Status: Welcome! Let's get bloody.. Updates irregular but as often as possible. [Edit 10/3/15 I know I haven't updated in months but I may or may not come back to this. Once I get a new laptop and my other stories are where they need to be I will let you all know.]

The Fools That Fall in Love

When All Fears Came Alive And Entombed Me

"Do you ever wish you hadn't become immortal?" I asked, only half knowing the answer. I knew he wanted to die, but I wasn't sure if he regretted his decision.
"Yeah. I do. I regret it more days then not. I was supposed to leave this earth a long time ago, but an unnatural being stepped in the way of that. I can't say this is something I never wanted, because if I never wanted it, it wouldn't have happened." He explained, finally making eye contact with me as he answered my questions.
"So when you get injured, does it hurt like it did when you were human?"
"Not at all. I mean, yeah there's pain, but it only ever lasts for a few seconds then it goes away, along with the injury itself."
"When was the last time you actually walked outside in the day time?" I was very curious about his pain tolerance. I mostly wanted to know when I should and should not be worried about his well being.
"Uhm.. A long time ago. I had to meet Phil, a friend of mine, in town with the rest of the coven that couldn't be put off until night. I was only wearing a hoodie over my clothes, big mistake. I got really bad burns on the places that weren't covered and minor burns under the jacket. I thought they'd just go away but it took about 2 days for them to heal." He said "2 days" as if it were forever. You'd think that just 2 days for a vampire would be nothing, seeing as he's timeless.
"Wow.. So you're incredibly sensitive to sun light and fires?" I specified to clear it up.
"Yeah. Fires not so much, I can't get too close to them if they're big. But the sun is a different story.." He nodded.
"Oh. So what's a coven?" I obviously knew what a coven was, but I wasn't sure if the word had a different meaning than it would to a human.
"Pretty much just a group of vampires that live, generally, together in harmony. There's almost a rhythm in the way we work with each other, because we're all so used to each other. Looking from an outsider's point of view, we'd probably look like we choreographed our movements and synchronized ourselves. Obviously, we don't. We can kind of send little thoughts to one another, like texting except with our minds. It's strange, really. But it helps with running into each other and staying in tact."
"So you mean to tell me you all have little super powers then?" I said in disbelief.
"They aren't super powers." He smiled at the term. "They're more.. Talents. They're all things that can be done, it's just that the human mind can't develop these talents in the life time they have. It's really just a practice. Like, if you were to become immortal, it would takes years, but you could learn to do things too." He explained. This automatically sparked my interest.
"What kind of things?" I asked.
"Mostly things with your mind. Like the thought sending. Or like Phil, who can Take over anyone's body. He can literally tap into their mind and make them so absolutely anything, within the person's ability." He smiled, probably thinking of instances where Phil used his "talent."
"What else?" I asked eagerly.
"Well.. Aaron is a pyro. He can light anything on fire with nothing more than a glare, which is ironic in a sense. But if you ever have to battle a vampire, I suggest you bring Aaron." He smiled. "And Alex, who left us a while back, he could move things with his mind. He just looked at something and made it move, no matter the size. But DJ is a little different than everyone else. He decided to work on talents regarding his body, rather than mind. Most vampires wouldn't do that. DJ is strong as it gets. I've seen him lift things thousands of times his size and weight without a problem. But like I said, it's not because we're vampires, it's because we've had much longer of a time to use our whole brains, unlike the human where they can only use about less than half. Special talents like that are learned." I was completely amazed by what he was telling me, but I kept asking myself why I believed him. He very well could have been lying.
"What about you?" I asked, knowing he wasn't talentless.
"Me? I'm not as special as the rest of them, but I've learned two things in my natural existence. I'm able to tap into the minds of people and see through their eyes, where they are or what they're doing, at any given time, which includes tapping into their dreams, if they're sleeping." My eyes widened and I had to make my jaw stay in place. How was that not as special as the rest? "The other thing I've recently mastered is reading omens. By simple omens, being anything like numbers, weather, even the flight of birds, anything, I can get a very good sense of a future event. But those I can't control. They come to me, almost like visions. When I notice an omen, a name or significant word will come to my head and I can piece together the rest."
"How is that not as special as the others? That's absolutely incredible." I said, almost dazed.
"Well, I'd sure like to light things on fire with my mind." He smiled.
I couldn't believe anything that he was saying, but at the same time, I couldn't doubt him either. "Can you tell me why I can't help believe what you're saying?" I asked.
"Because it's true, and something in you is telling you that. You know damn well I'm not lying to you. It would be a pretty immaculate lie though." He said, almost amused.
"Show me." I almost demanded.
"Show you what?" We both knew that it would be hard for him to really show me his talents, but he could show me his immortality.
"Prove to me that you are immortal. I want to see it. I don't mean try to kill yourself, but you said you heal incredibly fast right?" I urged.
"Then do something harmless, like scratch yourself or something. I just want to see it." I knew he couldn't blame me for wanting to see. Seeing is believing.
Michael got up from the couch and went to the kitchen, quickly coming back with a steak knife. I somehow knew he was going to take it a little farther than a scratch. "Watch." He instructed.
I expected him to be annoyed with my skepticism, but he didn't seem to mind at all.
I watched the knife as he instructed as he placed the tip of the blade on the palm of his left hand. His eyes never left my face as the dug the knife, slowly, deeper and deeper into his hand until it went all the way through.
Blood gushed form the wound and onto the floor, but he still never seemed phased. I felt my face get cold and I felt dizzy, but I refused to pass out. I continued watching as he pulled out the knife and held his hand in front of me. And just like that, the wound closed together and completely healed. The blood still stained his perfect ivory arm, and my carpet. "My God.." I whispered, unable to stop staring at him.
"Do you believe me now?" He asked, pleasantly, but at the same time very monotone.
"Yeah.." I said as Michael took his spot back on the couch in front of me.
I touched the spot that was stabbed by the knife, it felt or looked no different than it had before. He took the hand I touched and placed it on my face comfortingly.
"There's also something else I have to tell you." He said, looking a little worried.
"What?" I asked, under my light blush.
"The reason I had to seek you out in the first place.. Don't think that I don't care about you when I say this, because before I actually met you I didn't even know what you looked like. But I was sent to you, not by will or bet, but by demand. It was no accident. Let me start somewhere else.. How much do you know about the bond between demons and vampires?" I was a little afraid to answer this question, seeing as I was wrong about so many things before.
"Uhm, not much. I've read that they're like partners in crime. When they want something done the first race they go to is the other, and they're pretty much friends." I already could tell that that was the wrong answer.
"Well, in a way that's true. It used to be that way, but things have changed. There was a time when we were united and demons and vampires could merge with each other and make a new race. That's what everyone wanted. But when it came down to it, there was a huge fight about how it was wrong and cross breading wasn't okay. The merging process was canceled and there was a big meeting about it, only including elder vampires and high minions of Satan, as he rarely leaves his sanctum in Hell.
"Another fight occurred there and almost all of the demons died, along with a few elders, which is why some of our elders now are very young and ill tempered, unfit for the job. But it's also why demons and vampires so longer coexist. We've been in a sort of war since then, 50 years ago. The odd thing is that we rarely fight each other, we, more or less, fight for you humans. Which is where you come in."
I wasn't exactly sure where he was going with this, but suddenly I felt like Michael's life was in danger. "How do I fit in to any of this?"
"Well, we got note that, lately, demons have been sent to Earth, form Hell, to take pure human souls. As I'm sure you've noticed, there are very few of those left that aren't children, and they don't want children. We know they've scouted out a few over the US and some on other countries, but my coven and I were assigned to you, because we're already close to you. Is all of this making sense to you?"
"Yeah." I nodded, unsure of my answer. "So you're saying, that you're here to protect me against demons that are out to get my soul. Right?"
"Generally, yes."
"What do they look like?" I asked.
"They come in any form. They're shape shifters. They tend to shift into a human state and befriend you. Over time, they'll start treating you differently and eventually they kill you, somehow. Does any of this bring a certain person to your head?" He urged.
"..Jason?" I asked.
"That's right. Remember when I said that he's not like other guys? That's why. He's not a guy at all. He's a demon."
"How can you tell?" I asked, dumbfounded.
"He doesn't smell human. Plus, he's very warm, is he not? Heat radiates off of him, doesn't it?"
"Yeah.." I noticed.
"It's not because he has a naturally high temperature, it's because he came from hell." He said.
I was almost relieved that I was going to be protected from Jason, but very afraid of what Jason actually was.
"I have to go soon." Michael stated, glancing out side at the fading moon. The sun was rising and he couldn't be caught with me.
"Okay. Go, I don't want you to get stuck in the sun." I said, worried.
"I'll be back soon this time. Avoid Jason at all costs, do you understand me?" He almost lectured. Only then did I really understand how dangerous this was.
"Yes. I'll do what I can." I answered.
Michael got up off of the couch and took my hand, suggesting I get up. I walked with him to my room where he tucked me into bed, as if I were a child again. "Stay safe. If you need me, you call my name. I'll come running, no matter what."
"You can't go out in the day light." I mentioned.
"Don't worry about that. I will find ways to make it to you. Just do what I ask, alright?" His hand was on my face and our foreheads almost touched. I was surprised at the closeness.
"Okay. When will I see you again?" I asked, quickly grabbing his hand so he would stay.
He smiled. "Soon. I promise. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon." He let go of my hand and exited out of the front door. I was very upset to see him go, but very relieved about everything.
I had a hard time accepting that I had a crush on a vampire, a man hundreds of years old. But what could I say? I knew I didn't like modern men.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah.. I just realized that throughout the story I've been calling Jason, James. SOOOO that's embarrassing.. But anyway, yes. Jason is James, that's my own fault. xDD LOL sorry.. Pretty sure I did that through a WHOLE chapter. I can't believe it... Lol Really sorry.. Anyway..
AkitoBlossom is getting close to the title prize!!!!
But thank you all for reading and putting up with my terrible typos xD <3 I appreciate you all. And thank you to my beautiful commenters!!!