Status: Welcome! Let's get bloody.. Updates irregular but as often as possible. [Edit 10/3/15 I know I haven't updated in months but I may or may not come back to this. Once I get a new laptop and my other stories are where they need to be I will let you all know.]

The Fools That Fall in Love

So Soft And So Tragic

I opened my eyes in a very familiar place and automatically felt a terrible pounding in my head. I looked around wiL's room, wondering how I'd gotten there, and wondered where the vampires where.
I grabbed my phone off of the table next to the bed and looked at the lightly lit screen that made me squeeze my eyes shut until I got used to that kind of light. "1 New Message from Phil" I showed.
I opened the message in a hurry, hoping to get some information on what was going on. "Hello Lydia! I hope you're feeling better. Go down stairs and spend the day with wiL, and don't try to contact us, please. We're getting this taken care of and figured out and I'll talk to you soon. Try not to worry." Try not to worry? How could I not worry? Michael was just crucified and I didn't even know if he was alive or not!
I decided to text him back anyway. "Can you at least tell me if Michael is okay? Or even alive?" I was starting to replay the whole thing in my mind and I started having an anxiety attack. I laid back down and closed my eyes until my phone buzzed. I didn't think he'd text back.
"He's in and out right now. Not going well, but we're doing what we can do. Please stay where you are. Michael needs to feed and rest now, I don't want you to tempt him with your blood, no offense. We'd really like to get him a bit more stable before you see him." Stable? I thought if he were going in and out like Phil said, then they would want me there, especially if he went out and didn't come back. What if he died while I wasn't there?
"Phil, you don't understand! I have to see him. What if he dies while I'm not there?" The fact that they wouldn't let me see him made me mad.
"It's not safe right now, for him or for you. And none of us want you to see him like this. It's not good Lydia. Look, we love you. Please listen to us." He pleaded.
"Fine. But can you tell him something for me?" I replied.
"Yes, anything." I was suddenly not so mad anymore. It was hard to stay angry with Phil.
"Just tell him I love him."
"Okay." I put my phone down and got out of bed. I looked in the mirror and realized I still had blood and gasoline all over me. I hadn't even noticed the smell of the gas until I was aware that it was there. I went to the bathroom where a towel and some clothes were already waiting for me with a note that said "You're welcome. -Aaron and Jay" Who was Jay? I disregarded the note and got into the shower and turned up the heat as hot as my skin could handle. 90% of the shower consisted of just standing under the hot water, watching the fog rise up the blue walls and onto the pure white ceiling while I thought about Michael. I never thought I'd be in a situation where I was worried about my vampire boyfriend dying on me.
When I was all clean, and done thinking, I got out of the shower and wrapped the purple fluffy towel around my cold and semi shivering body. I went to the mirror and brushed out my hair to scrunch it with mousse and hair spray. I got dressed in sweatpants and a tank top under a big comfy sweatshirt. I put on some eyeliner and brown eyeshadow, not wanting to wiL to think I was sick or something.
I made my way down the stairs where I found wiL fast asleep on the couch, still dressed in his day clothes. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen to make some toast, but the quietness of the house was starting to bother me. I suddenly wished I had my iPod.
When I made my toast I went back to wiL's room and put in The Crow. As I quoted the movie, I couldn't help but think about my own situation. Eventually I paused the movie to go get ice cream, as cliche as it is, I ate ice cream when I was getting upset. I found it comforting, for some reason. Though, when I sat back down and started watching the movie again, I found myself having a complete breakdown over "Eric Draven" dying. I related that to myself for some reason and completely broke.
When I finally was able to calm down, I went back down stairs to find wiL, he had to be awake. But he wasn't on the couch. I looked outside and found his car was missing. Great. Not only was I a mess, I was also alone. Wonderful..
I waited out the hours of the day by watching movies and doing anything I could to keep my mind off of the situation with Michael. When night finally came around, I got a call from Phil. Thank the heavens!
"Hello?" I answered anxiously.
"Hey there. How are you holding up?" Phil asked, sympathetically.
"Uh.. I don't know." I could feel the emotions starting again. It never seemed to end. I hadn't openly talked about it yet, so I was sure I wasn't going to last without crying. I was incredibly tired of tears though. I wasn't sure how much more I could handle.
"Are you alright?" He asked, knowing I was getting upset again. I was so easy to break..
"No." I admitted, holding back the tears that I had come to hate.
"Talk to me about it, maybe you'll feel better." He offered.
"Can I just go see you guys? Please? I'm so tired of being by myself. I just want to be with someone, anyone." I said desperately. I hadn't let go of tears yet and I was proud of myself for that.
"I don't know.. I really don't want you to see everyone like this." He hesitated.
"Please, Phil? Please? Don't make me stay through the night alone too." I begged.
"Where's wiL?" He asked, finally realizing he wasn't there.
"I don't know. He left a while ago and hasn't been back and he was asleep when I woke up." I said sadly, hoping to guilt him into letting me go.
"...Well.. Fine. But don't tell me I didn't warn you. It's going to upset you, okay? It's going to hurt, and I think you could even have nightmares over it. Stuff like that happens, okay? I'm fully warning you now." He was trying to talk me out of it, but that wouldn't work.
"Okay. Who is going to come get me?" I asked.
"Probably Aaron." He said.
"Is he still pirate taking?" I half smiled thinking about it.
"Yes. We're all dressed the way we should be. We don't know if he'll live or not, so in case he dies, we're dressed appropriately."
"Oh.. Okay. Have him take a car though, okay? I don't want to be carried around."
"Okay. I'll see you soon." I hung up with Phil and prepared myself for whatever it was I was about to get into.
When Aaron showed up at the house I was already sitting on the porch. I got in the car and looked over at a very concerned Aaron. "Be ye okay?" He asked.
I just looked at him, knowing he'd know the answer to that. I then looked in the back where two other familiar vampires were, the ones I didn't know the night of the fight. "Who are you guys?" I asked politely.
"I'm Alex!" The slightly smaller, and very happy looking one said, sticking out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand and half smiled at his obvious innocence. "You must be Lydia?"
"Yes." I said.
"I've heard a lot about you Lydia. We're going to be friends now, okay?" He smiled. What a happy little vampire.
"Okay." I smiled.
"Oh and this is Jason, but you can call him Jay." Alex excitedly introduced.
"Hi." Jay said.
"You and Aaron left me the note, right?" I asked, referring to that morning.
"Yeah." He answered. He seemed very chill and laid back. His sparkly blue eye shadow made me question his sexuality, but I didn't want o be rude, not that it mattered anyway. He seemed like an okay person.
"Thanks." I smiled, and turned back to the road in front of me. I was sure they all knew the smiles were fake, but at least they didn't say anything about it.
When we got to Michael's house, we went in and Phil greeted me at the door with a hug. "How about a drink first?" He offered. He was obviously procrastinating.
"Okay." I said following Phil to the kitchen. It was very strange thinking about what I was going to see. I had been told that he was hooked up to machines and things of that nature, yet we were simply in their home. It wasn't a hospital like you'd expect. I hadn't even thought about that factor of it.
After Phil procrastinated as much as he could, which took about an hour, he finally lead me into Michael's room, or the room he'd been staying in. He wasn't in his own room. "Are you sure you want to go in? You don't want to wait until later when he's feeling or even looking better?" He tried.
"I'm sure." I said, simply.
He hung his head and opened the door before me. I walked into the mini hallway where the room opened up. I first looked at DJ, the only other person in the room, who got up and gave me a hug before leaving the room. I hesitated to look over to the bed where I could hear the monitors beeping and tracking. I hadn't realized that the vampires actually knew what they were doing when it came to healing, they had to have learned over the years of not being able to see a doctor.
When I finally looked over, Michael was laying on a soft looking bed with a blanket that came up to his hips. He wasn't wearing a shirt so I could see the blistering burns up his chest and a few blistered burns on his face. He had major cuts all over him, and his breath was uneven. One cut on his side was so deep that I wasn't even sure how far in it went, but I knew a human would have died from it. I was just glad that he didn't completely burn alive on that cross.
I carefully walked over to his bed side and pulled over a chair, quiet enough to not wake him. He was an incredibly light sleeper but I knew he was too far out of consciousness to even realize I was there. I was afraid to touch him, because burns and cuts obviously hurt when they're touched. I found a small spot on his hand that was clean and not burned. I touched that small part of skin, and started to get emotional, just like Phil said I would. I knew it was bad, but I didn't think it was that bad. He was so burned and dead looking, that I wasn't sure if he was even alive, or as alive as vampires get.
I turned my attention to the machines, which were run strange. They weren't monitoring a heart beat, obviously, they were monitoring running blood flow. If the blood flow stopped, then the machine freaked out and they knew that he was dead. Otherwise, it stayed as it was and he was okay.
I kissed that small part on his hand, feeling upset and distraught. I still couldn't believe he looked like this, on the brink of death. He opened his eyes and turned his head to look at me.
"You're here." He said, his voice soft, yet rough and raspy. His voice cut out a lot, making it hard to hear him on top of being so quiet.
"I am. I made Phil have Aaron go get me." I said in a hushed tone to hopefully comfort him. It was hard not to cry. I didn't want to cry because I didn't want him to worry about me. That would make things worse.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to see me like this." He said, slowly, like everything else.
"Sorry? Michael, you did this so I could live. You don't have to be sorry. I should be the sorry one. Look at you, this is my fault." It got harder and harder to hold in the emotions of fear, sorrow, and panic in.
"Ssshhh." He hushed. "Don't say that. I did this by choice. Don't talk about that right now, okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, of course." I replied, not wanting to upset him.
"Try not to be upset." He closed his eyes again, but didn't turn his head away.
"Is it that obvious?" I asked.
"I can hear the whimper in your voice, love." I should have seen that one coming.
"Right.. I'm sorry. It's so hard not to be upset. I hate seeing you hurt." I kept my voice hushed to match the mood of the dim light and darkly lit and painted room.
"It's okay. Everything is.. Okay." He said, drifting back off into sleep.
I felt like he was a sick, helpless, puppy that needed to be cared for and loved. I knew from then on that I wasn't going anywhere, especially if no one else was by his side. He wasn't going to be alone until he was okay again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for the comments Love Ashley Purdy and KatieYDG! I appreciate you both very much! Now as for the rest of you glorious readers and subscribers, you are awesome as well. Thank you!
Also, I was going to add much more to this chapter but then it would have been way too long and I'm really tired. Lol Soo This is what I can give you guys at the moment. Hopefully you're liking it. :)
Title: If I was Your Vampire by Marilyn Manson