Status: ACTIVE!!!!

The Little Girl

Please Get Me Out Of Here

I have been awake now for 5 days and I still havent been released. I want out of this fucking hospital! All the guys were at the studio today getting ready for their tour next month. I cant help but wonder where I'm going to be staying while they are gone. I looked over at the door and it opened revealing my uncles Ivan and David.

"How's my niece doing?" Ivan said smiling and sitting down on the bed.

"I'm good but wishing t get ot of this fucking place."

"I know how you feel. When the doctor comes by, I'll talk to him about getting you out." David said smiling and I smiled right back. We sat there talking about shit when the door opened once again. A man in a long white coat came in.

"Well Rage, I have some good news but I need your father here." the doctor said.

"We're her uncles." David said.

"I guess that could work. Well you will be leaving tomorrow and I have scheduled you to go to group therapy sessions 3 times a week for 3 weeks."

"Group Therapy? I dont think so doc. No fucking way." I said shaking my head.

"It's either go to group therapy or be placed in a facility for the mentally unstable. It's your choice."

I looked at my uncles and they had that look and I hated the look.

"I'll go to the therapy sessions. What will happen if I tell all my so called problems to these people. Will I get out sooner?" I asked and he shook his head yes.

"I'll go to the damn group therapy sessions." I said rolling my eyes. I knew I wasn going to enjoy this one bit.

"Do you have a psychologist?"

"Dr. Canon." I said reluctantly.

"He's a good one. I put you in his therapy session classes." I rolled my eyes and he left the room. I just stared at my uncles as they smiled at me. I was getting very tired and I laid my head down and fell asleep.


Thank God Im'm getting out of here. Brian was off signing papers while I got dressed in the bathroom. I came out and laid the gown down on the bed. Zacky helped me put on my shoes and we left the room. Brian joined us and we left ot go home. Tomorrow would be the damn therapy sessions at Dr. Canon's house and I was not happy about going. The bandages on my arms had to be changed tonight and in the morning before I go to the appointment. The ride home was silent as I looked out the window. The darkness that I seen was the tunnel before I went into heaven. Why did I have to find out in heaven that my parents died when I was young and their cousins were the ones who treated me like shit. I looked into the bright sky that was turning into night. The sun shone through the clouds and landed on my face. It felt like my mother had touch my face.

Why did my parents die? I was a newborn child that lost their parents on the way home. Why couldnt my uncles take care of me instead of those assholes my real parents called cousins? All those questions are unaswered and I dont even want to know anymore. The more I think about it, the more it makes me angry. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind as we pulled into the driveway. I didnt even let Brian cut off the engine before I opened the door and jumped out. I opened the door with the guys following behind me and I started up the stairs.

"Rage! Zacky has to change those before you go to bed." Brian said and I walked back down and sat on the couch. Zacky came over and sat down with new bandages and started unwrapping my arms. He pulled off the bandage that covered the deepest wound of them all and I seen it stitched up.

"This might sting a little bit Rage." Zacky said and I nodded. He took the alcohol pad and placed it on my skin. I turned my head away as he cleaned the wound. He placed a bandage on my wound and wrapped it back up. He finished up and I walked up to my room without thanking Zacky. I closed my bedroom door and laid down carefully fulling the covers over me. 10 minutes later there was a kock at my door.

"Come in." I said still laying down.

"Hey did I wake you?"

"No Zacky. Come on in." I said sitting up. He came in shutting my door and sitting down on my bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright Zacky. A little sore but nothing I cant handle." I said smiling but my smile faded away.

"Is there someting wrong?"

"No I'm just thinking." I said looking down.

"You want to talk about it?"

"I dont know. I mean I do but...I just dont know where to start. I never really talked to anyone about anything." I explained. Zacky held my hand.

"You can tell me anything and I pormise you that whatever you tell me will stay between us."

"Well, everything was really good until I was almost 6." I started and he listened to my entire story. His expressions changed with every word I said and I could tell he was really listening to me. I told him about when I saw mom doing the drugs for the first time and how I hid behind the couch with all their fights. He was really listening and it made me feel better. The weight actually did lift off my shoulders. I didnt have to worry about if anyone cared about me because I knew Zacky did. I finished my story and tears ran down my face. Zacky held me close as I cried and I fell asleep in his arms.
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please comment. I know its short but the next chapter should be a good one.