Status: ACTIVE!!!!

The Little Girl

3 Weeks Later

My therapy sessions have went really well and my friendship with Jason has grew more.I really Jason but the guys havent met him yet and they have been bugging me for weeks to have him over. I think I'll ask him over today. Brian just dropped me off at my last therapy session and Jason was waiting for me outside. I got out of the car and hugged Jason before we walked in together. We found our seats and Dr. Canon stood to speak.

"We have learned a lot about wach other over these past few weeks. Sadly this is everyone's last day but if you think you need more sessions just see me after this one. Now today since we have gotten to know each a little better, we are going to talk about our childhoods up to the present day. Then I would like you to tell us all what you plan on doing with your future. Dave please begin." Dave stood up as Dr. Canon sat and he talked. Dave had a bad childhood and he is planning on becoming a Therapist just like Dr. Canon.

Roxy used to be a good kid until her father was abusive to her and the rest of her family. Her brother even commited suicide because of him. She hopes to be a wedding planner in the future. Kasey's childhood was normal until the man she thought was her father wasnt. She didnt really like talking about the situation but she hopes to become a writer in the future. Donny's past comes back to haunt him after the death of his little sister. He dropped her when she was just an infant and he still hasnt been able to get over the death. I wouldnt be able to either. He is planning on going to college and playing pro football for the Rams. Christy's mom was a stripper who escorted and brought various men to the house when she was younger. I guess that's why she became what she was. She told us that after this session she is going to college so she can be a nurse.

Jason stood as Christy sat down.

"My childhood was great until the death of my mom. She had just picked me up from school and we were going home. She was crossing the train tracks when her car stalled and I could hear the train coming. I got out of the car and went to mom's side of the car and tried to get her seatbelt unlatched but it was stuck. When the train hit the car I was thrown back into the car. I was taken to the hospital but my mom was pronounced dead at the scene. I was in a coma for 3 months. When I was released from the hospital, I became really depressed and my father blamed me for not getting my mom out....My father killed himself a week later. I still visit my mother's grave every holiday and birthday and the day she was killed. On a positive note, I plan to go back to school and get my high school diploma and then become a laywer." I stood up and hugged him before he sat back down. It was now my turn to tell my story. I was nervous as hell.

"My childhood was filled with who I thought were my parents, not paying any attention to me." I began and they all listened as I told my story. The tears came flowing out like a dam had busted. When I finished my story the whole group of people came over and hugged me and Jason stood there the longest with me. I finally sat back down with Jason.

"Guys and girls. I hope you all stay out of trouble and find happiness. I love all of you and I want you to be safe. I'll see you all again sometime in the future." Dr. Canon walked out and Jason and I exited the building. He walked with me to the studio with us talking the whole way.

"Jason can I ask you something?" I asked haning my head and fiddling with my fingers.

"You can ask me anything."

"Alright. My dad and his friends want to meet you. " I said looking into his eyes.

"Sure no problem." I smiled and we kept walking towards the studio. We finally arrived but I stopped when we got to the door.

"Is something wrong?"

"No nothing. Just want to warn you about Matt and my dad. They are like overprotective and shit like that and I was wondering if you heard of a band called Avenged Sevenfold." I said.

"Avenged Sevenfold is badass! Why?"

"You'll see." I said and we walked in and there they were standing. Jason's eyes were huge and his jaw dropped.

"You're dad is Brian Haner?"

"Yeah." I said smiling innocently.

"Wow that's fucking awesome!" Brian, Matt, and Jimmy were looking at Jason with a sizing up face. I rolled my eyes. They sat him down and started asking him 20 questions and they seemed to approve.

"I'm going to hang out with Jason for a while. I'll be home later." I said as I was about to walk out the door.

"Hold on one minute."

"Wait for me outside." I said to Jason as he left. I came over to Brian.

"Rage. I just wanted to tell you that we approve but if he hurts you, I'll let the guys on him."

"He wont hurt me. Besides, I can take him myself." I said confidently.

"I'm sure. Now go have fun but be back home before dark."

"I will." I said and I gave them hugs and kisses before leaving. Jason and I walked to a local flower shop and he bought 2 sets of flowers. One for me and for something else.

"I'd like to stop by the cemetary. Is that alright?"

"Yeah no problem." I said as we began walking towards the cemetary. We arrived and he showed me where they were buried. He knelt down in front of both grave stones and placed flowers on the graves. I bent down and halfed my flowers and placed them there with respect. He smiled and stood helping me up and hugged me tightly. We went down to the beach and hung out for a while before he took me home.

"Can I have your number? I'll call you tonight."

"Sure." I said and he pulled a black sharpie out of his pocket and I wrote down my number on his hand and he did the same to mine. I walked into the house and into the kitchen to get a drink. The guys soon busted through the door and straight into the kitchen.

"Your home!" Jimmy said hugging me.

"Of course I am." He hugged me tighter and he had this shit eating grin on his face. A matter of fact all the guys did. I wonder what was up?

"Rage. We have something to tell you."

"What?" I questioned.

"Our tour is in 6 days and we would love to have you come along."

"Are you fucking with me Matt?" I said sternly.

"No! We talked it over with our manager and he said it was cool that you come with us."

"Fucking Awesome!!!" I practically yelled and I jumped into Brian's arms. I gave each of the guys a hug before heading up to my room. I was so excited to tell Jason!

I WAKE UP SCREAMING!!!! Blared on my phone and I answered it.


"Hey girl!" Jason said.

"Oh my god I have some wonderful news." I said excited.

"What is it?"

"I'm going on tour with Avenged Sevenfold!! I leave in 6 days!" I said almost yelling again.

"That's awesome!"

"I know right!" I said and we talked for a little while longer before I was getting really tired. We said our goodbyes and I laid back in bed. I was so excited to be going on tour with them! With all this excitement, I closed my eyes and fell right to sleep.
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please comment!

Woooo hooo! Way to go Rage! Going on tour with Avenged. Damnit only if I was touring with Avenged that would be fucking sweet as fuck!!