Status: Co-Write

Right Place at the Wrong Time

She's A Dwelling Place For Demons

Ever since I can remember, Megan and I had been able to see spirits. Sometimes the guided us, sometimes they had messages for us, but for the most part, they just wanted attention. It was the third choice that we found ourselves facing.

We walked down the dark alley, trying to sense where this spirit had gone.

"It had to have come this way," my younger sister muttered under her breath. I closed my eyes and focused, trying to reach out to it. What I felt in return was a cold, slimy feeling that made my skin crawl.

"Megan, run!" I cried out, knowing it was too late. A second later, the windows in the wall behind us blew out, sending shards of glass flying towards us. Simultaneously, we grabbed each others hands and held our free hands out. The shards of glass stopped in mid-air before falling to the ground.

We weren't witches, but we had picked up a few protective spells along the way. In fact, I had numerous protection spells and incantations tattooed onto my body. I couldnt stress protection enough to my sister, but she was a little more rebellious than I. We took off running in the opposite direction, momentarily forgetting about the spirit we were tracking.
We emerged from the alley, only to find ourselves on a deserted street. I quickly crossed myself and my sister, clearly stating the Latin words that would send the demon who had shattered the window back to where it came. Megan grinned at me once I was finished and tugged on the arm of the sweater I was wearing.

"I found it.... this way." I rolled my eyes, but followed her anyways. I trusted my sister not to get us into too much trouble, and I would be there to protect her if she did. She led me to an abandoned warehouse. I was so intrigued by the building itself that I paid no attention to the black van parked out front... or that the door was padlocked. It didnt matter anyways, Megan led me around the back to a bunch of dirty windows.

"Evie... help me up."

"Megan, those windows have to be locked."
She smiled mischievously and pulled out a lock kit. I rolled my eyes again. Leave it to my sister to know how to pick locks. I hoisted her up the best I could and watched warily as she balanced on the window sill.

"Hand me the tools," she whispers, and I look around trying to find the lock kit she had just showed me. I found it on the ground and handed it up to her. Within seconds, the window was open and we were both inside.

"It's this way..." she said quietly. I nodded. I may not be able to see them as clearly as she can, but I can sense them just the same. Maybe even before she could see them. I grabbed her hand, leading to where I felt the spirit was waiting for us before a noise made me stop.

"Did you hear that..." she asked and I shushed her. I walked a few more feet and another noise made me stop.

"If that was you... can you make that sound again?" a voice asked. I looked to my sister and she just shrugged. That was when a light came around the corner and blinded both my sister and me.

"What the hell? Hey! You cant be in here when we're filming!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. So, my wifey and I both love GAC SO much.
Leave us love please, we're both very excited about this story <3
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