Status: Welcome! Let's get bloody.. Updates irregular but as often as possible. [Edit 10/3/15 I know I haven't updated in months but I may or may not come back to this. Once I get a new laptop and my other stories are where they need to be I will let you all know.]

The Fools That Fall in Love

Show No Mercy In The Goddamn Killing

Hearing the just starting battle going on behind me made me feel hopeless on the inside. I suddenly didn't want to go on anymore. Something told me Michael wasn't going to make it out.
I quickly pulled from Aaron's grasp and started running back to Michael. I couldn't let him do this on his own, even if I was no help to him, at least he wouldn't be alone.
"Avast! Wait! Where be ye goin'? Stop!" Aaron yelled after me, knowing he couldn't follow me back or Michael's battle wouldn't be his anymore.
I didn't say anything as I ran. When I approached the oddly cleared area of the lawn where trees used to be, I found that things were already taking a turn for the worst. Michael's face was blood stained already, though he healed fast, I was sure it was hard to keep up with the injuries. And broken bones weren't half as easy to heal as open wounds. "Michael!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
He quickly turned around to face me as the demon thrashed around, taking hits at him. Everything was moving and happening so fast it was impossible to keep up. One second, someone was on the ground bleeding, the next, they were up and kicking ass. "Go! Leave!" He yelled back as he tried to fight off the demon as it started getting more and more determined to kill him.
"Not without you." i merely said. I knew he'd hear me. I didn't have to scream anymore.
A few seconds went by and he was not doing well. Things started to get dangerous for me, I knew being there was a terrible idea but I couldn't bring myself to leave until Michael took my hand and started running much faster than I could. It was almost impossible to keep up.
Time seemed to slow for me, as if just a slow motion part of an action packed movie.
"Run Lydia! Run!"Michael yelled, slightly echoing. "Lydia! Come on!" He urged. I was running fast, but all I could see were slow, yet blurred visions of what seemed to be a brightly lit city. Behind me and Michael, who kept tugging on my hand, were faint visions of the demon running after us, but there was more than one now.
Racing down a vacant ally way, we caught a dead end. I pressed my body against the brick wall, bracing myself for the torture that I knew was about to come. I felt the presence of those demons. They were coming.
This was all so familiar, but why? I couldn't place it, I felt like I had a bad case of deja vu.
"I'll never let them hurt you. I promise." Michael whispered, pulling me close to him as the creatures attacked us.
All I could hear was the ripping of flesh, crushing of bones, and screeching of the creatures. I could feel blood splatter across my face as I turned my body to avoid getting touched by them. The smell was putrid, very much like burning of hair or the smell of a rotting corpse.
Soon after the noise stopped, I looked up to find the creatures smiling at each other, then at me. They were red and had the body of very skinny children. Their wings and claws came to an incredibly sharp point, as did the spiraled horns that grew from their despicable heads. They inched toward me, speaking an unknown language that could easily be translated into something to the effect of "Kill her! Cease her! Bring the soul to the devil himself!" A few of them chanted this, while others said something of "Twist her bones and bend the limbs back! Take the soul to SATAN!" Their words rang in my head for what seemed like forever until I finally realized, I had seen all of this before. It happened before, but in a dream.. IT was the dream I had the night I saw Michael for the first time.
I was dead afraid of what was about to happen. I never finished the dream, but it seemed that Michael died. I couldn't let this happen.
I heard the small whimper of Michael at my feet. "Lydia.." He trembled, obviously in a great amount of pain.
I looked to the ground at my blood covered love, holding on to dear life. I bent down and cradled him best I could. "Are you going to be okay?" I said, my eyes watering. It was a bad question, but what else was I supposed to say?
"Silver bullets can't kill me babe, but I can't recover in time to get out of here before the sun shines through." He softly explained, his words sounding crushed beneath his chest.
"No!" I cried, "You can't! I have to get you out of here.." I said, trying to pull him to his feet but failing terribly.
"Go. Get out of here." He said faintly. I could see the lights leaving his eyes, this was not part of the dream.
"No! Michael, please. Stay awake. Don't do this to me." My tears got worse, and uncontrollable.
I wondered why the demons hadn't killed us yet. I looked over at them and they were blocking us in, setting something up that looked like.. A cross? I started to panic. "Michael, what are they doing?" I asked, letting panic overwhelm me.
"They're building the cross. I'm going to be crucified." He said, as if he knew this was going to happen.
"Did you know this would happen?" I asked, shocked.
"Yes. It's the payment to let you go if I couldn't kill it, and I couldn't. In order for you to be free, they have to preform the Crucifixion." He closed his eyes, probably from all of the pain of the broken bones and unhealing wounds. Why weren't they healing?
"Why didn't you tell me?" I whimpered.
"I was hoping you wouldn't come back for me and see it, had I told you I know you would have come back. But you turned around anyway. I'm sorry." I couldn't believe he was apologizing. He was about to burn on a cross for me, and he was the sorry one?
"How long have you known?" I wiped some of the blood from his face.
"I found out right when I was assigned to protect you." That had to be the most romantic thing ever, in a sad and terrible kind of way. He knew he would die for me like this the whole time.
"And you stayed anyway." I said more than asked. "Why?"
"Because I've always known that I love you, it just took a bit to tell you." He explained.
"Alright then blood sucker!" The demons jumped around in a crazy manor, flailing themselves around, thrashing about. The demon dumped a ton of gasoline of Michael, I tried to throw my body over him so maybe he had a chance to live through the crucifixion, but I knew it didn't matter either way. "Let's burn!"
They drug him to his cross by the arms in a belittling way. They were doing everything they could to humiliate him before he died. My heart beat faster and faster as if it were going to explode. I couldn't handle this. I couldn't watch. I kept screaming his name, over and over, but nothing could stop this now. I tried to drag the demons off of him, but they hit me back against the wall. That was when the reality of what was about to happen hit me. I was about to watch the love of my life burn on a cross so I could live.
They slammed Michael against the cross and pulled out two massive nails. I hadn't even thought about the nails. I'd forgotten that I'd have to watch him get tortured with the nails. No matter who you were, vampire or not, nails through the hands is torturous. His wounds weren't healing anyway, probably because of his lack of energy and life. His body was already giving up because he was out numbered. They propped him up onto the cross and the first nail was placed on the top of his right hand. I couldn't stop my screaming. Why was this happening?
"Don't!" I screamed. "Please! Don't hurt him anymore! Take me, okay? Just kill me! Don't hurt him!" I begged. One of the other demons came to me and held me down and forced my eyes open to face the scene in front of me. I couldn't look away if I wanted. My begging became useless and all I could do was cry and scream. I was helpless.
The nail on Michael's hand was making me sick to the stomach, just knowing what was going to happen. The demon smiled at me as it slammed the hammer onto the nail and into the hand of my love. He let out a scream, like nothing I'd ever heard before. Pain was not something Michael ever expressed, but I was sure he was feeling this just as a human would.
The second nail got hammered in just as slow and as painful as the first. His feet were then bound to the cross and tears streamed down his face. He was obviously humiliated, being so helpless. But that evil demon brought out something I didn't expect. It laughed maniacally as it held a thorn-ed crown for everyone to see. My screams got literally bloody, that sticky red liquid started squirting from my throat each time I screamed, but it wasn't the demon's fault this time.
The crown was smashed on to Michael's head, blood gushed from every thorn jammed into his skull. By this time, his shirt was completely blood drenched. Any human would have died long before this point.
The demons danced around him in the happiest way they could, pouring more gasoline on him, as if just burning weren't enough. They were even cruel enough to light the bottom of the cross on fire first, just so it would take longer to burn. My tears were in no way shape or form controlled. I was a mess. I got so upset and freaked out that I started puking and shaking.
Michael held back any noise he could. He didn't want to make the demons happy, he didn't want to give them their pleasure. Eventually, when the flames reached his hips, he started whimpering, which broke my heart more than the screams that came to follow.
Suddenly, the demon holding me down was thrust to the ground. Aaron, Phil, DJ, and two other vampires that I hadn't met before came in and started attacking the demons. One of the vampires I didn't know ran to Michael and started trying to put the fire out. "Come help me!" He called out to me. I had no idea what to do but I ran over anyway. Looking at all of the blood and burns on Michael up close was more horrifying than anything I'd ever seen before, and the smell of burning flesh was worse. I got so overwhelmed and frantic that a bright light clouded my vision, then everything went black. All of the noise went away and I was left with a nothingness that I couldn't be more relieved to feel. I slowly let myself slip out of consciousness, loosing all earthly feeling of pain.
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I'm LOVING the comments I'm getting! Thank you sooo much, those of you commenting. They're all constructive and exactly what I ask for! Very much appreciated <3 And a thank you to everyone else for reading and subscribing! It means a lot to me, the people that stuck through my annoying pause.
So now that you've read this, tell me what you think or hope will happen!! I might even spark an idea off of it like I have before. :D

The title comes from Excommunicate by Aiden. Sorry if the title offends anyone by using that word, but it fits too perfectly to not use.