Status: Welcome! Let's get bloody.. Updates irregular but as often as possible. [Edit 10/3/15 I know I haven't updated in months but I may or may not come back to this. Once I get a new laptop and my other stories are where they need to be I will let you all know.]

The Fools That Fall in Love

The Streets Won't Sleep Tonight

"What are you doing out here so late?!" Michael almost yelled, scolding me. I knew he'd be mad.
"I was just.." I started, not knowing if I should tell him that I was looking for him or not.
Michael groaned. "I don't even care what you were doing.. You can not be out at night like this. You have to realize that. Got it?" He said, back to his normal speaking voice, but still lecturing.
"Okay." I hung my head, feeling like a child who just got put in the corner.
"Okay then. Let me take you home." He held out his hand to help me up.
I took the offer and lifted myself from the ground, expecting him to let go, but didn't. I blushed as I felt the odd coldness of his hand on mine, so cold it was almost a tingling feeling. I felt like there was a reason behind it, but decided it was just because it was cold outside. "Why are you out so late?" I asked, finally realizing that I wasn't the only one who was walking around at all hours of the night.
"Business." He stated simply.
"You just made it sound like you were buying drugs." I half smiled, knowing he knew I was just kidding around.
"Ha ha. Very funny. I wasn't buying drugs." He smiled. "Or selling them." He added, as if he knew I'd say something. "I had to meet up with a few people and it was super sunny out today so I figured I'd just do it at night."
"I've never heard of anyone not going out because it was too sunny." I was a little amused, but still tried to figure out his underlying meaning.
"You've also never met anyone quite like me. I promise." The smile on his face suggested that he knew far much more than I, but I left it alone, hoping he'd tell me one day, not wanting to pry.
"I'm already sure of that." I said, as if calling him strange, but I knew I meant something else.
Michael's only reply was a smile down at the street, then back up in front of him.
"What?" I asked. "Don't have a reply for me?" A giggle found it's way to my mouth.
He bit his bottom lip, unable to control his boyish smile and shook his head "no." His gaze turned to me, then down to the street.
"Aw, he gets shy too?" I was making fun of him.
"Sometimes." He said in a childish way. That's when I realized he knew what I actually meant.
My face flushed a light shade of pink and I no longer had any retaliations.
We came to my doorstep in a matter of 30 minutes, even though I had no idea how we'd gotten back.
"Is James here?" He asked, seriousness returning to him.
"No. He's out with his friends, probably doing his drugs and fucking women." I said bluntly, angry that I was still dealing with it.
"Will you invite me in then?" He asked as I opened the door and stepped inside. The moment I started to step through the door way, Michael ripped his hand from mine, as if he were shocked or something.
"What's with you and your invitations?" I asked lightly with a small smile on my face.
"It's a thing. I don't know. I have to be invited in, formally. Pretty please?" His smile was innocent as the lights in his eyes danced around like the lights at a fair. How could I not completely want him as mine? Especially while I was with James.
"You're invited in Michael. Forever!" I smiled and let him in.
"Thank you." He walked in beside me and followed me to the kitchen.
"Are you hungry? Or thirsty?" I asked, getting into the fridge but not finding anything I wanted.
"No, thank you Lydia." He said politely. "Are you?" He asked, oddly, as he went to my counter and suggested he make me something.
"Uhm, no." I lied.
"You're lying." His lips played as if he knew every little thought running through my head.
"What?" I said, a little dumbfounded. How would he even know?
"Go to your room, get comfortable. Come back when you're done. Take your time." He shooed me off. What was he doing?
I did what I was told and went upstairs to change my clothes. I got into my favorite Avengers PJ pants with a black tank top with a black long sleeve over it. I brushed out my hair and slipped on my monster slippers then made my way down the stairs.
As I walked into the kitchen, Michael was walking out with a bowl of popcorn in one hand and a mug in the other. "Movie?" I assumed.
"That's right." He smiled. I took the popcorn bowl and realized there was chocolate smothered on the top. My favorite. I knew it wasn't a common thing, how did he know? I knew I'd never mentioned it to him before, why would I?
"How did you know I like chocolate on my popcorn?" I mused.
"Lucky guess." He winked and walked past me and sat on the couch as he pressed play on a movie.
"The Crow? My god. Michael, you've got to tell me how you know all of this." I was getting almost weirded out, but at the same time I found it incredibly romantic.
"One day. Come sit down. I won't bite. I promise." There was a glimmer in his eye that I couldn't decipher, but I sat down anyway. "Oh here." He handed me the mug that contained an odd a thick, orange liquid.
"What is that?" I asked, totally confused. "This looks disgusting."
Michael laughed. "Looks can be deceiving. Drink it."
I wasn't to keen on the idea. "Uhm.. I can't." I laughed.
"Yes you can. I promise, you'll love it. Have I been wrong yet?" He had a point. A creepy one, but a point none the less.
I drank a bit of the disgusting looking thing, then realized how amazing it actually tasted. "Oh my god. What is this?" I asked, incredibly shocked.
A big smile ran it's way to his face. "Told you you'd like it. It's hard to explain. It's like a pumpkin spice kind of mixture. I don't know. Just drink it. You aren't going to feel that great tomorrow if you don't finish that."
"Why not?" I asked, thinking it had something to do with what had just happened.
"Did you hear the sound in you head? Earlier I mean." He asked, seriously.
"Yeah.. How did you.." He cut me off.
"That doesn't just go away. You almost need a kind of medicine or cure for it to go away, kind of like a cut. If you don't do anything about it it'll just get infected and worse. But when you take care of it properly and give the right medicines, it'll go away and never come back."
"So what is it?"
"I'd have to explain an awful lot to you before you'd understand, or even believe me."
"We have all night." I was almost desperate to know what he meant.
"There's a lot to it. I don't think we have as much time as you think." He looked out the window then back at me.
"Michael, what's going on? I have to admit, I'm a little scared."
"Of me?" He asked, as if he already knew I'd say yes.
"No, actually. Not of you. Of whatever it is you're hiding.
"Okay, fine. But promise me something.. You can't say anything until I'm done. Don't comment, ask questions or make me stop. And please, please don't leave or make me leave." His eyes seemed to beg with him.
"I promise." I said, readying myself for whatever it was to come.
♠ ♠ ♠
:) Well I hope you're all enjoying this. It's been very difficult to write, with the weather, but it's coming along!! But a HUGE thank you to Love Ashley Purdy for commenting!! It really keeps me going and helps me know that people actually have a response for me. No one got the last title, which was a line from The Awakening by Awaken The Empire! Let's see if anyone can guess this one ;) Remember, I'll give you shout outs and I have a new thing for this. When you correctly tell me the title of 10 chapters, that have not already been accepted by me, I will read, comment on, subscribe to, and advertise ONE of your stories!! So is it worth it yet? ;)

Ps. some of you may be wondering about Lydia's best friend, wiL. Well he'll be here soon ^-^ Believe me, I think you'll love him. <3 Aiden/William Control fans unite?? :3