Status: Welcome! Let's get bloody.. Updates irregular but as often as possible. [Edit 10/3/15 I know I haven't updated in months but I may or may not come back to this. Once I get a new laptop and my other stories are where they need to be I will let you all know.]

The Fools That Fall in Love

Your Swollen Eyes, Would You Show Them To Me?

I woke up sometime midday, unable to completely open my eyes. I didn't want the day to start, Michael was going to have to fight when he woke up. I glanced at my still sleeping lover, he looked incredibly peaceful and calm, I hated to wake him. I knew if I had any sudden movements that he would notice and stir awake, so i stayed very still, resisting the urge to touch his perfect face.
I looked over at the window where I saw it was raining. The sky was dark and gloom seemed to take over the day. The sun was nowhere in sight, which was why Michael chose then to fight, the sun wouldn't hurt him. I could tell there was no stopping this rain, though it was still kind of light. It was going to storm, I could feel it.
I closed my eyes once more, completely focusing on nothing but the presence of Michael and the little noises the rain kept making, falling upon the house. I wondered what would happen by the end of the day. Where would I be? How would I be feeling? Would I be alone? All of these questions scared me and I wanted them answered right away.
"You're awake." Michael said, interrupting my thoughts.
"I am. It's day time, and you're not running from the sun." I smiled.
"Rainy days are good for that. Makes me feel a bit more normal, a little bit more human." He wasn't acting like himself. He was very distant and somewhat pleasant. He looked very much like those terminal patients that are accepting their fate, though he was obviously not sick looking. I knew that he had to accept his death, just in case he didn't win this battle. Had he not been ready to die, he wouldn't have set out to kill. I knew Michael was ready to die, he had been for years, but this was really when he was starting to realize, immortal or not, he'll have to face death eventually.
"Being human isn't that great." I admitted, trying to make him feel better.
"I know, you think that now. But your mind would change pretty fast if you were immortal." I started to think that he was getting out his last opinions on everything, just in case I'd never get to hear them.
"Well, who knows? Maybe one day I'll figure that out for myself." I tried to sound positive, but it just wasn't working.
"If I can manage to live through today, we'll see." He got up and made his way to the bathroom, probably to make himself up for the day. I had the feeling he was going to look much better than usual, if it were possible. He seemed the type to go out with a bang. I got dressed and decided to curl my hair. Michael liked it that way but I never actually took the time to do it. I decided to wear something pretty, a black dress that looked something like an A-line sundress with s sweetheart neckline with heels. I dressed up well, as I was sure everyone else was going to.
"Michael?" I called outside of the bathroom door, knocking faintly.
"Yes?" He said, sounding a little shaky.
"Are you okay?" I asked, noticing his uneasy voice. Since I'd known he had a big chance of dying, all I could think about was myself and what I would do without him. I didn't even think about what he had to go through himself. He was the one that was facing death, not me. He was the one fighting and killing. Not me. I didn't realize this would affect him so much, because I didn't think form his perspective. He had to have be scared, or at least upset.
"Yes." He answered plainly, his voice still shaky. He was obviously trying to hide the uneasiness.
"Are you sure? Do you want to be alone?" I assumed he just needed time to himself.
"Yes, I'm sure. Just a minute. Wait for me in our room, okay?" He was obviously very shaken, but I was starting to think that he might have been... Crying? I couldn't stand the fact that he had locked himself in the bathroom, so upset and panicked and facing death in a matter of hours because of me. It was my fault.
"Okay." I walked over to the bed and sat down, worried. I wasn't sure what was going to happen, but I knew nothing good could come of it. There was no way Michael was coming out of this battle unharmed, but I didn't care. I just wanted him alive. Well.. As alive as vampires get.
A few minutes went by before Michael came out of the bathroom, looking as amazing as I'd ever seen him. His clothes were something he would have worn back in the 1900's, very old and vintage looking. Needless to say, he looked amazing and I found myself falling in love again. His eyes seemed bloodshot, but that was really the only way I could tell that he was upset, other than the expression on his face. He looked worried, but still calm.
"Come here." I more ordered than suggested. He walked over to the bed and knelt down in front of me. "Why won't you tell me?" I asked quietly, lightly touching his perfect skin with the side of my hand.
"Tell you what?" His voice was smooth and calm, unlike before. His hand rested on my hips and arms on my legs.
"Why won't you tell me when you're upset? Why do you hide from me?" I was serious about getting a true answer here.
"Because if this is the last time I ever see you, I don't want some of our last memories together to involve that. I don't want you to remember me that way." He explained, to my surprise.
"Don't say that." I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing away the pain his words were bringing. "I can't even think about loosing you."
"Well, I'd love to be comforting, but I can't be right now. We're both going to have to figure our way through this." He kissed my forehead. "But when everything is over, it'll all be okay. No matter what. Whatever happens to me, doesn't matter at this point. You'll either go back to the life you had before me, before Jason, or you'll stay with me forever. Either way, you'll be safe."
"Why are you saying this like it's okay? Michael! This isn't okay! This isn't just a normal conversation! You can't just talk like this is no big deal!" I had started off just talking, but by the end of my mini rant, I was almost yelling and tears had started running down my face without my permission.
"Shh." He hushed. He seemed hurt by what I was saying, but the words spilled out before I could stop them from coming.
"Why don't you care?" I cried, still hysterical. "Why doesn't this bother you? Do you want to die Michael? Huh!? Do you want to leave me here like this?!" I felt terrible about asking if he wanted to die, because I knew he did. But even though I felt bad, the words kept coming up. They kept coming uncontrollably. I had a feeling I was going to fight with him, and I didn't want that, but I couldn't stop. "You're making it seem like you don't care! Do you know how much this is tearing me apart?! I'm so afraid to loose you that I've been having an anxiety attack all morning and you're just coolly telling me that no matter what happens it'll be fine! It won't be fine if I loose you!"
Michael hung his head to look at the ground. "Don't say I don't care." He sounded incredibly hurt by my words, and he probably was. He sounded much like he did in the bathroom, but I knew he was holding back everything, all of the emotion he had swelling up inside.
"Wait, no.." I said quietly, reaching out to him as he got up to leave the room. "That's not what I meant.." I started talking even quieter, now letting tears fall for guilt. I felt incredibly guilty for making him feel bad already.
"I know." He said, knowingly. He seemed very understanding and peaceful. He half smiled with a sadness in his eyes that I'd never seen on anyone before. It was heart shattering.
"No, please, come here." I begged, reaching out to him again as he was standing at the door. "Don't go."
He walked back over to me and knelt down just as he did before. "I have to go, soon."
"Please just.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm just.." I got frustrated and somewhat growled. "You seem so cool and collected and okay with all of this and I'm a complete wreck."
"I'm this way, because I have to be. What would you do if you saw me a complete mess? How much worse would this be if I were to show how incredibly scared I am?" I didn't even think about that. "I'm acting calm and okay because I know you and the others aren't. I have to be strong so everyone else can be less afraid."
I understood what he meant. If he, the leader of this coven, were to be visibly upset and shaken, then the other vampires would see how dangerous and serious it all really is. They'd see the realism of it all, and they'd know the slim chance of Michael living through it, especially in the day time when the clouds could reveal the sun at any second.
I brought his face up to mine and kissed him as if I'd never get to again. He crawled on top of me and hinted at exactly what I wanted, though we had little time. I easily gave into him, letting him go about it any way he wanted. I expected something a little more violent than what I got. Instead, he made everything incredibly romantic just by the way he spoke, touched, and those amazing little noises he made when he was feeling good. Everything seemed so perfect and blissful, until we were beckoned downstairs, back to reality.
We both got done up again and went downstairs hand in hand. "Good morning gentlemen." Michael greeted.
"Hey Michael." DJ said, sympathetically.
"Ahoy." Aaron said, in a particular way. It was strange, the kind of accent he was suddenly using, or that I was suddenly noticing. I had realized that he talked different from everyone else, but when he said that, it reminded me of a pirate, almost needless to say. I wondered why he was doing that.
"Hey." Phil said, quietly and almost inaudibly, to me anyway.
Michael stared at Phil for a moment, then spoke. "Phil, meet me in the kitchen for a minute." He let go of my hand and walked into the kitchen with Phil.
"Is he okay?" I asked Aaron, gesturing to Phil.
"I dasn't know." That strange accent.. Why?
"Uh, why are you talking like that?" I noticed everyone was dressed as they would have back in their time. It was strange, seeing people actually dress like this. I couldn't imagine how they kept their clothes all of those years.
"'tis ritual. Whenever a vampire be subject to Davy Jones' locker, we pay homage to our human lives, fer Davy Jones' locker be a human experience." It took me a minute to figure out what he meant, but eventually I understood. He was saying they paid homage to their human lives when another vampire was going to die because dying was something only humans would experience. I was also very shocked to find that Aaron was a pirate! "You were a pirate?!" I said, a little too excited for the moment.
"Aye." He said, nodding.
"Wow. That's so amazing. Why wouldn't you like to talk about that?" I questioned.
"I don't speak 'bout it because 'o th' horrible deaths I had to witness. Me mates, me family, all ye pirates I knew were dancin' the hempen jig just fer bein' band 'o pirates. Th' adventures were amazin', but th' horrors 'o th' sights before me make it hard to dwell on anythin' but that." It was strange when Aaron talked. Usually when you saw people talking like a pirate, you felt the need to laugh. But the way he was speaking was so natural and serious, it was real and I could easily see that. I liked this Aaron a whole lot more than the rude and quiet normal one.
"What does that mean? 'Dancing the hempen jug'?" I asked.
"Bein' hanged in th' gallows." He said, gravely.
"I bet that was hard to watch. But sailing had to have been amazing." I half smiled, getting him off of the subject of death.
"Aye. Sailin' was incredible. Best times 'o me life. But bands 'o pirates don't exist any more, so no more sailin' th' seven seas." He still seemed really down.
"Did you ever find your treasure?" I smiled.
I finally got a smile out of him. "I did. I still have th' map 'o th' treasure I found. That was a glorious day. me crew 'n I couldn't have be more grog-filled!"
"Grog-filled?" I asked, having no clue what he was talking about.
"Happy." He said, explaining the term.
"Wow." I said in awe. I was more intrigued with his story than anyone else's.
Michael and Phil walked back into the room, Phil's eyes a bit red. I knew he'd be upset about this. Michael was his best friend. Phil was closer to Michael than anyone else in the world, I knew that. And he was about to loose that.
"Let's go." Michael announced, taking my hand once more and leading the way outside and to Jason's house.
The walk there was very slow and quiet, all of us either not talking or talking quietly. I started to notice the others having accents as well, even Michael picked up his old English accent. I liked it. When we arrived on scene, Jason walked right outside, expecting us, more so, knew we were coming.
"Why hello gentlemen! What a pleasant surprise! Welcome!" He said, over excitedly with a laugh that screamed "villian."
"You can take of the disguise now, no need to try and fool anyone." Michael said calmly. I knew no one else would say or do anything from there on out. It wasn't their place.
"Whatever you say Michael." He spat his name, as if it were disgusting and wretched to even say. Jason suddenly became something from a nightmare. Literally, a nightmare. I recognized the demon as the grotesque monster from the dream I'd, back before I really knew who Michael was. I started to get a terrible feeling that that dream wasn't just a dream, it was real, and it was happening. I pushed the thought from my mind and focused on what was going on. But the only difference from the dream to reality was the size of this demon. It looked like a the size of a child in the dream, whereas in real life, it looked absolutely gigantic, at least 7 foot tall. I suddenly began loosing hope of Michael getting out of this alive. "Is this better?!" He screamed in his nasty demonic voice. The same voices from that awful nightmare. "Now, will I be killing all of you or just one for today?" He asked cruelly. I never imagined anything so sick and hurtful in my life.
"Just me. Leave them." Michael said, just as calm as before. He tunred his head to look at all of us. "Go." He said. "Don't look back and don't delay. Now." He demanded.
"Say goodbye you nasty little monsters you!" The demon teased.
"Goodbye Michael." DJ said, giving Michael a quick hug and backing away.
"Goodbye DJ." Michael nodded.
"Bye man." Phil said, emotionally breaking down already. He was sensitive, he had a hard time keeping everything in. They hugged and Phil had to leave before anything else made it worse.
"Fare ye well Michael. Fair winds 'n following seas." They shook hands then hugged, leaving me to go last.
"You come back to me, okay?" I said, tears starting to flow again. They never seemed to stop.
He wrapped me in a hug and kissed my forehead. "NO matter what, this thing is never going to hurt you, even if I die. I promise."
"I don't care, you come home, okay? Don't let this be the last time I see you." I cried.
"I love you." He said quietly, and kissed me for a final time.
"I love you." I said as I started getting dragged away by Aaron.
I kept looking back until I could no longer see Michael anymore and completely broke down and stopping moving. "Come on! let's be off! We've got to keep goin'!" Aaron yelled. We heard a bunch of loud crashing and yelling behind us. It was starting.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! Thank you all sooo much for reading!! The comments that were left for me on the last chapter were AWESOME and really gave me the motivation to write this :) I really think if I hadn't gone on that break that this wouldn't be half as good as I think it is. So who is excited for the battle???!! ^-^ OH YEAH! Leave comments with your predictions and thoughts! I;d love to hear it. Thank you all!

I forgot to give credit for the title on the last chapter. It was Devil's Holiday by William Control. But this chapter is from