Status: Welcome! Let's get bloody.. Updates irregular but as often as possible. [Edit 10/3/15 I know I haven't updated in months but I may or may not come back to this. Once I get a new laptop and my other stories are where they need to be I will let you all know.]

The Fools That Fall in Love

Call Out The Dead

I was stirred in my sleep at the odd crashing sounds below me, down stairs. If I hadn't known better, I'd have thought it were a robber. I wished it were a robber, rather than Jason.
I crept down the stairs, knowing that he was either screwing someone in the kitchen or just really drunk.. Or both. When I peeked into the kitchen, I realized it was both and rolled my eyes. Why couldn't all men be like Michael? More so, why did the only man to ever at least pretend to want me have to not be a man at all? I had always called him a demon but damn, that was a literal name.
"Hey thar skank! Wanna join in-mmm?" He slurred and generally screwed up his words. Oh boy.
"No, thanks. I'm going to bed. I was just wondering what the noise was." I turned to go back but he stopped me again.
"Gots-m problem with ut?" He snickered.
"Nope. Just wondering. Sorry I rudely interrupted." I apologized and went upstairs and back to bed. I cuddled into my blankets, wishing I had a real boyfriend, a good one. A vampire one.
I hook the thoughts from my head and dozed off into a light sleep until my phone rang. The song "The Opening Departure" by my best friend's band, Aiden, rang through my room, meaning it could only be one person.
"What wiL?" I answered, groggily.
"Nice way to greet a friend who just got back from London!" He laughed. They had been on tour in London and just landed. I'd forgotten I told him I'd pick them up at the airport.
"Are you here already?"
"Yeah! We've been here for 20 minutes already. You said you'd be here but you sound asleep." He laughed, knowing I'd forget before hand.
"Sorry. I'm coming." I got up out of bed and straightened up my hair and make up and put some real clothes on.
"I'd tell you that I'd find someone else but I have no one else.. So.. Yeah. Sorry."
"No problem. I'll be there soon." I hung up the phone and smiled a little, happy that I'd get to see my friend again.
I crept back down the stairs and grabbed my keys off of the table. Jason was still going at it with some skanky looking girl on the floor.
"Where you goin?" He asked.
"Airport. I have to get wiL, Nick, Jake, and Angel. I'll be back." I grabbed my coat from the closet and headed outside. I got in my car and went to the airport, blasting AFI the whole way there.
When I got to the airport I could spot my friends immediately, they were hard to miss. "wiL!" I yelled, running at him full force, knowing he'd hug me. I flung my arms around him and he just laughed and spun me around.
"Hey there stranger! We missed you!" He smiled as I let him go. I gave everyone else hugs as I told them how much I missed them. We had to loose contact when they left the states because their phone services were such crap that they couldn't call or text outside the US.
I dropped everyone off at their houses but stayed at wiL's so I could tell him all about Michael.
"I've got to tell you about something." I smiled as I took a seat on his bed. He lived in a tiny apartment, not very furnished or well kept because he was rarely there.
"Oh man. Do I even want to know?" He smiled as he sat in front of me. He turned on the stereo and played his favorite Misfits CD, quietly.
"Yes you do! You've been bugging me about getting a new boyfriend because mine is shit right?" I urged.
"Obviously." I stared at me blankly.
"I think I found someone." I whispered, as if someone else would hear me.
"Oh really?" His eyes lightened up. "Tell me all about it."
"He's taller. He has black hair. Very pale. Mysterious, rebel type. I don't know. I like him." I smiled.
"Name?" He asked. He seemed very interested.
"Michael. He's.. Different." I suggested.
The light that seemed to make his eyes glisten, seemed to turn off. That excitement or light wasn't there anymore for some reason. "How so?"
"He's.. Uhm.. You won't believe me." I admitted.
"You know you can't lie to me. Especially under Conviction oath." I smiled at him, knowing exactly what he meant. The Conviction Oath was like a pinky promise to us, except when we made such promises, we placed our left hand on his album, Conviction. We chose Conviction because of our dark history together, he knew about every detail in my life as I knew about his. That was what Conviction meant to us and that's why we couldn't lie on it.
He brought out the original copy of the album and placed it on the bed between us. I put my left hand exactly in the right spot as I spoke. "He's, well, in honest terms.. A vampire. Hear me out. He's, well, literally.. A, uhm.. Vampire. He told me all of these amazing stories about his past hundreds of years ago and all about covens and demons and war. It's incredible. And he proved it to me. I shoved a knife through his hand. I watched him. He bled out everywhere. There's probably still stains on my carpet, but it healed! It healed right there in front of me. You've got to believe me." I begged.
"You're crazy. Did you have a hallucination? Did Jason hit you over the head too hard?" He said sarcastically, examining my head.
"No! wiL! This isn't funny! Take me seriously here!" I pleaded.
"Okay. So Lydia meets lover boy, lover boy ends up to be a vampire. Reasonable, I'd say." His sarcasm was going to anger me, but he knew his boundaries.
"wiL..." I warned.
"I just want to see it. Proof."
"I understand where your coming from. I wanted it too, and I got it. But I can't show you now. It's daylight. He can't come out, he'll burn."
"So he'll literally burst into flames?" He seemed intrigued and I was worried.
"So to speak." I admitted. "How about I just relay to you what he told me?"
"Go for it." He said, almost mockingly.
So I did. I told him everything Michael told me, except for the emotional details that were really none of anyone's business except Michael's. This story seemed to change his mind a bit, I knew he wasn't fully convinced, but it was a start.
"So you haven't slept yet?" Was his first reply. I rolled my eyes and shook my head no. "Bed!" He tackled me so I'd lay down and made me stay there. "I'm tired too because jet lag sucks. Good night." And like that he was out. He was already half laying on me so I moved over so it was more of a cuddle and went to sleep. I was awfully tired.
I woke up around 5PM, wiL still passed out by my side in the least attractive way. It made me laugh, at least. I panicked when I figured out that once I got back home, Jason would be mad. Michael had told me to avoid Jason at all costs, so did that mean it would be a good idea to stay with wiL? Even though it was against my better judgement, I decided to stay, heeding Michael's warning.
wiL finally woke up arounnd 7 while I popped popcorn and sat on the couch to watch the 1931 "Dracula," starring onlt the best fakes vampire to ever walk the planet; Bela Lugosi. "He lives." I sarcastically said as he walked into the room.
"Only at night." He shot back. I had to laugh, not only at the movie pun but also at the Michael pun.
"Not funny!" I laughed, realising that I missed my vampire, even though I knew it was wrong to "claim" him as my own. I could only wish.
"I thought it was brilliant." I heard a bit of an English accent, but I wasn't surprised seeing as he'd been in London for so long.
"Oh really?" I said, impersonating a terrible English accent.
"You're mean." He smiled and sat next to me. "You are so obsessed with this vampire thing. You sure this Michael guy isn't actually you're little fantasy of a modern day Bela Lugosi?"
"Very funny. I'm sure wiL. He's real, I promise." I gave him a look that said I didn't want that kind of sarcasm about it.
"Whatever." He shook his head, still half smiling and watched the movie with me until he passed out again. Lazy bum.
I realized that it was dark and wondered if Michael knew where I was. The odd thing about that was that just as I wondered that, an unfamiliar voice came to my head that I couldn't control. "Call out the dead." I didn't understand what it mean. Call out the dead? What was going on?
"What?" I almost whispered, replying to it.
"Call out. The dead." It repeated, but in sections this time.
"I don't get it." I thought, wondering what the hell this man sounding voice meant.
"Literally. Call out. The Dead." I was starting to understand.
I remembered Michael saying something about Phil and how he can put thoughts into someone's mind. I thought it was him telling me to call for Michael because they couldn;t find me or just didn't know where I was.
I sat outside on the porch and called for Michael, as if everything was normal and I was just calling my dog back to the yard. I suddenly wished I had a dog.
Less than a minute went by until I heard a light patting sound from the woodsy area that had started to invade wiL's yard. "Lydia." I was startled by the sudden voice, but relieved when I noticed who it was.
"Michael." I smiled, turning to face him. "How did you hear me?"
"I told you. You call my name, I'll come running. I'm not human Lydia!" He laughed.
"I seem to be having a hard time remembering that.." I admitted shyly.
"So I take it you figured out Phil's little riddle to you then? Seeing as you called my name."
"I did, it took a bit but I got it." I smiled.
"I can see you've slept." He stated.
"Yeah. How'd you know?" I knew he'd give me some vampire excuse.
"You smell different when you're in different moods or atmospheres." He had a point. I always heard that was true.
"Oh. Duh." I felt a little dumb not knowing how he simply lived and survived.
"So how does a night out with me sound to you?" He smiled devilishly, but I wasn't afraid. I felt like it was one of those things that teenage girls feel when they hop on the back of a motorcycle with a guy they barely know against their mother's will. Something about it made me want to go for it and hop on that motorcycle, hypothetically of course.
"Sounds lovely." I smiled back.
"Let's go then. Be sure to leave your friend a note in case he wakes up and finds you missing."
I did as I was told and headed out with Michael, curious to see what I was about to get into.
♠ ♠ ♠
Have I ever mentioned how much I absolutely LOVE Love Ashley Purdy and SuperCassie??? I LOVE THEM TO BITS! Lol Their comments are awesome!! Thank you very much ladies!
So Sorry if this isn't so well written. I'm not on my normal computer and I'm incredibly tired. I HAD to write though, I was in a mood. Lol But thank you all for everything!! <33 It's so awesome.
Ps. The title is SO obvious!! Come on VE fans! This one is sooo easy! I pretty much just gave you all a freebie on the title game that no one has yet to win!