Status: ACTIVE!!!!

The Little Girl

Sitting Here Talking To You

My eyes opened to the dark bedroom I was sleeping in. I grabbed my phone and seen it was only 3 in the morning and no one was up. I sat up on the edge of the bed and decided I would go for a little walk to the cemetary to see Jason. I changed into some black skinny jeans and a Mettalica T-shirt. I slipped on my converse and quietly made my way downstairs. I opened the front door and closed it quietly before makig my way towards the cemetary. The walk wasnt that long and in no time I reached it. I walked through the gate and over to his grave. I'm glad Brian put his grave right beside his parents. I sat down on the ground in front of Jason's stone.

"Jason...I miss you so much man. I wish you were still here.." I said out loud. I looked at his parents graves.

"Mr. and Mrs. Melle, my name is Rage Haner. I was a dear friend to your son Jason. I wished that you both could have lived to meet me. He blamed himself for your death Mrs. Melle. He told me in our therapy group that he wished that he could have been able to get the seatbelt off of you before the train hit. I'm very sorry about what happened to you." I said talking to myself. I sat there until it started getting daylight juts talking to Jason and his parents. I told them my story and everything that happened to me.

~~~~~BRIAN'S POV~~~~~

The sun was warm on my face when I woke up. I stretched and yawned before pulling myself up and out of bed. I opened Rage's door but she wasnt there. I went back into my room and sent a text to her.

~Rage? Where are you?~

~At Jason's grave.~ Rage.

~Alright just please be back home before 9 okay. The guys are coming over.~

~I will dad.~ Rage. I closed my phone and went downstairs and started making coffee. I checked the time and it was almost 9. I heard the door open and Rage walked through the door. She came into the kitchen and sat down beside me.

"Hey girl. How long were you at his grave?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee.

"Since 3 this morning. I couldnt sleep."

"You miss him dont you." I asked.

"Yeah I do...I sat there and talked to him like I did my parents. I dont feel death anymore." She got up and walked into the living room. I started making breakfast and as soon as I finished the door flung open and the guys instantly rushed into the kitchen.

~~~~~~~~~RAGE'S POV~~~~~

I answered Brian's last text message and soon got up an walked back to the house. I opened the front door and sat down next to him at the bar. I wonder how he figured that I missed Jason? I got up and walked into the living room sitting down on the couch and turning the TV on. Not long after the smell of food was in the atmosphere of the house, the guys came busting through the door. I watched as they ran into the kitchen. I sighed loudly and went up to my room. I shut and locked the door and opened my closet door. I opened my duffle bag and pulled out a black box and set it down on my bed. I opened the top of it and looked at all the things that was in it.

I looked at a picture of my mom and dad holding me at the hospital the day I was born. I set it aside not wanting to cry. I picked up a picture of someone not even Brian knew about. I havent seen him in a good long time I never want him to show up. Me and this person had a falling out when I was 9 years old. This person left me with my, what I thought they were, parents. I never want him to show up in my life ever again. I looked through all the other things that was in my secret box before putting everything back in it and shoving it into my bag and closing the closet door.

My phone vibrated on the bed signalling a text message. I opened my phone and it was from my uncle David.

~Rage are you awake?~

~Yeah uncle David. What's up?~

~Rage...I got a call from someone this morning.~


~Your brother Gabriel.~

I paused after reading his name. Why the hell was he calling Dave?

~What the hell did he want?~

~He's coming to California...He wants to talk to you. He seemed like he wanted to make things right between you two but that's your choice.~

~Uncle Dave....what Gabriel did to me and then left, will never change how much I hate him. He comes around me, I'll beat his fucking ass. That's a damn promise.~

~I know...Just let him speak what he has to say and then if he says something you dont like then by all means beat his ass.~

~Okay okay...I'll let him speak. I wont forgive him.~

~I'm not saying you should.~

~I know.~

~I got to get ready and go to he studio and shit so I'll text you later and if he shows up today, you text me.~

~I will uncle Dave.~

~Good.~ We said our goodbyes and heard a soft tapping at my door. I got up to reveal Jimmy.

"Breakfast is ready." He said and I smiled and walked downstairs with him and into the kitchen. Brian had my plate made for me and sat down next to me. I picked up my fork and brung it to my mouth, eating the delious food. My arms were getting more mobile so I was glad when Brian didnt have to feed me. We were all eating when there was a knock at the door. I dropped my fork on the plate as Matt got up to get the door.

"Can I help you?" Matt asked.

"Yes. I'm looking for Rage Devistation." The sound of his voice made my blood boil.
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