Status: ACTIVE!!!!

The Little Girl

Please Just Leave Me Alone

I woke up and pulled myself out of bed before hopping into the shower. The hot water seemed to melt the stress from yesterday off but I still had a weird feeling. I stepped out of the shower and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a Vengeance University t-shirt. I went downstairs and no one was here so I guessed Brian already went to the studio. I didn't have anything to do so I decided to go to the beach. I went back up to my room and changed into my swim suit and put my Vengeance tank top over me with a pair of shorts. I grabbed a towel and headed down to the beach. When I arrived, I laid my towel down on the sand and took off my unnecessary clothing. I laid back on the towel and closed my eyes. A few minutes later I seen the outline of someone standing over me. I slowly opened my eyes to see Gabriel and his friends standing over me. I jumped up quickly.

"I told you I'd be seeing you real soon."

"What the hell do you want Gabriel?" I said coldly.

"I told you yesterday that I wanted to be a family again."

"And I told you that I didnt want to be a family with you anymore!" I almost yelled.

"You sure about that?" I felt something cold against my back and I seen it was a knife.

"What the hell are you trying to pull here, Gabriel? You think that if I dont agree to be a family that this idiot is going to kill me? You're fucking stupider than I thought." I said coldly while smiling.

"Jack, pack her things up. Get dressed. You're coming with us." I looked at him like he was crazy until one of his friends stuck the knife in my back almost peircing the skin. I put my shorts and top back on and followed Gabriel to his car. I reluctantly got into the car with the man who's knife was now in my side. His hair wad black and he had eyes that could kill you if you stared at him too long. The man sitting on the other side of me had brown hair with black streaks and had blue eyes. I looked down at my hands as Gabriel drove me to where ever. I wasnt staying here and if he thought that Brian and the guys werent going to come after me, he was all wrong. He stopped the car in front of a huge house. I didnt know who this house belonged too and I certainly didnt think Gabriel could afford a house like this.

The men dragged me out of the car and brung me into the house setting me on the couch. I felt my phone vibrate so I pretended to stretch. I looked at the men.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Gabriel looked at me and nodded. The guys dragged me into the bathroom and shut the door and locking it from the outside. I opened my phone and seen a text from Brian.

~Where are you?~

~Brian...Gabriel came for me!~

~What?! Where are you?~ Brian.

~I have no idea. I was at the beach and he came and got me with these guys. I need you to find me. We passed a huge farm with Peach trees.~

~I know exaclty where you are. I'm getting the police and I'll be over there in no time. Turn your phone on silent and keep it hidden.~ Brian.

~I will. See you soon and please hurry.~ I sent the message and put my phone into my bra with the screen pointing at my skin. The door opened and I flushed the toliet and the man grabbed my arm pulling me bakc to the couch.

"Baby sister. What on earth are we going to do with you?"

"You can fucking let me go." I said sternly.

"Oh no sis. I cant do that but I can let my men have a little bit of fun with you."

"Dont you dare!" I yelled.

"Oh I wont right now. You do something I dont like, I'll kill you myself." He grabbed my chin. I moved my head out of his grip. I swear if looks could kill, all of them would be dead.
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I know its short but it get interesting in the next chapter. It should be up later today.