Status: ACTIVE!!!!

The Little Girl

This Is Not How I Wanted Us To See Each Other Again

It's been a little over 3 weeks since Rage was hospitalized for what she had done. I've talked to her unconscous body when we were alone and she never once moved. I just wish she would wake up so we could be a family again. I sat there holding her hand like I hav for the past 3 weeks when there was a knock at the door.

"Come on in." I said still looking at Rage.

"Brian?" I looked over towards the door and seen Ivan and David. They walked over to her bedside and seen her state.

"Zacky call you two?" I asked.

"Yes. Why did she do this Brian? I thought she was happy?"

"I thought she was too Ivan. She's been fooling a whole lot of people." I said brushing the hair away from her face.

"Who found her?"

"Jimmy did. I asked him to go pick her up from my house so we could all go out and eat. David, did she ever do anything like this in the orphanage or with foster families?" I asked stepping away from Rage.

"She's been hospitalized several times for self inflicted wounds and trying to commit suicide."

"Oh Lord." I said rubbing my face.

~~~~~~~~RAGE'S POV~~~~~~~

All I see is darkness. There was nothing. No light no sound. I began to walk and try to find some source of light so I could see. All at once a bright light appeared before me. I walked towards the light and seen an incredible sight. There was a pearly white gate with a path made of gold. A man stood outside the gate as people walked up and then entered. I walked up to the man. He looked at me and smiled.

"I've been expecting you Rage."

"How did you knwo my name?" I asked confused.

"I know everyone. My book here tells me who goes through the gates and who goes back to their families. You are a very special young lady with so much a head of you. I do have 2 people who would like to speak with you before you go."

I looked behind him and a man and woman wearing a white robe that let their wings be revealed. I had no idea who they were but they seemed to know me.

"Rage. This is your father and your mother."

"This cant be my mom and dad. They look nothing like the parents I know." I said still a little bit confused.

"Sweetheart. The people that took care of you were my cousins. Your father and I died in a car accident a few weeks after you were born. Your uncle David is my brother. Your uncle Ivan is your father's brother. Sarah and Jacob were supposed to tell you about us when you were older. I'm sorry they didnt get the chance too. You have to go back and let Brian be your father. Brian is a great person and a wonderful friend. His band is too. I know sweety, I grew up with them." The woman said and I knew she was my mother. We looked a lot a like. The man looked a little like me as well. My real parents....I found them.

"Please Rage. Go back and live your life to the fullest. Leave what my cousins did to you and all the foster families you've been too behind. Brian, Jimmy, Johnny, Zacky, and Matt will always be there for you." The man said and I shook my head yes. The came up to me and hugged me tightly. I watched as the gates, the golden street, my parents, and the gate keeper faded away. The bright white light disappeared and the darkness surrounded me once again. I began to hear the sound of beeping and Brian's voice plus two other men talking. A dim light came into my view and I realized my eyes were open. I seen my uncles and Brian talking and I smiled.

I tried to speak but no words came out. I looked down and seen the tube sticking out of my mouth and I snapped my fingers. Brian turned around and looked at me and his eyes widened. Ivan ran out of the room and he came back in with a doctor and nurse. The doctor checked me over and removed the tube from my throat. I coughed and my throat was raw and sore. David handed me some water as the doctor and nurse left the room. I drank the water fast and it felt good in my throat. Brian grabbed my hand and held my hand.

"Brian. I'm sorry. Ivan, David? I know everything about how my real parents died. Those people who raised me were my mother's cousins." I said smiling.

"How did you know?"

"My mom told me." I said smiling. Brian's eyes were red from crying and a stray tear fell down her face. I wiped it away.

"Mom and dad told me to let you in and that's exactly what I'm going to do. I love" I said and hugged Brian tightly. Ivan and David came over and hugged me just as Jimmy, Johnny, Zacky, and Matt walked into the room. Jimmy seen that I was awake and ran over to me hugging my tightly.

"Jimmy. I'm back. I'm not going anywhere." I said smiling.

"I hope you dont." he held onto me until I flicked his nose. He pouted and I kissed his nose and then he smiled wildly.
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