Demons Within

Chapter 1 Jackson Grant

The 17 year old boy sat on his bed, writing in his journal.

"Jackson!" A woman screamed from the bottom of the stairs.

"You've been awful quiet up there! You better not be writing in that journal again!" Jackson heard loud stomping up the stairs. He quickly hid the journal behind his nightstand and messed up his covers, making them look like he was lying down. He put his face in his hands and began rubbing his eyes like he was just waking up. He heard the locks on the outside of the door begin to click.

Whenever his mother had company, he locked him in his room so he didn't disturb her, but now that they were all gone, she could begin her daily rant on how much of a disappointment he was, how much she hated having to be his mother, and how she wished he was more like his brother. This happened when she was drunk, and judging by the way she was stumbling up the stairs, Jackson could tell that she was. The door flew open; Jackson could almost instantly smell the alcohol on her breath.

"You sorry piece of crap! At least make them believe you're not dead up here! How could you be so stupid?! You had all of my friends worry about you! Do you know how that makes me look as a hostess? Terrible!" The rant went on like that for a few minutes, but finally she stopped and Jackson was able to get a word in.

"I'm sorry mom, I was asleep, I had nothing else to do." He said, almost in tears. He couldn’t take much more of it. If someone were to look into his eyes, they could probably see the blue draining right from them from all the tears that he had shed.

"Nothing to do?!" His mother screamed furiously. She stomped over and grabbed a handful of his light brown hair and pulled him to his feet. The tears were falling now. She pulled him in front of the corner of the room to face a T.V. and a guitar.

"You have all this stuff to keep yourself occupied! And you tell me you have nothing to do?!" She shoved him to the ground.

"You sit right there and think about every word you just said! When I come back up, I want a full apology!" She yelled as she turned and walked out of the door and closed it behind her. Jackson wiped the tears from his face as he heard the locks clicking back shut. He was thinking, not about the words he had said, but what he's going to say when she came back up stairs. He had had enough, it was time to escape from the abuse he faced everyday.

He stood up quietly and grabbed his school back pack and emptied the books from it and stealthily walked to his dresser and picked out a few pairs of jeans and shirts, then he walked to his bed and grabbed his journal from behind the nightstand and sat down.

This is it. He wrote. Today I'm getting out of here. He shut the book and placed it in the back pack. He searched around the empty room with his eyes to see if there was anything else he could bring; there was nothing. He grabbed a small ball off of his nightstand; he would throw this ball in the air and catch it when he was in thought or couldn't sleep. It was his only comfort. He walked to the corner of the room and picked up the baseball bat that rested against the wall and held it in his hand. He smirked and grabbed it with both hands and took a huge swing at the wall, breaking through it, and making the loudest sound he's ever heard come from the room in his life.

"Jackson!" His mother screamed as he heard her storm up the stairs. The locks began to click as he took his place in front of the door, the bat hanging above his head. The door flung open and his mother stood there, speechless.

"Sup." He said as he brought the bat down onto her head with a heavy thud. She stumbled back and slammed into the wall and slid down it into a sitting position. She was knocked out cold. Jackson smirked and dropped the bat and picked up his back pack. He headed downstairs and walked into the kitchen. He grabbed enough food and water for a few days and stuffed it all into his back pack. He figured he would walk to his grandparents house and stay with them. He walked to the door and opened it. When he did, and bright white light flashed and he vanished into thin air.