Status: Co-Write

Right Place at the Wrong Time

In Repair

When I got out of the tub, Megan was still gone. I pulled on some old sweats and threw my hair up into a messy bun. I decided to watch some television as I waited for my sister. We hadn’t been in a proper living situation in almost six months, and I had missed the luxuries of a normal life. So I wanted to enjoy this night as much as I could. And that included seeing what kind of trash was on TV. After channel surfing for twenty minutes, a knock came from the door. I stood up and crossed the room, checking the peep hole. Outside the room, Aaron and Nick stood in the hallway. I opened the door a crack and saw them both smile and relax.
“We ordered pizza. We have them all in our room,” Nick offered, smiling.
“We thought it would be a neutral place,” Aaron added.
“Is Megan already in there?” I asked, shutting the door behind me after making sure I had the key. Aaron and Nick looked at each other in surprise before looking back at me.
“You mean she’s not in your room?” Aaron asked.

I might be lying if I said my first thought was Jesus she’s probably raping Zak , but I managed to keep that to myself. Best case scenario, she was actually being nice and making a friend. Worst case scenario, she raped Zak. I managed to stifle my giggle as I followed Aaron and Nick across the hall. The smell of pizza hit me hard and instantly I started salivating. Somehow I managed to keep myself from running to the table and limited myself to two pieces of pizza. I didn’t want these people to know just how hard of a life we had been living. All that went out the window though with my reaction to the first bite of the pizza. My eyes close and I couldn’t help the satisfied moan that escaped my throat. Aaron giggled but I could feel Nick observing me intently.
“Evelyn… how long has it been since you’ve eaten?”
I opened my eyes and slowly finished chewing my mouthful. After swallowing the pizza, I took a deep breath and was silent for a minute.
“There’s nothing to be as-,” he started but I held up my hand.
“We usually find something to eat… mostly almonds, peanut… fruit. But we haven’t really had a real meal in maybe a month,” I whispered.
“How old are you?” Aaron asked.
“I’m twenty-three. I’ll be twenty-four next month.”
They looked at each other in surprise again and I couldn’t help but feel irritated.
“Listen,” I snapped, “Six months ago, I had a job, a boyfriend, and an all-around great life in Rhode Island.”
“What happened? Who are you running from?”
I looked down at the untouched piece of pizza on my plate, sighing as I realized my appetite was gone and set the plate on the bedside table before looking to the two men who were staring so intently at me. I wanted to trust them, they felt like good people. Even Zak, the asshole, seemed like good people. And we’d been running for six months. To be honest, I didn’t want to run anymore. I knew Meggie would be mad, but I just couldn’t do it anymore, she deserved better.
“Our parents were murdered six months ago. They were meddling in things they shouldn’t have been. They never believed us until recently that I could feel and Megan could see. So they wanted to see… and they wanted to feel. They wanted… they needed to understand. And the demon they contacted… it killed them. It possessed my dad… and made him kill my mom. Then made my dad kill himself. Megan and I saw the whole thing but we were powerless to stop it… it was too strong. We were the key witnesses… but one day we woke up and we were ten thousand miles from home. We don’t know what happened… but there was a full blown police investigation looking for us. We went from witnesses to suspects because of something we couldn’t control. That’s why it’s so infuriating to watch what you guys are doing… It’s not something to be meddled with.”
I took a deep breath; feeling like a huge weight had been lifted from my chest. Looking back at my pizza, I realized my appetite had returned and quickly obliged. We were silent for a minute before Aaron broke the silence.
“We want to help you.”
“What?” Nick.
“Why?” Me.
“Because that’s what we do. We help people. And I want to help you…”
I went to shake my head and say no, but that was when the door burst open to reveal a grinning Zak and my sister looking slightly timid. I didn’t like that look… I knew I wasn’t going to like what was going to come out of her mouth either.
“Evie we’re going on tour with them!”