Status: Welcome! Let's get bloody.. Updates irregular but as often as possible. [Edit 10/3/15 I know I haven't updated in months but I may or may not come back to this. Once I get a new laptop and my other stories are where they need to be I will let you all know.]

The Fools That Fall in Love

It's My Goodbye Symphony, I'll Miss You

Talking to Aaron wasn't going to be an easy task, so I decided to put it off until later. In the mean time I felt the need to explore the beautiful house more than I had.
As I ventured around the house I found a library behind a very slim, black painted door. The library looked much smaller than it should be, due to the amount of shelves and books that where everywhere. The shelves were very tall and very close together, it was almost uncomfortable. There was one clearing way in the back that had two couches and a coffee table between them.
I wondered around, feeling at ease. I looked for a book to read when I noticed all of the different sections. There were more history and non-fiction books than anything else, but I did find 4 shelves of just fiction and fantasy stories. I'd never heard of any of them, most of them looking far before my time. I picked one out that seemed interesting, about a human sized fairy, who is rejected in human and fairy races, and a very handsome troll. As I sat down to read it, I couldn't take myself away. The story was written as if to be read to a child, but I found such deeper meaning and beauty of the story.
The troll was very good looking, and the other trolls didn't like that because they liked to be disgusting and ugly. And the fairy was too big to play with the other fairies, but too small and strange to play with humans. Generally, the troll found the sad fairy and they decided that because they were both misfits, that they could be misfits together and be friends. Something happened and the fairy died, leaving the troll all by himself. The troll eventually left her body after mourning day in and day out and went and killed himself, so they could be together in heaven. The story kind of ended there, on a very good note, but I still felt terribly emotionally attached to the characters. I worried about their problems and felt the burden of what they were going through as I read the book. I didn't understand why I was so emotionally effected and was completely lost in thought until I was pleasantly disturbed.
"Having fun?" A low and amazing voice asked, close to my ear.
I turned to Michael who was crouching down by the couch, half smiling at me. "Kind of." I smiled.
"What's the matter? You look distressed." He noted. He was good at telling my emotions.
"It's just this story. I don't know I'm all jazzed up. It's weird. I feel really burdened by their sadness, as if I were there." I explained.
"Well, little do you know, there's a reason for that." He stood up and sat next to me on the couch, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, hugging me to him. "Fantasy books are very special here. They're still a mystery to me, but they aren't what they were when they were printed. In this particular story, the original way it ended was not that of suicide. In all actuality, this story ended with the two falling in love and overcoming their insecurities. I remember distinctly reading it about 20 some years ago. It ends differently now, doesn't it?" I wasn't sure what to think of his response.
"Yeah. They both die." I said, sadly.
"I don't know why those particular types of books change, but they do. I don't think I'll ever know. But that's something I don't want to know either, it's good to have a little mystery in life, especially if you're going to live forever." He seemed like he was in a wonder world of his own. He and I both were very enchanted by strange stories. It took a few minutes to snap back into reality.
"Is it dark already?" I was a bit distraught by the time.
"Yes. That's why I'm back, love." He smiled warmly.
"Hm. Well I'm glad you are." I noticed he was much more pale than he was earlier, and the black around his eyes worse. "Wen was the last time you drank blood?"
"Hm. A while ago, I guess. Can you really tell that much?" I noticed he was tired looking and very calm.
"Yeah. Come on." I took his hand and led him back to the kitchen where I knew they kept an extra bottle of drinkable blood just in case. I handed him the bottle, feeling a bit nauseated just holding the bottle. I'd never seen him really drink blood like this before, so I wasn't sure what would happen. "Drink." I said softly.
"Okay. Go into our room darling." He directed me gently away from him.
"Why?" I turned back to face him.
"Watching someone literally consume blood is a terrifying thing for someone who isn't used to it. I really don't want to shock you or give you mental stress from it. I just can't let you watch it, not yet. I want you to be okay with it." He explained. I was glad he knew exactly where I was coming from.
"Are you sure? I mean, you can't hide it from me forever.. Well you can I guess, but you know what I mean." I chuckled at my own vampire joke and continued on.
"Not this time. I'll ease you into it soon, but not yet. Go." He said sternly, but sweetly.
I nodded. "Okay." I let go of his hand and went into our already dimly lit room. Apparently he was in a romantic kind of mood. When was he not though? One thing I did love about him.
After a few minutes of waiting, I put on one of Michael's t-shirts and crawled into bed. He came in shortly after I got settled in and he already looked a ton better, almost back to normal, though he was still incredibly flawless.
"Are you feeling better?" I asked as he lay on the bed next to me, not even changing his clothes. Lazy thing.
"Yeah. Thank you." He kissed my lips for the first time that day, and it felt great. "So did you talk with anyone today?"
"I did. I got to know Phil and DJ really well. They talked to me about their mortal lives. I feel terrible for the both of them, especially DJ. I couldn't imagine loosing someone like that." I meant, referring to him.
"I know. I hope he finds her." He said, kissing my forehead. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."
"Well seeing as you're immortal, I don't think I have to worry too much about loosing you." I half smiled.
"Well, it depends. You know I'm not invincible." I could tell he had something to say already, and it was freaking me out.
"I know, but you're a bit more invincible than any human." He nodded at my statement and started to avoid eye contact. "Spill." I demanded.
"What?" He asked, playing dumb.
"Don't even. I know you want to say something. Say it." I urged.
"It's not something I want to say, but I guess I have to." He shrugged. "I'm planning an attack tomorrow on our little demon friend. I'm not sure what's going to happen. It's not good, but you know.."
"Michael, you're worried about this. Aren't you?" I began to worry too, praying nothing bad would happen to him.
"Yeah, I guess. It's just that I've been avoiding death for centuries, and now that it could be upon me, I actually have a reason to avoid it." He looked at me with sincere eyes. Was he telling me I was the reason he had to live? How romantic.
"Should I be worried?" I asked, knowing that no matter what he said I would be worried anyway.
"You'll be just fine." Was all he said. I knew what that meant.
"Oh. What happens if you get killed?" I asked, fearing for my life too.
"Aaron, Phil, and DJ will step in." He seemed to be very monotone. I could tell his fear was growing by the way he talked. He was trying to hide it.
"Why don't they help you in the first place?" I asked. It seemed silly for everyone else to only help if something bad happened to Michael.
"Because this is my job. I was sent to protect you, not them. They're here because I'm their leader, they're here because they're my friends. It's not their battle." I knew vampires were loyal to their word, but I didn't think they were that loyal.
"Oh. Apparently you vampires have better hearts than humans." I said, making the conversation lighter.
"No. We're cold. You can't listen to a heart that doesn't beat." He seemed to have a huge thing with the fact that his heart didn't beat. He talked about it a lot and I never really understood why. I decided now was a bad time to bring it up anyway.
"So what happens tomorrow?" I asked, shying away from everything.
"Tomorrow, I fight. And I want you to stay with the others, no matter what. If anyone can help you, it'll be them. And that's it. You have to let this run it's course, do not interfere." He directed.
I nodded my head and savored my time with Michael, not knowing if I'd get another night like this.
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I'm back for a bit :) Hopefully I can put out more chapters soon! But thank you all for reading and waiting on me to update. You're all amazing <3