stomach, but something wasn't right. I somehow knew right then, that there was something terrible happening, something I wouldn't be able to explain.
I opened my eyes and found the toilet completely covered in blood, but not just blood. It was more of a black cherry color, and it was disgustingly slimy, you could tell by the way the light glinted off of it. I continued puking up this horrifying substance until the toilet completely filled up to the top and spilled over on to the floor. I had previously tried flushing but it just got clogged and made matters worse.
I ran to the tub and started filling it. I could not believe the amount of fluid coming from inside of me. I started crying and panicking, not knowing what to do. That never happened to me before, and i sure never heard of it happening to anyone else. I was scared out of my mind and had no idea what to do.
A finally got a good second to breathe and immediately screamed. "Michael!!" The bloodcurdling cry couldn't be avoided. He had to have heard it, as everyone else in the house should have. I didn't care much, I was just afraid and knew Michael would be the only person able to explain it, if anyone.
Seconds later, Michael came running into the room as if he were already waiting outside of the bathroom door for me. "Help." I cried between gags and gurgles. It was very hard to breathe, especially with the gut wrenching smell and horrifying scene before me.
A gasp left his lips immediately and he came to my side and stared in shock, very much like I would had I been in his situation. Michael grabbed my body and hugged it to him, which surprised me because I had no clue what he was doing. The substance from my mouth was getting all over him, but he didn't care. "Sorry." He said, blankly, and next thing I knew a bright light flashed in my eyes and everything went dark.
I could hear the light sounds of piano, in a very sad kind of tone. I could only see the faint blurr of what looked and smelled like a few candles. I felt very clam and at ease, almost tired. I felt very warm and relaxed. It was nice to feel like this for once.
I suddenly started to remember what happened in the bathroom. The blood, the puking, Michael.. What happened? What was that and why was it happening? I started to worry, but focusing on the music seemed to calm my nerves back down.
I rubbed my eyes and tried to sit up.
"Shhh..." I heard form a voice that seemed to be coming closer. A hand touched my back and another touched my shoulder, easing me back down. I followed the direction, feeling safe with it all. "Don't rush." When he spoke, I realized it was Michael, and I silently thanked the heavens.
I kept my eyes shut until I felt little drops of water, or what felt like water, fall on my eye lids. I opened my eyes and could finally see clearly. I found myself in a very dark room, black and crimson themed. The bed I was laying on was incredibly and indescribably soft, as were the satin blankets and warm pillows.
"What happened?" I asked quietly.
"Hm. I'll talk to you about it soon, right now, you should rest." He said, slightly stroking my hair.
"Okay." I nodded.
He leaned down and kissed my forehead and continued playing with my hair until I fell back asleep.
I woke up some hours later to find a hot breakfast sitting at my bedside table. I noticed that the piano music was gone and the room was very silent. The candles still burned and it was just enough light to eat. I ate as much as I could, which wasn't as much as I could usually eat, and slowly got out of bed. I noticed that I was wearing short shorts and a black button up top that must have belonged to Michael. The thing was a bit too big and hung off my should and covered my hands, but I was comfy and that was all that mattered to me.
I opened the large door that lead to a dimly lit hallway. I looked down each end, one end with a dead end and the other end with a staircase. A few doors lines each wall with no other form of decor, other than posters that seemed to be advertising concerts from the 80's. I wondered if they actually wen to those.
I walked slowly down the stairs to reveal a huge living room that was filled with black leather couches, a fire place, and an awesome looking TV. Four guys sat on the couches, dispersed around the room. Of course, I only recognized one.
"Hey there pretty girl." Michael said as he smiled and walked up to me. He grabbed mt shoulders lightly and sweetly kissed my lips. I melted a bit on the inside.
"Hi." I said shyly, my voice really raspy.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked, still concerned.
"Yeah, a lot actually. I just feel really drained, but I don't want to sleep anymore." I noticed how he talked to me like I was the only person in the room. He didn't seem to care if his friends saw him being romantic or flirtatious or anything.
"Okay then. I won't make you this time." He smiled. "Did you eat?" I loved his concern.
"Yeah, as much as I could anyway." I admitted.
"Okay. Come sit with us." He invited by holding out his hand.
I took his hand with a smile and sat with him on a couch. The TV got turned off and everyone turned their attention to me. "So this is the ever so famous one, huh? Lydia?" Said the one with the most piercings. He sounded mean and kind of menacing, like he wanted to scare me.
"Yeah.." I answered back, as if I'd done something wrong.
"Aaron.." Michael warned. "Sorry Lydia. That's Aaron. He finds humor in scaring humans, he seems to get a thrill out of it." He said, knowing Aaron could hear him, still glaring him down.
"Well disregard Aaron, I'm Phil." Phil had the longest hair, I noticed. He seemed much nicer than Aaron.
"Hi Phil." I greeted quietly.
"I'm DJ." I noticed he was more plain than the rest. He seemed a bit ordinary, for a group of vampires anyway.
I smiled and waved, but turned to Michael, knowing he had to explain what happened earlier. "Yes?" he asked, looking back at me.
"Tell me Michael." I said, not asked.
"Okay. Come with me, I want to talk to you alone." He got up and took my hand, leading me to the basement, more so floor underground. It was furnished similarly to the living room, except the couches were very fluffy and soft rather than leather. We sat down on a couch, to my excitement, and he took my hands in his. That's when I started to worry. This was not good.
"I have to tell you something, and you're going to be upset, but you have to be strong, okay?" That didn't help me at all. I was afraid of what was to come.
"Okay." I agreed, scared out of my mind.
"Well.." He started, his voice shaking. What could possibly so bad that he, himself, trembled at the thought?
♠ ♠ ♠
The reason there is so much of Aiden's songs/lyrics in this chapter (and past/future chapters) is because I need you all to be a bit familiar with the lyrics. Believe me, it's important later. So if you're one who hates reading lyrics in stories, I'm sorry. But if you want to fully understand wiL, later of course I can't let you know too much about him right now, you'll have to be somewhat familiar with his songs. So please don't be mad, it'll benefit you I promise Lol <3
Thank you for reading and thanks you for the comments!! <3 I love them the most. And don't think I forgot about you lovely subscribers!!!!

Ps. The title comes from the lovely VAMPIRES EVERYWHERE! Bleeding Rain <3